* [[:games:sc13|Return to the SC13 Main Page]] * [[:games:sc13:crew_positions|Return to the SC13 Crew Positions Page]] ====== Raiders ====== Raiders must secure resources from the station through stealth, infiltration, or coercion and make a clean getaway in their shuttle. The list includes but is not limited to: * Engineering equipment, such as: * The supermatter shard * The particle accelerator (the entire thing) * Weapons and other assorted items * The station's nuke * Members of the crew * Body parts and organs =====Your Directives===== The purpose of a Raider squad is to cut costs and conserve resources. A raiding party should take special care not to cause severe damage to the station or kill any crewmen. Violence garners attention, and it's more affordable to avoid said attention than quash it with bribery later on. If you piss off a crew that outnumbers and outguns you, it is advised that you complete your objectives quickly and bail the fuck out as soon as possible. In layman's terms: DON'T GET KILLED. DON'T WASTE SHIT OR FUCK AROUND. DON'T GIVE THE MARINES AN EXCUSE. =====The Heist===== What the syndicate has tasked you to steal will vary from round to round, but it will likely include some high tech items and maybe even crew members, nukes or the particle accelerators. They might not be easy to fence, but your employers can make good use of them. =====Gear===== Your ship comes loaded with some low-tech weaponry that favors the raider's affinity for stealth, as well as a few gadgets borrowed from the Syndicate. * Dart Gun: Comes loaded with tranquilizer darts that inject either sleep toxin or chloral hydrate. Valuable tool for incapacitating crewmen you need to kidnap and avoiding detection. Each dart is only enough to knock out your target for about a minute, so use them wisely. Extra cartridges can be found on the Vox trading outpost. * Powered Crossbow: Fires super-heated metal rods that are much more effective after the weapon charges (which takes a few seconds). It is an incredibly potent tool, capable of flinging targets into space or pinning them to adjacent walls. * Cryptographic Sequencer: The famous e-mag. Anything Traitors can do with it, you can do. * C4: The same plastic explosives that Traitors can buy. Place it on a wall, set the timer, then wait for it to go boom. * Armor: Heavy duty armor tailor made for raiders. Extremely useful when your cover is blown and stealth is no longer an option. * Taser Gun: It's a taser, it stuns people. * Chameleon Projector: Disguise yourself- a bunch of raiders in ridiculous costumes tend to show up like a sore thumb. * Agent ID Card: Use it to copy accesses you need. * Organics Extractor (AKA Organ Extractor, OE) - When used on an incapacitated or dead human, extracts the desired organ after 15 seconds. Clicking it lets you select a different organ to remove. LEARN THIS DEVICE, OR YOU WILL HAVE A DIFFICULT TIME ON ORGAN EXTRACTION MISSIONS! =====The Skipjack===== The greatest tool in the raider's arsenal is their ship, colloquially known as the Skipjack. It has the ability to travel to various parts of the ship's z-levels, allowing the raiders to stay mobile and avoid the crew. There is a cooldown in between jumps. In the central room of the Skipjack you'll find racks filled with various weapons and suits. The port wing of the craft houses tanks of various gases while the starboard wing is home to a crude medbay complete with cryo and a cloning pod. The two wings have airlocks which allow for easy access. Bear in mind that anyone can open them, including your enemies. =====Tips and tricks===== * Pretend to be traders by stealing some inane shit nobody cares about and trading that for your objectives. This rarely works anymore. * Tranq darts don't pierce exosuits. Use your crossbow to pin them to a wall or send them flying out of an airlock. * Tell the silicons that you mean no harm. If they don't comply, you always have your EMP grenades and ion rifles. * Don't take hostages unless you have to as one of your objectives. They're more trouble than they're worth, and can quickly escalate things. * If you must take hostages (e.g. as an objective), be sure to remove their radios and disable their suit sensors. The latter can lead to half of Security warping directly on top of you if Telescience can get a bead on their suit sensors. * C4 is a quick and dirty way of breaching secure areas. Use it with discretion. * You can pull objects through space with a jetpack activated. This includes people and lockers. * There is a cloner on the ship. Use it to handle any casualties. It's also a good idea to back up your DNA with it on round start. * The ship parks close to solar arrays. If you lose it just check the solars. If it isn't there it is either on the mining outpost or back at base. * Watch the singularity should you park your ride below engineering. If it breaches containment, you can kiss your ship, your job, and your ass goodbye in that order. * On organ extraction missions, MAKE SURE everyone brings an OE and knows how to use it. =====Ya Blew It===== If one of your fellow raiders spaced themselves without a jetpack and you have no means of contact or finding them, you could easily botch the operation. Losing the skipjack or having one of your teammates gibbed by the crew will cost you your game. If you can't complete your objectives, an active admin will probably spawn a new antagonist that is more competent. So, what in the fuck do you do now? Here are some suggestions: * End your heist early (assuming you still have access to your skipjack) by heading back to mother base. This isn't fun at all. * Make up your own objectives. Steal shit and huddle them in a nest somewhere, like the Trading Post. Maybe you can sell all that armory gear back to them. * Deal with it. You lose the skipjack, you lose your way back home. The only place you can turn to at this point is the ever-so-hostile place you've been raiding, your hit-listed target. With a little luck, you could persuade the Captain or the Head of Personnel to take you in and find honest work on the ship/station/colony. ---- Access: Only public Qualifications: Not defined Employers: Not defined Supervisors: Your employers, or no one Duties: Steal from the vessel, cause havoc or trade. Guides: This one here Raiders are most likely going to target the SCC's finest vessel the SCCV Horizon. Conjure up new gimmicks and give your team an end goal. Drive the story! Some lore articles talk about groups of pirates! Be creative! Read the exploitable information on your uplink... some people have information about their past on there that warrants Pirates. Raiders initially don't have any Tele-crystals to use spawning in. Raiders should use their story to secure particular resources from the station, by gifts, trades, or theft and then make a quick getaway in their shuttle. The list includes but is not limited to: Resources (E.G Metal, Glass, Plasteel, Phoron, etc.) Engineering equipment Persons of interest Raiders have an encrypted radio channel use :x to access it. Raiders also intercept all communications on the station/vessel. Extended skillset - You are equipped with whatever skills you need to achieve your objective and no more. The Heist What you have been tasked to steal will vary from round to round, but it will likely include some high-tech items and maybe even crew members. Make the heist revolve around your story. Gear Your ship the Skipjack comes with weapon spawns and varies pieces of equipment in the warehouse. Below is the provided equipment for every raider round. Addiontially your pirate warehouse has around ten crates of supplies. Crack them all open see what you find! Powered Crossbow- Fires superheated metal rods and is much more effective after being charged up fully, which takes around five or six seconds. In space it is an incredibly potent tool, able to fling off targets into space at pretty fast speeds. Also comes with the added bonus of pinning people to walls if they happen to be within a tile or so of them. Cockpit- In the cockpit is one emp grenade, one viscerator grenade and one cryptographic sequencer(EMAG). There is also a weapon spawn in here. Marksman rifle- Behind the bar in your pirate spawn. You'll find this heavy ballistic hitter. Fires 7.62 rounds at Security Various weapon spawns- Once you board the skipjack pay attention to the nearby tables/shelves you'll be surprised what's laying about. Ionrifle/Harpoon- For when you need to harpoon the assistant. Set of tools with gloves- Someone in your raider team should be running tools. That EMAG card will only get you so far. A crammed medical bay- Raiders do have medical supplies and a surgery table. Protected with a windoor. For that inevitable firefight Armor- Various sets of voidsuits and hardsuits can be found around the ship and on the raider base. You don't wanna end up in high-scale firefights. The Skipjack The greatest asset at the raiders' disposal is their ship, a small yet durable skipjack. The ship has the ability to travel to various parts of the station z-level as well as mining, allowing the raiders to keep on the move and avoid capture by the crew. There is a cool down period in between each jump. The central room of the skipjack is the storeroom, racks filled with various weapons and suits, the port wing of the craft houses a small brig and the starboard wing is home to a crude medbay. The two wings are connected to airlocks which allow entrance and exit.