* [[:games:sc13|Return to the SC13 Main Page]] * [[:games:sc13:crew_positions|Return to the SC13 Crew Positions Page]] ====== Ordnance Technician ====== * Access: Delivery Office, Munitions, Ordnance Workshop * Additional Access: N/A * Difficulty: Easy * Supervisors: Chief Engineer * Duties: Build munitions and distribute as appropriate * Quote: "Phlogiston MAC ready to go!" The Ordnance Technician has the unique responsibility of crafting otherwise highly dangerous and forbidden pieces of kit and weaponry that are mostly reserved for ship-to-ship combat or military action. They are primarily responsible for building ordnance, as the title suggests, and partly responsible for using powerloaders to reload dropships, pods, and shuttles since pilots tend to forget. However, they are also members of Engineering underneath that military green, and as such may be called upon to provide their superior Engineering skills to perform ship maintenance, build special construction projects, or assist in the construction of a forward observation base. Bare minimum requirements: Build custom MAC and dropship ammunition without blowing yourself or the entire weapons array up. Overview You begin the mission in either the ordnance workshop in the hangar or the engineering department at the back of the ship. Reach out over the engineering radio (:e) to report to your department, composed of fellow Ordnance Technicians and the Chief Engineer, whose orders you must carry out. The workshop has everything you need in the storage room, and you may find some additional supplies in the engineering department. There are also many rooms maintenance rooms and engineering outposts strewn around with supplies you can use for emergency repair should an accident happen. The Ordnance Workshop The Ordnance Workshop is located in the portside hangar. It consists of the storage room, the workshop, and the reception. In the storage room you will find all the materials you will need throughout most of the mission. If you run out, you can request bulk supplies from Requisitions. If medbay or the chemist isn't busy you can try to ask very nicely and they might dispense chemicals for you, but they are not obligated to do so. It is also possible that the ground troops brings up more materials for you. In the workshop, you have the machinery and space required to do your work. The vendors and closets contain various spare items. Keep an eye on the reception for marines and other ship personnel who come to request your service. As your job is working on the ship, you should be providing your custom ordnance to the ground troops for use. Using the labeler is recommended to leave helpful information for how to use them. Tools of the Trade ^ Picture ^ Name ^ Simple explanation ^ | Autolathe.png | Autolathe | The autolathe can be used to print a lot of useful things, such as assembly components, beakers, buckets. Other personnel who do not have access to an autolathe may also come to the reception to request something to be printed for them, if the Quartermaster is busy. | | Armylathe.png | Armylathe | The armylathe is a specialized USCM autolathe meant for printing parts to construct various ordnance, such as grenade casings and mortar shells. These parts are printed empty, and you must add a detonator assembly and chemical filling separately. | | DemolitionsSimulator.png | Demolition Simulator | So that you do not need to blow up the ship, this computer was designed to simulate the effects of demolitions in a safe virtual environment. Because the simulations take a lot of processing, the processors must cool down for 2 minutes between each simulation. | | Demolitions scanner.png | Demolition Scanner | Because visual information may not be enough, this hand-held reagent scanner has been specially designed for providing quantitative data of your bombs. It can report explosive and fire hazards from chemical containers and explosive casings, including explosive and fire intensity. If used on an explosive casing, it will take all chemical containers in the casing and its capacities into account. However, it cannot predict effects such as shrapnel or fire burn duration nor predict hazards caused from immediate chemical reactions. Use the scanner in-hand to print the latest scan. | | Industrygrinder.png | Industrial Grinder | The most powerful grinder on the ship. You will need this to grind down phoron and various metals from storage. You can also use this to dispose of specific unwanted reagents in your containers should you make an error. | | ComponentStorage.png | Component Storage Machine | A large storage machine containing various components. Contains assembly components and containers for you to get started before you need to start printing new ones. | | ElectronicsStorage.png | Electronics Vendor | A vendor containing various things for dealing with electronics. You won't need this much, but other personnel may come to request stuff from it. | | ToolStorage.png | Tool Storage Machine | Contains many spare tools, devices and equipment needed for engineering work. Should you somehow lose your essential equipment, you can find replacements here. Other personnel might also come around to request stuff from it. | | FreezerCloset.png | Industrial Freezer | A powerful fine tuned freezer used to polymerize chemicals in the cold. This one is set to the perfect temperature for paraformaldehyde polymerization. The freezer must be kept closed for polymerization. At the beginning of the mission you will find a large silver beaker inside, which can be used as a silver catalyst. If you lose this, you can make more from silver bars. | | Fueltank.png | Chemical Storage Tank | A large capacity chemical storage tank that can store up to 1000 units. In the storage room you have tanks for oxygen, sulfuric acid, water, polytrinic acid, ammonia, methane, hydrogen, and fuel. Can be un-anchored for moving it around. Click with an empty hand to quickly change the transfer amount. If you need to refill it, you must change the transfer direction. | ==== Crafting Demolitions ==== As an Ordnance Technician you have the necessary skills for crafting custom demolitions (chembombs) to improve the ship's arsenal. The types of bombs you can make range from small / large grenades, mines, plastic explosives, and warheads for rockets / mortar shells. All of these follow a similar pattern of construction: printing the necessary casing from the armylathe, adding a detonator assembly, adding containers with chemicals up to the casing's volume, and locking the bomb to finish. With the right combination of chemicals, they can all be made significantly stronger than their standard issue counterparts. Chemical explosives all have a minimum falloff of 25. Bomb Casings Picture Description Printing Cost Casing Volume Explosive Capacity Combustive Capacity CustomClaymore.png Claymore (M20) - Useful for setting up traps. - Use a double igniter assembly for tripwire trigger (Work exactly like the req claymore). - Tripwire trigger will make the explosion and shrapnel directional. This does not apply to fire. - Detonator assembly may contain proximity sensor for increased trigger range. - Tripwire and proximity sensor has IFF. - Must be planted on the ground to detonate. - Can be disarmed with a multitool. 4687 metal (1.2 sheets) 120 Power: 105 Base Falloff: 60 Shards: 32 Intensity: 3-12 Radius: 2-5 Duration: 3-18 CustomGrenade.png Grenade (M40) - Smaller capacity and explosive potential than the M15. - Fits in underslung grenade launchers. - Detonator assembly can use timers. 4687 metal (1.2 sheets) 60 Power: 175 Base Falloff: 75 Shards: 32 Intensity: 3-20 Radius: 1-5 Duration: 3-24 CustomLargeGrenade.png Grenade (M15) - Higher capacity and explosive potential than the M40. - Fits in M81 and M92 grenade launchers. - Detonator assembly can use timers. 8750 metal (2.3 sheets) 180 Power: 215 Base Falloff: 90 Shards: 32 Intensity: 3-20 Radius: 1-5 Duration: 3-24 CustomPlasticExplosive.png Plastic Explosive (C4) - An improvised explosive with a plastic casing. - Useful for setting up traps. - Detonator assembly can contain timer, proximity sensor or remote signaler. - Proximity sensor has IFF. - Small guaranteed explosion even without chemicals. - Must be planted on an object to detonate. - Can be disarmed with a multitool. - Does increased damage to structures (not walls) and mobs when planted on such, but this halves the power of the explosive wave. 9375 metal (2.5 sheets) 2500 plastic (1 sheet) 180 Power: 260 Base Falloff: 90 Shards: 64 Intensity: 4-26 Radius: 2-6 Duration: 5-30 CustomRocket.png Rocket (84mm) - Must be launched with the M5 RPG. - Assembled with an 84mm rocket warhead and rocket tube. - Warhead must contain assembly of two igniters. - Rocket tube must contain 60 units of methane fuel. Warhead 14062 metal (3.7 sheets) Tube 9375 metal (2.5 sheets) 180 Power: 300 Base Falloff: 120 Shards: 64 Intensity: 4-30 Radius: 2-7 Duration: 5-36 CustomMortar.png Mortar Shell (80mm) - Must be launched with the M402 Mortar. - Assembled with an 80mm mortar shell and mortar warhead. - Warhead must contain assembly of two igniters. - Mortar shell must contain 60 units of hydrogen fuel. Warhead 14062 metal (3.7 sheets) Shell 23437 metal (6.2 sheets) 240 Power: 360 Base Falloff: 90 Shards: 128 Intensity: 5-40 Radius: 3-8 Duration: 5-48 Detonation Assemblies Detonation assemblies can be made by mixing the components below in various ways. The components has two possible states: locked or ready for attachment. Use a screwdriver to switch between the states. When locked, you can use the assembly to change the settings of any sensors inside. The assembly must be locked to attach it to a bomb. Picture Name Explanation Igniter.png Igniter At least one igniter is required in all detonation assemblies. Two igniters can be combined for instant detonation when primed. When primed, the igniter will ignite the contents of the bomb, causing an explosion or combustion (or both), depending on the chemical contents of the bomb. ProxSensor.png Proximity Sensor When activated, the proximity sensor will detect movement within the defined radius. When a non IFF target is detected, it will trigger after the defined delay, priming the igniter. Signaller.png Remote Signaler When activated, all other signalers using the same frequency will trigger. Signaler bombs should thus be provided with a separate signaler. Signalers on plastic explosives explode after a 3 second delay. Timer.png Timer When activated, the timer will trigger after the specified time. Explosions and Fire Ordnance Technicians are not chemists and can not make medicine. But they are familiar enough with chemistry to know how to make things go bang. Beware that some chemicals can be sensitive, spontaneously igniting when more than a certain amount is mixed at the same time (! = 60u, !! = 5u, !!! 0u). If research has been making custom explosive chemicals for you, then they will always have some sensitivity. Make sure they tell you about this. Below is a chart for all the chemical reactions you need to know. And a list of all chemicals that can be used in explosions and fire, and how they modify said explosions and fire. Additionally, iron can be used to make shrapnel and phoron can be used to make incendiary shrapnel. Maintaining the Orbital Cannons Orbital Cannon: Description: Orbital Cannon.png Used for firing warheads at any currently orbited planets or nearby stations. It accelerates its payload with solid fuel for devastating results upon impact. Loading/Reloading: Ammunition: HE Orbital Warhead.png Causes a devastating explosion in a large radius upon impact with it's designated target. Incendiary Orbital Warhead.png Releases a fiery payload over the targeted area. Extremely large radius. Cluster Orbital Warhead.png Releases a cluster of explosives over the targeted area. To suppress any enemies advancing as well as pulverising and terrorising anything within range . Troubleshooting: If you've loaded a tray with an incorrect payload, you can still unload the tray's payload as long as it hasn't been chambered. If an incorrect payload is chambered, it can only be removed by firing it. Using the AA Cannon AA Cannon: Description: AA Cannon.png The IX-50 is a state-of-the-art Micro-Gravity and Air Defense system capable of independently tracking and neutralizing threats with rockets strapped onto them. In order to utilise the defensive capabilities, you simply select the area you want to defend. WARNING: You must set the area to be defended before any incoming object is en-route to the ship. Defendable Areas: Maintaining the Dropships As an Ordnance Technician, your faster use of the powerloader and inferior rank to the Pilot Officer means you are expected to load their dropships up for them. Head to the hangar, grab a powerloader (click-drag yourself onto it, or right click -> enter powerloader), and ask them what needs loading and where. Pickup the desired modules and attach them onto the appropriate port on the dropship. Communicate with the Pilot Officer in person or over the engineering channel to print new equipment from the dropship fabricator in the future, and be ready to reload their ordinance (Use an empty ripley clamp to take out expended ammunition then use the other hand to load a fresh batch of ammo, for example: 30mm, mini rockets etc.) when they return from close air support missions. If the dropships seats have been flattened you can re-build them by using a Welder.gif welder and then a Wrench.pngwrench. Special Duties Because of your engineering skills, you may occasionally be tasked to perform other duties such as ship maintenance, vehicle maintenance, or FOB duty. You will find the guide to engineering and guide to construction useful for this. Maintaining the Vehicles As an ordnance technician you are capable of repairing and replacing vehicle modules. The Vehicle Crewmen will usually take care of this themselves, but special circumstances may require you to assist. Remember to check with the vehicle crewman about which modules they'd like attached. FOB duty Command may find it necessary to send a few OTs down to the FOB to keep it running, repaired, and ready for action. Keep in touch with your Chief Engineer as much as possible when deploying. The Squad Engineers will be subordinate to you, so should it be necessary, you can order them around on FOB related matters; try to have them do any dangerous frontline work. Grunt Work You may get ordered to replace lights, do cleaning, or look through the disposals room for anything valuable tossed away, because of your maintenance access and often not being particularly busy. Don't whine about it. Special Projects If you've gotten chamber sick from the workshop, you can always ask for the proper legal authorization to construct or modify a part of the ship to occupy yourself with something creative. If you can't think of what to create, ask for ideas from other folks or just explore the ship until an idea pops into your head.