* [[:games:sc13|Return to the SC13 Main Page]] * [[:games:sc13:crew_positions|Return to the SC13 Crew Positions Page]] ====== Revolutionaries ====== * Alt. Titles: Revs * Access: Whatever the revolutionary had at round start/conversion, or can acquire. * Difficulty: Medium to Hard * Supervisors: Head Revolutionaries * Duties: Convert crew members, kill or exile heads of staff * Guides: This is it Have you been recruited to be a Head Rev as a ghost, and arrived on the arrivals shuttle with a backpack full of guns dressed as a Cargo Tech? You are a member of a Revolutionary Squad! Did you latejoin the game as normal, but suddenly became a Head revolutionary? You are the Provocateur! Three Syndicate agents disguised as crew members are inciting station-wide rebellion against the Heads of Staff! These Revolutionaries conspire to overthrow the Heads of staff, whether through bloodshed or banishment. Red October Before any of this can happen, first there must be at least 15 people ready to play as soon as the round starts and 3 of them being Heads of Staff. Not merely 15 people on the server, 15 people who have joined the server before the round started and have chosen the "Declare Ready" option with at least 3 of them getting selected for Head of Staff roles. 15 or more people doesn't guarantee that Revolution will be the antagonist, but it does make Revolution one of the possible antagonists chosen for the roundstart, similar to Blob. The number of head revolutionaries scales with how many people are readied up on roundstart, with the maximum being 4 head revolutionaries if there are 54 people ready on round-start. At roundstart, up to four crew-members are randomly chosen to be Head Revolutionaries, denoted by a Blue R icon only they and other revolutionaries can see. (Said Head Revs cannot be Heads or Security Staff, but considering that antag selection happens before job selection, this is a given.) These Head Revs can use flashes to instantly recruit non-Command, non-Security staff who are not wearing suitable eye protection to their cause, making them a Revolutionary, denoted by a Red R icon only the revs can see. Together, these Head Revolutionaries and their Revolutionary underlings must overthrow the Heads of staff, whether through death or banishment. Meanwhile, the station crew and its heads must crackdown on the rebellion and eliminate the Head Revolutionaries through any means necessary. There are only two ways this can end: Revolutionary Victory: All the Heads of staff that spawn at roundstart have either died or "abandoned the cause" (left the station z-level). Heads that join after roundstart DO NOT COUNT. Crew Victory: Same deal but with the Head Revs, all the Head Revolutionaries either died or "abandoned the cause" (left the station z-level). In this case, "dead" means being, well, dead (lifeless corpse, not cloned/revived, and such). If they are converted into a Cyborg or become a MoMMI, they still count as dead, though the post-round summary still notes them as survived for whatever reason. There's also a bug where if someone's gibbed while still alive they don't count as dead. Please kill people before gibbing them to ensure you do not bug the round. Note that, similar to Blob, the shuttle CAN be called while the Revolution is still ongoing and though the timer will count down and the shuttle will dock as usual, the shuttle won't take off just like in Blob. The Third Estate Congrats, you are part of a brainwashed cell of provocateurs an elite force of freedom fighters, sent to free the crew from the tyranny of the Command staff! Unlike other groups & individuals with similar goals, your power springs not from the barrel of a gun, but persuasion. When you use a flash, any flash, on a single target who isn't a Head of staff or Security and doesn't have some form of eye protection (e.g. a welding mask, shades, a space helmet, etc.), you instantly convert them into a Revolutionary in your mission to kill the Heads of Staff. For the record, the flash's area of effect stun doesn't convert people, but it can still disorient them to help you rev people en-masse. At the start, the head revolutionaries are otherwise indistinguishable from ordinary crew members; you can use any flash to convert people, not just the one you start with. To use another flash, simply click on it while it's in your hand. You'll get a short message about its brainwashing sequence being activated. Only you will get this message. You Have Nothing if you Have No Rights The first couple minutes of the round are when the Revolution is the most vulnerable. At roundstart, it's just you and the Head Revs versus up to six Heads of Staff, up to five Security Officers and perhaps a Detective and Warden, and the crew that serve them, all of whom are more than willing to crush you if they discover a revolution onboard. You need to turn the numbers advantage around by converting as many people as possible. Whichever method you take, try to convert people when they're isolated or when you're confident you can quickly convert any witnesses; if there's a Security Officer, Head of Staff, or someone in the same room as you who might run away, it's often wise to look elsewhere for recruits. Getting caught is especially risky this early, because while the players are generally surprisingly oblivious to what constitutes as revolutionary activity, they often perk up upon news of the presence of revolutionaries, because they know that the revolution affects everyone from the isolated Vox Trader to the center-of-attention Captain. The Heads of Staff often become especially paranoid, because they know that their lives are at stake. In fact, many Head Revs before have failed and found themselves dead at 12:15 because they were caught early and thus swiftly crushed by a far more capable Command and Security team. If you do find yourself getting caught, put on a mask or face-concealing helmet (e.g. a space helmet) and remove your ID so people don't recognize you. Doing so makes you show up as "Unknown", though speaking will still reveal your name. Better yet, wear it before you flash and convert people. Helmets are preferred, since the experienced players tend to distrust Unknowns in gas masks more than Unknowns in other garb. It also conceals your hair, one of the main ways a perceptive Security or Head will recognize you. Hiding is not recommended, because, again, people tend to extra alert during Rev rounds and rarely drop their guard. Also, if you were outed in the middle of a conversion, finish the job since it's better to have an ally who'll help you rather than run and have a vengeful victim out who will most likely alert other people. Remember, you are not replaceable. There is no way to promote regular Revolutionaries into Head Revolutionaries and regular Revs can't use the flash to convert people. Stand Beside Us, for the Struggle Carries On Try not to be too overt when converting. During a conversion, the flash makes a rather distinct sound that an attentive crewmember can notice and will probably mention on the radio. While most players generally love being revolutionaries, said players don't love others suddenly running up and getting close to them, due to the classic spaceman stigma towards sleepy pens, death stings, and other silent but deadly attacks that entail violating people's personal space. If you're not robust enough to quickly walk up to someone and flash them or have a particularly twitchy recruit, you may need to slow/hold them down briefly for conversion. A flash is fine for this, for you can use it in-hand for an area-of-effect disorient that'll slow targets down for conversion; you still don't need eye protection either. Even some Tool Storage bolas (cable bolas with two battery packs used as weights) or shoving them can work in pinch; it'll stagger them for a couple seconds, slowing them down and preventing them from sprinting away from you. Comrades, Come Rally, Come Greet the Dawn and Stand Beside Us By this point you should have a small squad of Revolutionaries roaming the halls, making gang signs and committing minor crimes in your name. By this point you can afford to get a bit more picky about who you focus on converting. Every crew member you convert over to the revolution helps, but some of them will help a lot more than others: Cargo can order more loyalty implants, preventing people from becoming revs. You definitely don't want people to stay on the Heads' side, so you might want to convert them just to shut down the Heads' anti-rev implanting. Otherwise, cargo is a mixed bag. Their open-floor single-room workspace makes a great base of operations, but anything they can do through their crates, other jobs can do better. However, if you get a hold of an emitter a Security ID, you can open the Security crates, so you can get lots of fun stuff - armor, security gear, guns, and special grenades. Mechanics can scan and reliably equip your revolutionaries with a number of deadly weapons (no particular mention to a Circular Saw aimed at the feet ligaments), including some Security Officer equipment. Combined with a Miner to provide regular shipments of materials, Mechanics can churn out hordes of weapons to arm your revolutionary party and balance out the equipment advantage of the Heads of Staff. They may even be able to stand toe-to-toe with the Security forces. Scientists and Chemists have access to Research, Chemistry, Toxins, and Telescience. A good revolutionary scientist, like a Traitor scientist, is a force to reckoned with, and their destructive potential is rivaled only by a fellow scientist. Revolutionary scientists can manufacture devastating weapons, blow their way into Command hideouts, make drug mixes to laugh off Security's tide of bullets, and forcefully beam those pesky heads of staff far, far away from the station. Geneticists can empower even the most unrobust of jobbies into superpowered X-Men. X-Ray Vision is always handy, Remote View to find the Heads, Farsight and Chameleon can aid in ambushes, and even Super Fart can be surprisingly useful. Bartenders, Botanists and Chefs can be far more robust than expected by their service work. Bartenders have roundstart access to an armour vest and a shotgun, which can be used to blitzkrieg an unprepared Head after replacing the beanbags with slugs or buckshot. A good plantwizard can make huge stocks of plants that hit stronger than an esword, medical plants that outheal chemical mixes, nitroglycerin for high explosives and more. Finally, chefs tend to be trusted throughout the round unless poisoning is obvious and blatant. If the chef can get his hands on some Chef's Special Sauce (4u) or Alpha-Amanatin (6u), a poisoned donut or burger is a guaranteed death sentence after a few minutes. Clowns and Mimes. Fear the clown or frenchman mime with no self preservation and a bone to pick. And So Begins the Final Drama Rule #1 of Revolution: Don't stop converting. Your comfortable amount of converts depends on crew size and your personal preferences. Some people like 15, some more experienced players can make do with just 10 or even 5. A few godly-robust people can work with just their metafriend or even lone-wolf it and kill all the heads by themselves. It's not entirely unreasonable; a traitor with two Greytide implants can wreak plenty of havoc already. This is one of those situations where more is more. Even on a prime-time round with 40 players, 15 revs is a lot of people. It's simply hard to lose with that many faceless goons at your side. It's time to kill the Heads. Once again, you've plenty of options: Rat-pack all the Revs on the Heads, and maybe Sec too, playing the numbers advantage. Simple, and by far the most common, but it works, especially if you wait to get a huge group so you have a favorable ratio of targets-to-revs. Gather an elite, highly equipped hit-squad of some particularly robust Revolutionaries and go search for each Head one by one, granting them a Suitably Poetic Fateā„¢. Think along the lines of a (one-way) trip to the asteroid for the Research Director or a good old harmbatonning for the Head of Security. Set up an ambush in the Bar, Chapel, or whatever and ask a Head to come to there under the guise of a "haircut" or a "party" or an "emergency meeting". Break into the AI Upload, add a law ruling that the Heads of Staff are nonhuman, and order the AI and Cyborgs to eliminate all the non-humans. Ideally, borgify some revs to aid in the purge or, for a delicious twist of fate, Heads who've already died. There are many different approaches, but they all have the same results: Dead Head if they're successful, dead Head Rev if they're not. We Defy Their Guns and Shields So the tyrants have finally caught on; the Heads of Staff and Security team know there's a revolution going on and now they're passing out loyalty implants and screeching at Cargo to order more of them before they can waste it on something more dangerous. Ideally, they'll only realize this after you've converted most of the crew into revolutionaries and have decided to sic them on their former masters, but more often than not, it's probably because someone saw you convert a guy and ratted you out. What can you do? You have multiple options for disrupting the loyalty implant supply chain. Ideally, when (not if) the Heads start ordering implants, you'll have converted the cargo workers over to your side, ensuring their requests go on deaf ears. If not, do everything in your power to shut down Cargo, like cutting the wires to the APC for the Cargo Bay, blowing the place up, or deconstructing the consoles. One particularly powerful strategy is to explode the cargo shuttle to space the place and make it uninhabitable, ideally far enough that nobody will notice until it's too late. Whatever strategy you take, do it as soon as possible; Cargo is so valuable to the counter-revolution that sabotaging it nearly always ensures a revolutionary victory and not sabotaging it nearly always ensures a crew victory. For Respect Makes the Empires Fall If more than 50% of the crew has been recruited to the cause, Nanotrasen will notice the revolutionary activities and send a very obvious announcement and music album to the entire station. If you somehow managed to keep the Heads off your ass until now, be aware that them and everybody else will now start actively hunting for you. For Though They Offer us Concessions, Change Will Not Come from Above! Rev.png Welcome to the Revolution! As one of many brainwashed and mentally ill left-wing sheep fellow freedom fighters against tyranny, you are a key force in the Spacer War of Liberation. Your duties are simple yet vital: obey your leaders, the Head Revolutionaries (the ones with a blue R above their heads, remember), recruit other crew to the revolution, and overthrow the tyrannical Heads of staff, whether by peaceful means or with extreme prejudice, and any Security personnel that get in the way. How exactly, you may ask? One way to is to "convince" other crew members to join the cause. Robust new recruits and bring them to the Head Revolutionary for conversion. Procure arms and gear for fellow soldiers. Break into the AI Upload and subvert Big Brother over to your side! Or just build loads and loads of TTVs and chemical bombs. You might use them, you might not. The Revolution will be stronger in either case! So long as you take care not purposely to kill your leader or another comrade (seriously, adminhelp that if it happens, that type of shit is round-ending), do whatever you need to enforce the will of the revolution. Sure, you might not be the best one for the job. You and your comrades may not be particularly robust. You may not be the most knowledgeable. You may not even know what you're doing at all. But you don't have don't to be! With the magical iron bondage of WORKER FRIENDSHIP, you can overcome anything. If friendship can triumph over horrible alien shape-shifting assimilators, giant ravenous mold, armed mercenary strike teams, and supernatural beings of inscrutable power, then it can surely triumph over a bunch of guys in suits with fancy toys and their gang of redshirt thugs. And remember: even when the Man's locked you up, it's NEVER over. The revolution doesn't stop when you or the head revs are imprisoned. Only when the last revolutionary, head or not is down does the crew truly win. You can take advantage of this if the head revs are all killed and the centcomm message is sent. People tend to assume that means the revolution is over and relax, which is the perfect time for your cell to finish the job the heads couldn't. The Second Estate Crew Note: This also applies to deconverted revolutionaries and loyalty-implanted crew. For the most part, your allegiance still lies with the Heads of Staff. You're still crew that exists to serve and protect the Heads of staff and should cooperate with Security and other loyalist crew members to crackdown on the Revolution and eliminate the Head Revolutionaries. Remember, you pledge your allegiance to the company, not the revolution. Revs are your enemy! You should not intentionally or knowingly assist them beyond the normal scope of your job or attempt to join them, and if you have a loyalty implant you should not attempt to remove it. That last one's actually against the rules. If you are witness to any revolutionary activity, especially attempts on the Heads' lives, stop it by any means. If anybody tries to convert you, you have to right to resist and act in self-defense as with any other antagonist. Security Whether you're an Officer, the Detective, or the Head of Security yourself, you're also allied with the Heads. Assist them in quashing the revolution. Help them implant crew and deconvert revolutionaries. Put on your SecHUDs too; people who have loyalty implants have a green square above them so you can easily tell who has and hasn't gotten an implant. When you've deconverted somebody, it's a good idea to ask them who converted them over to the revolution and whether or not they were a Head Rev. Hopefully you'll get the name / description of either a Head Revolutionary to pbrig (on meta) / execute / exile. From there, you can set them to arrest, ask the AI to constantly PM you their location, and all the other lovely things involved with chasing a crimer. In addition, you should take down and detain anyone who tries to stun and convert crew members. Even if you don't hear any flashing, it'll be incredibly obvious the man waving a lightbulb in front of people he's dragging into a maintenance shaft is up to no good. In the absence of more civilized implants, you may have to beat the revolution out of the crew by unaliving all of them. Yes, police brutality is acceptable for this situation. However, it won't prevent them from just getting revived to become a Revolutionary again. If you decide to pursue this rather brutal method you may want to make public your intentions. This applies to anyone attempting this method, but it's more important for Security because Security beatdowns are more harshly scrutinized than ones from other jobs for a multitude of social reasons. The revolutionaries have free reign to cause chaos. As a non-antag, you don't. A revolution is not a good reason to immediately start killing everyone you see or ordering people to, especially if they are just minding their own business and aren't actually trying to kill you. In fact, people have been banned for doing so before. It may seem unfair but if Security and the Heads are still organized you don't really need to go full Commando to win back the station from the revs. Again, your general goal is to protect the Heads. If you're not busy implanting or deconverting people, don't be afraid to offer yourself as a bodyguard. It'll help them feel safer and thus less likely to make questionable decisions. Not to mention, they'll have safety in numbers just like the Head Revs do. Revolutionaries often attack in packs. The Dogs of War The Heads have a tough road ahead of them. The revolutionaries will nearly always outnumber you, and generally the only thing standing between you and the bloodthirsty hordes of revs is your own competence. Whether you'll end the round covered in the blood of your subordinates or covered in your own blood will largely depend on your wits, resourcefulness, and proactiveness. Be vigilant. Keep a eye out for signs of revolutionary activity, such as random flashings without any further violence or people following you in a circular manner in the halls. If you sense such signs, try getting the AI or Security team to investigate. When you've solid evidence of mutineers among the crew, meet with other heads in somewhere safe and access-restricted, such as the Brig. At the very least, notify other heads over the Command frequency :h. For this reason, feel free to recruit the AI into the counter-revolution. They have eyes over most of the station, so they can see where suspicious flashings and attacks on Heads are occurring and track down the culprits. If you're especially fearful for your life, you might want to ask a Security Officer or two to be your bodyguard. After all, that is their job. If there unfortunately aren't any, you could ask a fellow Head or someone you trust to accompany you. Anger is More Useful Than Despair But, just as important as being vigilant, is being active! Revolutionary rounds are much more exciting for everyone if the Heads and Security go out and actually try to deconvert revs rather than hide out in space in a metal box with a bag full of air cans. With active Heads, Revolutionary becomes what it was meant to be: not a single-sided steamroll of Revolutionaries curb-stomping pitifully outnumbered Heads, but a station-wide clash of Heads/Security-aligned and Revolutionary forces. Plus, it's truly in your best interests to deconvert rather than hide. Every person you deconvert and give an implant to is one less person for the revolution and one more person (hopefully) protecting you. Your power only grows for everyone you implant. If you hide, the revolution's power only grows as they convert/kill everyone who can protect you. When you deconvert someone you'll get a very obvious message along the lines of: Grey O'Tide looks like they just remembered their real allegiance! Anyone brainwashed and crazy enough to lead a revolution in the first place will be completely resistant. If someone seems especially resistive to your deconversion attempts, there's a good chance you've found a Head Revolutionary. As such, you may wish to consider alternative treatments. After you deconvert someone, ask them who converted them. If they're willing and can remember (or can just dig through their message logs), you'll get a name, or at least some identifying features, of either a Head Rev to jail / banish / kill. Keep deconverting revs for the other names and you'll be well on the way towards purging the station of the revolution. Loyalty implants are also far more reliable at finding Head Revs than the other methods. If you implant someone, and they become stunned and the implant falls out and you get message along the lines of: Prof. Voecatur seems to resist the implant. Then you can be 100% sure you've found a Head Rev, because these things only occur when you try to implant a Head Rev. Not loyal crew, not Revolutionaries, just Head Revolutionaries. Furthermore, since the implant falls out, Head Revs can't exploit their immunity to loyalty implants by deliberately implanting themselves and pretending to be an implanted crew member. Hearts and Minds Implant everyone you suspect to be a rev. And you should suspect everyone who isn't Security to be a rev, so be generous and implant everyone you see! But you aren't like a Head Rev, your implant supply is limited, so you can't just run around implanting everybody like they do. Target people like the cargo workers, the Mechanic, robust players, basically anyone the Head Revolutionaries would like on their side. Again, everyone who gets a loyalty implant is one less person for the revolution. The First Estate Revolutionaries are humans, albeit humans peculiarly inclined towards anti-authoritarianism (more than usual). Under default Asimov, you shouldn't follow any orders that would directly lead to revolutionaries being harmed. At the same time, you shouldn't follow any orders that would directly lead to non-revolutionaries being harmed either. Since the revolutionary conversion process is fined-tuned to specific quirks of human anatomy, you cannot be converted to the Revolutionary cause. You have a lot of freedom in how you'll intervene in this conflict. The most important thing is just to follow your laws. The revolutionaries haven't shown any sign of going for either the good "dump them on the 'roid" route or the bad "kill the bastards" route, so you're not exactly law-bound to prevent pro- or anti-revolutionary activity. In fact, it's completely within your laws to do absolutely nothing about it and carry on business as normal. Use your own judgement. If you're unsure if something is within your laws (it's probably not), the Adminhelp never disappoints. While AIs and Cyborgs can certainly put the clamps down on the revolutionaries, it is considered somewhat unfun to do that early in the round, especially if you are not specifically ordered to do so. Rather, you're encouraged to, with some ounce of subtlety, notify the crew. In this way, you let the Heads, Crew, and Security (hopefully) get a clue of what's really going on while still allowing the revolutionaries time to build up. In a sense, you're giving everybody time to prepare and gather some momentum. ----- Revolutionary Jump to navigationJump to search ENEMY STAFF Fellow or Contender. Fellow or Contender. Access: Depends on your starting role. Qualifications: Not defined Employers: Not defined Supervisors: Head Fellow or Head Contender. Duties: As the Fellow you should first try to think up an agenda (Objective or gimmick) to aim for, and try to get the Crew onboard with it. As a Contender, your primary job is to stand against the Fellows and their plan, and try to get the Crew to stand against them as well, as noisily as deemed necessary. Guides: This one currently. Revolution (aka "Rev") is a game mode centred around a crew movement and counter-movement turning often bloody. In it, certain members of the crew (Head Fellows/Contenders) start out with the goal of recruiting other crew members and beginning a Crew takeover of the Station. The opposite of a Fellow is a Contender which exists with the primary purpose of thwarting the fellows agenda. You're given one free announcement to make as if you're Central Command. Use it wisely. your opposite gets the same, but if they use it to cancel out your own, you should ahelp (F1).Note that it must be proper and believable. Extended skillset - You have no enhanced skills, you do this with the knowledge of your character (And maybe a little more if you can justify it). Contents 1 Overview 1.1 The Fellowship 1.1.1 Fellowship Agenda Ideas 1.2 The Contenders 1.2.1 Contender Motivation Ideas 1.3 Motivations 1.4 Proper Announcements 1.5 Converted Crew 1.6 Heads of Staff 1.7 Station Staff Overview Movement Leaders (of which there will be one to three) start with a single announcement. Fellow/Contender Leaders can convert people by right-clicking on an adjacent individual and using the appropriate verb, which will provide a popup prompt. They can also access the verb in their special abilities area. When someone chooses to convert, they will have a red/blue f/C over their head to identify them as an ally to your cause. You will have to be persuasive to win people over, good luck. Remember that you won't have free access to weaponry without people on the inside. However, there are ways to make your own. Reminder; you're given one free announcement to make as if you're Central Command. Use it wisely. Note that it must be proper and believable or people won't follow it. The Fellowship You have a hard job ahead of you. Convincing the Crew to join your cause is not an easy task, it takes a lot of force, a lot of manipulation, or a lot of persuasion. Each movement leader can have their own agenda, but you should work together in your operations as best as you can, there is little hope for success if you don't. You should coordinate your announcement and efforts to push your movement in your own way, that is what makes a good revolution round. Don't be afraid to coordinate with the Contenders in AOOC as well about your agenda and what they should be opposing. Good luck! Reminder; you're given one free announcement to make as if you're Central Command. Use it wisely. Note that it must be proper and believable. Fellowship Agenda Ideas You might be unhappy with the direction of NanoTrasen and corporations as a whole, desiring Biesel to be returned to the control of the people. You might think that the Phoron reserves of the Romanovich Clouds are being exhausted and soon a great scarcity will befall all of Galactic civilization if NanoTrasen doesn't start conserving the supply and mining it more efficiently. You might be appalled with how NanoTrasen is treating other Corporations in Tau Ceti space and seek to end the monopoly in Biesel. You might simply seek better working conditions for Xeno Species, counter to the ones provided by NanoTrasen currently. You might see the general operations of the Aurora as abysmally inhumane, and seek to put an end to how it's run as a whole. You might believe NanoTrasen is hiding things from you and the galaxy at large, and have discovered one of their biggest secrets -- That they have a nuke hidden on the NSS Aurora. The Contenders Similar to the Fellowship before you, you exist in parallel to them. Your job as a movement leader in the round is primarily to oppose the agenda they've laid out and drive conflict in the narrative ICly. You should try to convince the Crew to oppose their goals and try to form a resistance against them. Don't be afraid to coordinate with the Fellows in AOOC as well about the way you want to start out your opposition, you're only opposing them ICly, OOCly, you're both driving an entertaining round. Good luck! Reminder; you're given one free announcement to make as if you're Central Command. Use it wisely. Note that it must be proper and believable. Contender Motivation Ideas You might believe the fellows are gearing up to overthrow the company that has by and large been there for you and the rest of Tau Ceti through thick and thin. You might expect unruly elements to be behind the Fellowship forming, and have doubts to their sincerity. You might hope to curry favor with NanoTrasen, and get a raise after this is all said and done. You might plan to counter this movement and use the power you've gained by doing so to try to stage your own uprising against NanoTrasen. You might believe the Fellowship has been formed for misguided reasons, and seek to put an end to it on that basis, through varying means. You might simply be biased against the ones leading this Fellowship and seek to put an end to it. Motivations Remember that your particular agenda in this can be up to you. There are many ways you can go about spreading your cause and the reason behind it. It's a spot where creativity shines. Try bribery - Go get some funds from the ATM, and set about trying to pay off those with questionable loyalty. Offer them contracts outside of NT if something goes wrong. Others can be persuaded by convincing them that they can get a promotion themselves out of this, as long as they remember who they owe the favor to... Give people reasons to think they can change NanoTrasen by doing this! Explain to them what their work is contributing to-- And convince them that it's nothing good, rake muck! Give personal blackmail, true or false out, on the Heads of staff. Maybe they already have a chip on their shoulder regarding some of command. Were they treated poorly, or perhaps it's something more petty? Consider it also an excellent RP oportunity to get you out of your workplace. None of this is foolproof, and remember-- People can most assuredly betray you! It's heavily recommended you try to personalize your approaches-- Convincing often fails. Try not to get caught lying to two different people as to your intentions! They might turn on you, to the Fellowship, the Contenders, or even just to the unaligned Station Command. Proper Announcements Each movement leader is given one free announcement to make as if they're Central Command. Use it wisely. Note that it must be proper and believable. Making a Central Command Announcement that declares you Captain or commands Security to throw out the armory is bad form and will have your announcement ignored by the Station at large, be careful and reasonable. As a Fellow/Contender, you are Antagonists who are meant to drive the story. Escalation of conflict still applies to you. Your announcement must be concise, within the realm of possibility and reason and be of sound structure and language considering you're posing as Central Command. Wasting the announcement is in violation of the server rules. Converted Crew For whatever reason, good or bad, you have turned to one of the movements. You should keep in mind the Agenda that lead you to join, and your character could actively use it to rile up their friends. Be sure to remind your movement leaders' of their promises. You will have to work together as a team to see this through, and Good luck. Heads of Staff You may receive some announcements from Central Command through the Head Fellow/Contenders. How you handle this can vary for your character, however, being needlessly suspicious of the announcement and refusing to follow it for nonsensical reasons is against the rules. You are expected to follow the announcement if it's within reason. Use the F1 hotkey to contact ingame moderation during the round if you're unsure. Additionally, you may find yourself assigned as one of the leaders of the two teams, in that case, you should try to make sure that the Crew follows the announcements as laid out where reasonable, even by the opposing team. This is for the good of the round and everyones fun, afterall. Station Staff As a member of the general staff, Revolutionary rounds should be treated very similarly to every other round. if you see a Crewmember attacking another, you should do as your character would, likely to try stop them or report it to Security. Remember that mutiny and terrorism are still things you should avoid unless your leaders deem them necessary and your sense allows.