* [[:games:sc13|Return to the SC13 Main Page]] * [[:games:sc13:crew_positions|Return to the SC13 Crew Positions Page]] ====== Cultists ====== ===== Blood Cult ===== Access: Whatever you have Additional Access: Wherever a teleportation rune is Difficulty: Medium Supervisors: Nar-Sie, Cult Master Duties: Sacrificing the needed target and Summoning Nar'Sie Guides: This is the guide Quote: NAR-SIE HAS RISEN "The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown." Even in the far future, some things are never quite understood. There are things that lurk in the darkness of space, unspeakable horrors of ancient power that wish to bring ruin to the universe and to shape it into their image. They reach out from the void, and turn the minds of mortal men and women in their favor in hopes that one day they shall be brought once more into this plane of existence. Unfortunately for the station, looks like NanoTrasen accidentally positioned the station near an undetectable weak point in time and space. Whoops. Who would've known? Contents 1 The Beginning of a New Era 2 Cultist Quick Guide 3 The Cult Master and You 3.1 So, how does one become the Master? 3.2 Being The Master of Wrist Cutting 3.3 Cult Master Powers 4 The Ritual Dagger 5 Blood Spells 5.1 How to use and unequip blood spells 5.2 List of Available Spells 6 Runes 7 Structures 8 Constructs 9 The Inevitable Discovery 10 Threats to the Cult 10.1 Security and the Chaplain 11 Cultist Tips 12 Nar-Sie 13 How to Fight A Blood Cult: A Guide for the Common Spaceman 13.1 Chaplain 13.1.1 Purified Soulstones and Constructs 13.2 Security 13.2.1 How to Deconvert a Cultist with Holy Water 13.2.2 If Shit Hits the Fan 13.3 Medbay 13.4 Cargo 13.5 Science 13.6 Engineering 13.7 Botany 13.8 Traitor The Beginning of a New Era The Geometer of Blood, Nar-Sie, has sent a number of her followers to Space Station 13. As a cultist, you have an abundance of cult magics at your disposal, something for all situations. You must work with your brethren to summon an avatar of your eldritch goddess! At the beginning of a Cult round, several cultists will arrive on the station. When you spawn, you'll find a ritual dagger and 10 runed metal in your bag. The dagger is essential for drawing runes, while the runed metal is used to make valuable structures; additional runes metal can be created by using the Twisted Construction ability on any ordinary plasteel. The Cult has two major objectives. The first is to use an Offer rune to sacrifice a certain target to Nar'Sie. The target is shown to all cultists, and is often a high ranking member of the crew or a Security officer. Once the target has been sacrificed, Nar'Sie can be summoned in one of three predetermined locations on the station, using 9 cultists and/or constructs and after a 45-second rune drawing process. If Nar'sie is summoned, the Cult wins! Cultist Quick Guide Have you never played as a Cultist before, and find yourself subverted or starting off? Here's a quick primer on the most important aspects: Communing: The very first thing to do is find somewhere where you can be alone and talk to your fellow cultists using your Commune ability. Communing broadcasts messages to all other cultists, but any nearby crew can see and hear you whispering, potentially revealing your cult. Talk to your allies, find out where everybody else works and has access to, formulate a plan, and ask senior cultists for advice if needed. Blood Magic: By clicking the Blood Magic icon, you can prepare up to one spell from a variety of blood magicks. Preparing a spell takes a few seconds and leaves a blood splatter on the floor, so do it somewhere where nobody's looking. Once you have a spell prepared, click its icon to 'put it in your hand', and click on a target with it to use it. Starting off, the most important spells are generally Stun and Teleport. Cult Bases: By using your Ritual Dagger, you can create runes at your feet. To create a starting cult base, find somewhere secluded and safe to start placing runes. The most important rune is a Teleport rune, which lets any cultist warp to it using the Teleport blood magic spell or by clicking on a different rune. Commune once you have a Teleport rune up in a safe place, so others can join you. Make sure no non-cultists find your runes! Runes: Afterwards, place an Empower rune; standing on it lets you prepare four blood magic spells simultaneously. Finally, an Offer rune lets you convert others to your cause by dragging them onto it and clicking on it with an empty hand. Offering requires two cultists and/or constructs to be standing b ythe rune, so make sure you have a friend with you to help. There are other runes, but Teleport, Empower and Offer are the most important. Conversions: Once you have a base, you can begin Offering. While standing on the Empower rune, prepare a Stun, a Shadow Shackles, and two other spells; remember you can prepare multiple Stuns at once. Find a crewmember, Stun them, drag them somewhere secluded, Shackle them, remove their headset if the base is too far away, then drag them back to it, put them on the Offer rune, and use it with a friend or stand on and activate a Spirit rune next to it. Of course, if you have the means to abduct people without blood magic, feel free to use mundane methods. If they don't have a mindshield implant, they'll become a cultist; if they're implanted, like Security or the Heads, they'll explode violently and leave behind a soulstone. Either outcome is good for you. Structures: By using the Runed Metal cultist begin with (get more by using the Twisted Construction blood magic on plasteel), you can build one of four constructions: pylons, altars, archives and forges. Each cultist starts with enough metal to build 3 of the 4 options, so once you have a main base going, make sure someone's built at least one of each except for pylons; pylons only heal cultists, but the other three let you build useful items, weapons and tools. Don't build items unless you need them; once any item is built, that structure goes on a 4 minute cooldown. If you have the metal, building multiples of each structures isn't a bad idea. Constructs: When you sacrifice an implanted crewmember on an Offer rune, they'll leave behind a soulstone shard. Create a construct shell at an altar, and you can put the soulstone inside it to transform the soul within into a construct. Constructs come in three types: utility Artificers, tanky Juggernauts and sneaky assassin Wraiths. The first one you create should almost always be an Artificer, as they can create more soulstones and shells. If a soulstone is empty, using it on a corpse will attempt to put the corpse's soul into the shard, and you can release the soul as a much less useful Shade by clicking it in your hand. Going Loud: Unless your cultists are (un)godly talented and lucky, you'll eventually be caught out. Either someone will slip up, somebody will find your base, or your cult will grow so powerful that it becomes impossible to hide (red eyes, then a dark halo). Once you know the jig is up, start playing more aggressively; place extra Teleport runes and mini-bases around the station in case your main hideout gets raided, make more power moves to convert or kill crewmembers, and find some way to kill or subvert the AI if it hasn't been done. Summoning Nar'Sie: The first step to actually summoning your dark god is to Offer her desired target, randomly picked at the start of the round and shown in the top-right of your screen. Use teamwork and co-operation to take them down, drag them to your base, and sacrifice them. Once they've been offered, their icon is replaced with a list of three locations where Nar'Sie can be summoned. Head there, fortify the location, ideally have your Cult Master use Final Reckoning the bring the entire cult to the summoning spot, and begin drawing the final rune. Drawing the Nar'Sie rune requires a 3x3 area, takes 45 seconds, surrounds the drawer in forcefields, and tells the entire station where it's happening, so make your final stand against whatever's left of the crew! If you can hold out long enough to finish the rune, have 9 cultists and/or constructs stand on it (use the 'rest' button to lie down and make more room), click on it with an empty hand, and Nar'Sie will be summoned, giving your cult the win! The Cult Master and You Cultist.png The Cult Master is the leader of your cult, the main driving force behind your goal to summon Nar-Sie. The Cult Master has access to a wide variety of abilities to assist the cult in achieving its goals. Make sure to protect and serve him/her at all costs, as they are the key to the cult success! IMPORTANT: The Cult Master is the only one capable of using the Final Reckoning, a single-use, extremely powerful ability suited for ending the round. It's highly recommended that a Cult Master not be selected until the cult is established; in fact, many cults choose not to pick a leader until they're ready to summon Nar'Sie. So, how does one become the Master? When the round first starts, an additional button along with your Commune verb will be available. The "Assert Leadership" button will allow you to apply for the Cult Master status. Once a member of the cult asserts their leadership, an announcement will be made to all cultists. After a few seconds, a vote will be called where the cult can vote whether or not they want that person as the Cult Master. If the vote passes, the player will gain the Cult Master's abilities. If you are not the Master, make sure to follow his/her orders, as they are now your superior! Being The Master of Wrist Cutting So, you asserted your leadership and won the vote of the cult. Congratulations on your promotion to Cult Master! I hope you know what you are doing. If you have experience playing as a department head this shouldn't be too different, minus the killing and summoning elder gods part. To summon Nar-Sie, you are going to need to keep organized and grow your numbers as much as possible while remaining hidden. As the Cult Master, your Commune power is enhanced, making all of your messages large and bolded just like when you use a megaphone. This will assist greatly in organizing the cult, as the other cultists will be able to easily see your messages among the common radio rabble. Here is a quick reference guide on what you should be doing as the Cult Master: Determine a hidden, easily defendable location for your cultists to congregate. They will need a place to create runes and structures to assist the cult. Beat back and silence any potential intruders to your hideout. Stay back and relay information and orders with use of the Spirit Realm rune, and let your goons handle the dirty work. Make sure to have a Medbot, Pylon or some other source of healing nearby so you don't drain your life completely. Staying at the base helps you reach the two-cultist requirement you need to convert someone. When a fellow cultist manages to snag and send back an unconverted crewmember, you will be there to bring them into the cult. While around your base, it is recommended to create items from the Altars and Forges to have a fresh supply of equipment ready when everyone needs it at once. Nobody likes waiting around the Forge because someone made a single set of armor and ran off. Lead your brethren into battle when the time comes to face the crew head on! Use your unique powers to move things around, target foes for your fellow cultists and use the Final Reckoning when you are ready to summon Nar-sie herself! In the end, you call the shots. Your cult doesn't have to be run like this; experiment and find what works and doesn't! Even if you lose (odds are you will lose... a lot), you'll be better prepared for the next time the Cult of Nar-sie needs a leader. Cult Master Powers As the Cult Master, you have access to a handful of powerful and versatile occult powers to assist you and the rest of the cult. These powers can be accessed from the HUD on the top left. The powers are as follows: Name Description Cooldown Final Reckoning.png Final Reckoning A single-use spell that brings the entire cult to the master's location. You cannot use this spell in an area where Nar'Sie can be summoned. Still useful for when it's time to summon Nar-Sie and you need the whole cult nearby to help defend and invoke. Please note that this is a one-use ability. If you use it at the wrong time you can't try again. One Use Mark Target.png Mark Target Marks a designated player target that you select with your cursor for the cult to be marked as top-priority for 90 seconds. Successfully marking a person sends a message to the entire cult, giving the name and location of the target. Useful for calling your entire cult to attack a specific target. After using this ability, it goes on a 120-second cooldown. 120 Seconds Eldritch Pulse.png Eldritch Pulse Seize upon a fellow cultist or cult structure and send it through time and space to a nearby location on your screen. A very versatile ability with many potential applications. Teleport a cultist into the armory! Teleport cultists into inaccessible areas! Teleport cultists and structures away from harm! Teleport cultists behind a security raid to flank them! Limitless potential! After using this ability, it goes on a 15-second cooldown. 15 Seconds The Ritual Dagger Ritual knife.png Your dagger is your most important tool and has several functions: You can draw runes with it. Hitting a cultist with it removes Holy Water from them. Hitting a non-cultist with it will result in you stabbing them (huh), dealing 15 armor-piercing brute damage. Hitting runes with it removes them. Hitting cult structure with it will unanchor and anchor them, allowing you to move them around. Hitting a runed girder with it will disassemble the girder. Has 25% chance to block melee attacks. If you're in a position that would usually wander the halls, try to seek out your fellow cultists in person. If not, check in with your brothers using your Commune verb, but do this in private, to prevent people from hearing your whispers. A lot of jobs have access to isolated areas of the station that are great for this, and there's also space. Remember, if you get caught, you endanger the entire cult. Blood Spells Bloodspells.png Blood Spells are limited-use blood magic spells that dissipate after they're spent, and they're your bread and butter when fighting the crew. Blood Spells can be created at any time via an action button that appears below your character. However, blood spells created without an Empowering Rune will take longer, cause significant blood loss, and will cap your spell count at a measly one. Using an Empowering Rune circumvents this issue and allow you to acquire up to 4 spells. You can use an Empowering Rune to remove these spells as well to free up room for others if need be. A good tip is to make sure to try and have a stun spell and a teleport spell with you to escape risky situations. This will leave only two other options for spells though, so carefully choose what you think might help best for a particular situation. How to use and unequip blood spells After carving a spell into your flesh you get an action button on your hud. Click it and that spell will be equipped to your hand, like an item. Then you either activate it in your hand and/or use it on a target, depending on which spell you've chosen. To unequip the spell, press Q (works on /tg/ since Aug 2019) or click the same action button again. This will save the spell for later. List of Available Spells Name Description Health Cost/No. of Charges Stun A potent spell that will stun and mute victims. Simple, clean, and quite effective for a plethora of situations. Paralyzes for for 16 seconds, mutes for 12 seconds and cult-slurs speech for 30 seconds (from the stun moment). If used on a cyborg it stuns it as if hit by a heavy EMP. While slurring cult-speak, victims will speak in a disturbing, incomprehensible way. This is usually a dead giveaway that a Cult is onboard when shouted over the radio (unless the Bartender has been handing out way too many Narsours). 1 charge, 10 HP Teleport A useful spell that teleports cultists to a chosen destination with a teleport rune on contact. You can teleport other cultists or yourself if need be. 1 charge, 7 HP Electromagnetic Pulse A large spell that allows a user to channel dark energy into an EMP (range 5), causing all electronics in the area to malfunction or be disabled. 1 charge, 10 HP Shadow Shackles A stealthy spell that will summon shadowy handcuffs on a person, and temporarily silence your victim for 10 seconds. Used for keeping crew restrained until they can be converted. The restraints will diseappear if the victim is converted. 4 Charges Twisted Construction A sinister spell used to convert: Plasteel into Runed Metal. 50 Metal into a Construct Shell. Cyborgs directly into Constructs. Cyborg shells into construct shells. Airlocks into Brittle Cult Airlocks when on HCombat Mode Combat 32.png. A weaker version of Runed Airlocks. 1 Charge, 12 HP Summon Ritual Dagger Enables you to summon a ritual dagger used to draw runes, in case you lost yours or forgot to pick it up from the floor when you got converted. Activate the spell and then click yourself. 1 Charge Summon Combat Equipment A crucial spell that enables you to summon a full set of combat gear including a black jumpsuit, armored robes, a cultist hood, cultist boots, a trophy rack, a Nar'Sien bola, and a spare ritual dagger. Activate the spell and then click yourself. If you are already wearing items in those slots you will only summon the dagger and bola. 1 Charge Hallucinations A ranged yet stealthy spell that will break the mind of the victim with nightmarish hallucinations. In practice its useless af. 4 Charges Conceal Presence A multi-function spell that alternates between hiding and revealing nearby runes and cult structures. You can still teleport to concealed teleport runes and prepare blood magic on concealed empower runes. Will make runed airlocks look like basic maintenance airlocks but only cultists will have access. Has a range of 5 tiles. It can trick even the better of the crew into thinking there is nothing in your base. 10 Charges Blood Rites A unique multi-function spell that allows you to gather blood from the floor, or from live victims (50 per drain). Then, you can expend the blood to heal yourself or others. Or, you can use the spell in hand to perform a handful of powerful offensive magic attacks: Blood Spear (150) summons a robust two-handed blood halberd that deals 24 brute and can be recalled to your hand from up to 10 tiles away if it has a clear path back to you. The blood halberd can also be thrown, which causes it to shatter, deal 40 brute and stun whoever it hits. It will only shatter if it hits someone. Blood Bolt Barrage (300) temporarily grants you the ability to launch several powerful projectiles from your hand, similar to the Wizard's arcane barrage. This spell is easier to cast with both hands free since you switch hands after each shot. Each shot deals 20 brute damage and you get 25 of them. Very usefull against very big targets aka mechs and the Captain's ego. Blood Beam (500) will cause you to start channeling a powerful ritual. Once the channel is complete, you will launch a series of projectiles in a cone in front of you. These projectiles pierce through structures and will convert any walls, floors, airlocks, and windows they pass through into their cult variant in addition to damaging any non-cultists they pass through. Cultists hit will be induced with unholy water, which heals them. Can be blocked by blessed tiles. 5 Charges Runes The Ritual Dagger allows you to scribe any of these runes, using Scribe Rune. Simply pick the rune you want, and wait until completion. Scribing a rune deals minor damage, since you need to cut your wrists to get the necessary blood. Activate a rune by clicking on it. Name Description Invokers Required Phrase Rune Offering Rune Instantly converts a normal crewmember on top of it to the cult, healing them for 75% of their brute and burn damage, and spawning a ritual dagger when two cultists stand around the rune. Mindshield-implanted crew cannot be converted, only sacrificed, and need 3 cultists to stand around the rune (but constructs are no less dangerous than humans). - therefore it is recommended that you quickly finish off security victims before their radio or suit sensors can give you away! If the target is dead, ineligible for conversion or is the required sacrifice target, they'll be sacrificed instead, gibbing them and creating a Soulstone Shard Soulstone.png that can be used to power a construct. 1 to sacrifice dead targets, 2 to convert, 3 to sacrifice the objective or living targets Mah'weyh pleggh at e'ntrath! Sacrifice rune.png Empowering Rune Allows cultists to prepare greater amounts of blood magic at far less of a cost. While standing on an empowering rune, the spell count is capped at 4 instead of 1. Additionally, preparing blood magic takes far less time, and you don't lose as much blood while doing it. 1 H'drak v'loso, mir'kanas verbot! Empowerrune.png Teleport Rune This rune warps everything above it to another teleport rune when used. Creating a teleport rune will allow you to set a tag for it. Warning: Teleporting from Lavaland or Space will make the destination rune glow brightly and open a rift in reality that may not only reveal the rune, but the location of your main base as well, choose your rune locations wisely! 1 Sas'so c'arta forbici! Teleport rune.png Revive Rune Whenever someone is sacrificed on a Convert rune, they add one (global) charge to this rune. Placing a cultist corpse on the rune and activating it will bring them back to life, expending a hefty three charges in the process. It starts with one freebie revival, so use it sparingly. Catatonic(disconnected/ghosted) cultists can be reawakened with a new soul by putting them on the Revive rune and activating it. This method of revival does not consume any charges. 1 Pasnar val'keriam usinar. Savrae ines amutan. Yam'toth remium il'tarat! Raisedead rune.png Barrier Rune When invoked, makes a 5-minute invisible wall to block passage. Can be invoked again to reverse this. Costs 2 brute both to invoke and to deactivate. Has 100 health and the rune is destroyed if the barrier is destroyed. 1 Khari'd! Eske'te tannin! Wall rune.png Summoning Rune This rune allows you to instantly summon any living cultist to the rune, consuming it afterward. This rune will only work on the station, but can grab cultists from almost any location! Does not work on restrained cultists who are buckled or being pulled. 2 N'ath reth sh'yro eth d'rekkathnor! Summon rune.png Blood Boil Rune When invoked, it saps some health from the invokers to send three damaging pulses to any non-cultist who can see the rune, causing 25/50/75 damage split evenly between brute and burn. When the effect is over the rune will briefly set fire to anything over it. Some species, such as golems, do not have blood, and thus are immune to this rune. People with magic immunity will be unaffected. 3 Dedo ol'btoh! Boil rune.png Rune of the Spirit Realm This rune gives you two powerful options: (1) To manifest ghosts as semitransparent homunculi, which are effectively weak, humanoid cultists with no self preservation instinct. To sustain these homunculi, you must remain on the rune, and each homunculi you have summoned will deal brute damage over time. This option is only available on the space station itself, as the veil is not weak enough in space or Lavaland to give spirits a physical form. If you get stuck on the rune after summoning a ghost, use your ritual dagger to remove the rune before you get hurt too badly. (2) To ascend as a dark spirit. This option will give you virtually unlimited knowledge. You can use information given to you by ghosts in this form, commune with the cult with your booming voice, and even mark a target that will be "pinpointed" for the rest of the cult. You can even use this function after manifesting ghosts to help guide them in combat - manifested ghosts can also see regular ghosts and therefore can see your dark spirit as you lead them in battle! 1 Gal'h'rfikk harfrandid mud'gib! Manifest rune.png Apocalypse A harbinger of the end times. It scales depending on the crew's strength relative to the cult. Effect includes a massive EMP, unique hallucination for non-cultists, and if the cult is doing poorly, certain events. Similar to the Ritual of Dimensional Rending, the Apocalypse rune can only be scribed in one of the 3 ritual areas. After the Apocalypse rune has been scribed, that particular ritual area can no longer be used to summon Nar-Sie. If the cult makes up <15% of current players, and an apocalypse rune is scribed, a D100 is rolled If 1 - 10: Disease Outbreak + Mice Migration If 11 - 20: Radiation Storm If 21 - 30: Brand Intelligence If 31 - 40: Immovable Rod x3 If 41 - 50: Meteor Wave If 51 - 60: Spider Infestation If 61 - 70: Localized hyper-energetic flux wave, Gravitational anomaly, Pyroclastic anomaly, Localized high-intensity vortex anomaly If 71 - 80: Space Vines, Grey Tide If 81 - 100: Nar'sian Portal Storm 3 Ta'gh fara'qha fel d'amar det! Apocalypse.png Ritual of Dimensional Rending This rune tears apart dimensional barriers, calling forth the Geometer. It needs a free 3x3 space, and can only be summoned in 3 areas around the station. To start drawing it the requested target must have already been sacrificed. Starting to draw this rune creates a weak forcefield around the caster and alarms the entire station of its location. The caster must be defended for 45 seconds before it's complete. After it's drawn, 9 cultists, constructs, or summoned ghosts must stand on the rune, which can then be invoked to manifest Nar'Sie itself. 9 TOK-LYR RQA-NAP G'OLT-ULOFT!! Rune large.png Structures By using a construction talisman on platsteel, you are able to get runed metal. With it, you can build several structures, with unique powers. You can unanchor cult buildings by hitting them with your ritual dagger. Using "Conceal Runes" near these structures will make them turn invisible, and make runed doors look like regular airlocks. Name Description Cost Altar.png Altar A bloodstained altar dedicated to Nar-Sie. By using it, you are able to create an Eldritch Whetstone, to sharpen your weapon, a Construct Shell, or a Flask of Unholy Water which heals cultists and greatly reduces stuns, or can be thrown to poison non-cultists. After creating one item with the altar it needs 4 minutes to recharge. 3 runed metal Forge.gif Forge A forge used to craft the unholy weapons used by the armies of Nar-Sie. By using it you are able to create a True Nar'sian Hardened Armor; a hardsuit with no slowdown, Flagellant's Robe; which makes you faster, but at the cost of increasing damage taken by 45%, and a 30 damage eldritch longsword. The eldritch longsword fits in the suit storage slot of every type of cultist armor and has 50% block chance. After creating one item with the forge it needs 4 minutes to recharge. 3 runed metal Pylon.gif Pylon A floating crystal that slowly heals those faithful to Nar'Sie. Also slowly turns the surrounding floor into engraved floor. Engraved floors allow for significantly faster rune scribing and will resist changes in atmosphere (i.e. loss of air or release of a harmful gas). 4 runed metal Archives.png Archives A desk covered in arcane manuscripts and tomes in unknown languages. Looking at the text makes your skin crawl. By using it, you are able to create a Zealot's Blindfold, which lets you see in the dark, gives you a medical hud, and is flash proof, Veil Shifter (from veil walker set), a 4 use teleporter which teleports you (and anything dragged by you) forward a medium distance (with some randomness), a Void Torch (also from veil walker set) which lets you teleport objects to other cultists, or a Shuttle Curse, which when used, delays the escape shuttle for 2 minutes. You can only use a certain amount of shuttle curses each round. After creating one item with the archives it needs 4 minutes to recharge. 3 runed metal Runed airlock.png Runed door Builds a Runed Airlock. Only opens for cultists. Useful securing your base, but a dead giveaway that a cult is onboard. Non-cultists who attempt to use these airlocks are stunned and thrown back. 1 runed metal Cultgirder.png Runed girder A wall girder that can instantly be disassembled with your ritual dagger. 1 runed metal Constructs Robust cultists will likely want to enlist the services of a few constructs. To create a construct, a cultist requires: A filled soul stone, either by sacrificing a human, or capturing a soul manually with a stone from an artificer. An empty shell, either by casting Twisted Construction on 50 metal sheets, from an artificer, or from an archive. When the filled soul stone shard is used on an empty shell, the cultist will be allowed to choose the desired construct to create. Keep in mind these guys are pretty much a dead giveaway that there is cult activity on the station, so try to be covert about it in the beginning. A complete guide to constructs can be found here. Artificers will poop out new Soulstone Shards Soulstone.png and Shells, wraiths can kill the AI, and Juggernauts are great tanks. The Inevitable Discovery As the cult rises in power, you and your brethren will begin to undergo some revealing effects caused by the power gained due to the number of members you have in the cult. This will make you easier to spot by unfriendly crewmembers, and after a certain point, there will be no way to hide from the crew. You'll have to make a stand and fight off the rest. The veil weakens as your cult grows, your eyes begin to glow... Once the blood cult reaches 20% of the active player population, everyone in the cult will receive a notice that the cult is "rising" - and after a moderate delay, the eyes of all existing and new cultists will be permanently red. Examining any cultist with uncovered eyes will confirm their supernatural appearance. Thankfully, this is easily avoidable by wearing any form of eyewear, but still could get you caught out if people are examing you closely without eyewear. Your cult is ascendant and the red harvest approaches - you cannot hide your true nature for much longer!! Once the blood cult reaches 40% of the active player population, everyone in the cult will receive a warning and after a moderate delay will gain a blood-red cult halo, permanently revealing the identity of existing AND new blood cultists. There is no way to hide this one. If you've managed to get this far, you should have no problems defeating the crew in a head-on battle if you can deal with Security. Threats to the Cult Even with access to a large number of different runes and spells, there are ways that your plans may be thwarted by the station's crew. Keep your eye out for these groups of individuals, as they can put a dent in your occult activities. Generic hos.pngSecurity and the Generic chaplain.pngChaplain Even the best-prepared cultists will have trouble to defend themselves against the united power of security. Especially if the Chaplain Helps them. The Chaplain is able to turn normal water into Holy Water (by slapping its container with a bible), which will turn cultist back into normal people if it stays long enough in their system. The Chaplain is also immune to cult magic and conversion, and his bible is able to make hidden runes visible. The bible can also be used by anyone (not just the Chaplain) on a filled Soul Shard to purify it, which deconverts the shade inside. Cultist Tips You can solo convert non mindshielded crew by using a Spirit Realm rune and summoning a cult ghost. Cultists can know a rune's name and effects by examining it. Your dagger is a robust melee weapon with 15 damage and good armor-piercing, it can also be sharpened to further increase its lethality. The dagger also serves as an excellent last resort as it deals 25 damage when thrown. Always be ready to summon a cultist in trouble. Stunned or restrained cultists cannot call for help on the cult communion, so keep an eye on the Common channel. If you see a cultist being arrested be sure to report it in communion so they can be rescued before its too late! You can also use the spirit rune to check for cultists in trouble or ask ghosts for the location of dead cultists to revive. Spirit Sight is an incredibly powerful exploration tool, and ghosts can give you precious hints. The chaplain's weapon makes them immune to most of your magic. Don't attempt to use stun spells on them while they have their weapon, or you will get discovered and likely killed. Keeping a shade in a Soulstone Shard Soulstone.png with you will allow you to use two-person runes by yourself, by releasing and then recapturing the shade. Shades can ventcrawl around the station (alt-click). Cultists often find a use for medibots. Having a single bot with a low threshold, backed up by brutepacks or pylons, can keep your cult in fighting shape. Get some plasteel either from mining, stealing it from robotics, engineering or EVA storage, or deconstructing reinforced walls/tables if you are desperate. The AI satellite even contains some spare plasma and metal that you can use to produce plasteel (if you can convince it to let you in.) The EMP spell and Apocalypse Rune are both incredibly useful. They can give you access almost anywhere, just don't forget your crowbar! Manifest Spirit is also useful for getting those missing cultists you need for the Nar'Sie rune. A construct can quickly take down an AI. The best one to do the job is the Wraith. It can jaunt into the core and take the AI down before the crew can respond. Drawing a rune on a cult floor is 50% faster than on a normal floor (except the Nar-Sie rune). If the Harvesters bring enough people to Nar-Sie you may or may not get a special ending. You may be tempted to try converting the Free Golems down in mining but be warned, Adamantine Golems are anti-magic and your spells will not work on them, similarly, Silver and Cloth Golems are Holy and will also be immune to your conversion. Use the conceal presence spell on a teleport rune to create a hidden teleport destination, perfect for safely escaping to. Blood gathered from the blood rites spell can heal cultists instantly. You can also sap 50 units of blood directly from living people. Nar-Sie Narsie.gif Once you've completed the ritual, Nar-Sie will come forth. Her destructive power is unmatched, transforming the bodies of the unenlightened and twisting the very walls to suit her image. Few things are capable of challenging Nar-Sie's sheer power. How to Fight A Blood Cult: A Guide for the Common Spaceman The Cult of Nar-Sie may be a formidable group of wrist-cutting lunatics, but not to fear! There are ways that you as a normal crewmember can either fight or stay safe from their occult influence. Here are some suggested courses of action if you are a non-cultist and care for your well being: ChaplainGeneric chaplain.png The Chaplain is immune to conversion and is able to turn normal water into Holy Water, which can deconvert cultist back into normal people. With a Null rod in inventory, the Chaplain is also immune to cult magic. The bible is able to make hidden runes visible. You are not immune to being sacrificed. When cult activity is confirmed: Make sure you have your Null rod weapon and Holy Book with you. Grab a water tank, bless it with your book so it turns into holy water, and drag the tank to the brig. The brig is now your home. You are a primary target for the cult, and will sometimes also be their sacrificial objective. (Optional) when brig has holy water secured: Grab a Fire Extinguisher from a wall. Empty it and fill it with holy water. You can use it to start blessing tiles, which blocks Blood Beams and prevents Wraiths from jaunting over them. (Optional) if the AI has not been moved: Have the AI let you into its chamber, so you can bless it. Many cults will kill the AI early, by constructing a Wraith. The wraith can easily jaunt in, appear right in front of the AI and kill it. You can prevent this by blessing most tiles in the AI's chamber. When you are safe in the brig: You can cooperate with security and stick close to them. Hopefully, they will treat you with respect in return and give you some gear. If the time comes, you may then choose to be the vanguard in the final battle against the cult. Purified Soulstones and Constructs Anyone (not only chaplain) can purify a soulstone shard with a bible, and then put it into a found construct shell to create purified constructs, which will help the crew. SecurityGeneric hos.png Even the best-prepared and robust members of the Cult will have trouble defending themselves against the united power of security, especially if the Chaplain helps them. Your job is to deconvert (or kill if necessary) cultists, find and crack down on cult bases, and destroy constructs. Remember: the safety of the station and its staff are on the line, and it's probably your fault if you fail. How to Deconvert a Cultist with Holy Water Step 1: Find a suspected cultist. If less than 20% of the crew are converted they will look like normal crew, so you will have to look for people who are behaving suspiciously or are caught standing near runes. Small brute injuries on one arm or isolated blood spills in someone's workplace could also be signs. If you know that more than 20% of the crew are (or at some point were) converted to the cult, you should ask suspected crewmembers to take off their eyewear. When examining a cultist a red text will then say "his/her eyes are glowing an unnatural red!". If more than 40% of the crew is (or was) cult, you will also see pentagram halos above their heads. Step 2: Arrest the suspected cultist. Disable/stun and cuff, like any other criminal. As long as cuffed cultists are either held or buckle-cuffed to a chair, they can not be teleported away by their fellow cultists. Take them to the interrogation room. Step 3: Check the suspect's bag for a ritual dagger (or other cult items). The cult might still be too small to have glowy eyes. Lock it away so it can't be used to stop deconversion, in case a prisoner resists out of the cuffs. Take off any cult gear as well, as they might hurt the prisoner after deconversion if worn. Remember to check EVERYWHERE. Some cultists may be hiding their gear in more discreet locations on their person. A good one to watch out for is if they have hidden their dagger in their boots if they are wearing Jackboots or Workboots. Step 4: Force feed the confirmed cultist at least 25 units of Holy Water. Use 30 units to be safe. Each sip contains 5 units. It takes exactly 60 chemical ticks (about 2 minutes or less) to deconvert a cultist. After 25 ticks (about 50 seconds or less) the cultist will have a 20% chance per tick to spout random cult sentences which, when it happens, also has a 10% chance to cause 12 seconds of unconsciousness. Stunbaton or flash the prisoners every now and then to make sure they don't resist out of the cuffs. The holy water will instantly clear out blood rites and blood spells. Step 5: Mindshield Implant the cultist. Mindshield implants will not deconvert cultists, but they will prevent them from being converted/reconverted. They can still be sacrificed and turned into constructs though. Security and the Captain are implanted by default. Like with revs, you will see a big purple message when a nearby person is deconverted: "-Name- looks like he/she just reverted to his/her old faith!" Deconverted cultists do not keep their memories from their time in the cult. If Shit Hits the Fan If you start seeing pentagram halos you might not have time to arrest and deconvert anymore. Team up, gear up with your weapons of choice, and start blasting people with halos. If the situation feels under control again then go back to deconverting. Here are some tips and tricks for security: Mirror shields can instantly shatter, stunning their users, if hit by a shot that does 30 damage or more. Many types of shotgun ammo, such as slugs, should do the trick. Zealot's Blindfolds protect against flashes, but not against bangs. Use flashbangs. Consider arming deconverted and implanted former cultists. They should be your confirmed allies. Constructs cannot be stunned and are usually never on your side in a cult round. Kill them with lethal weapons without hesitation. Mindshields can be applied to members of the Cult even when they are not converted; they only protect against hostile mind conversion. Don't just go randomly implanting people until you know who is really on your side. Extremely crafty cultists can disguise as a recently murdered Security Officer and steal an implant for themselves to look life officers. Don't expect this to happen often, but the possibility is there. MedbayMedicalDoctor.png If you work in the Medbay it's not your job to directly fight the cult, but you may still do so if you wish. Whatever you do, be careful about attacking people if you are not sure who is cultist or not. The same goes for every other department as well. Here are some general tips and tricks for Medbay workers: Medical Doctors: Examine people before healing them, to check for glowy eyes or cult gear. If you don't see anything obvious, then try to do your job as normal. If you have holy water you can be extra helpful by building a smoke machine. Print the board from the medical techfab or ask the AI to let you into the tech storage so you can grab it. Print stock parts and cable coil from an autolathe. Fill it with holy water and turn it on. Cultists who breathe the holy water will have their prepared spells deleted, so they can no longer stun you. The holy water smoke will also bless tiles if 10u or more touches them. Chemists: You can create non-lethal syringes with Chloral Hydrate or other chemicals, to use in a syringe gun. Then if you accidentally shoot a non-cultist it won't be a big deal. If you manage to put a confirmed cultist to sleep, then feel free to cuff them with cablecuffs and bring them to the brig for deconversion. You can also make combat drugs and hand them to security. Geneticists: You can try to find powers such as x-ray vision, and then make injectors to give to security (or use yourself). Also, try to keep your distance from people acting suspiciously. Medbay usually has some secluded areas, and cultists can easily stun and kidnap you in melee range. Don't try to fight them unless you know what you're doing. CargoGeneric cargo.png Order Religious Supplies crates. If the Chaplain is nowhere to be seen and security don't have any holy water, order this as fast as possible. The crate contains holy water. Order Mindshield Implants. If people really don't want to be converted to the cult, they can request to be implanted after cult presence is confirmed. If security is properly deconverting crew, they might run out of implants unless cargo ordered more. Order guns. If you have a way to open the crates, then guns could help give you or security the upper hand. Remember, be careful about who you shoot if you don't know who is a cultist. Prefer using non-lethals if holy water is available. ScienceScientist generic.png Toxins: While bombs should be the crew's last resort, they are the strongest weapon you can use to stop a Nar-Sie summon. If you hear the summoning announcement, it might be time to deliver a bomb to the announced location, as a final decisive move against the cult. Roboticist: Exosuits are strong when cracking down on cult bases. Feel free to build one or more. Cult spells and items can not stun mechs, but they can still damage and destroy it. Xenobiologist: Some slime cores, such as those from Sepia Slimes can be very powerful in combat, if you manage to get them. Be careful though, as in the xenobiology lab you are often isolated which could make you an easy target. EngineeringGeneric engineer.png Engineer: Normally, cultists don't sabotage the engine since it may hurt their teammates. Just make sure there is power. Feel free to build backup telecomms in case a wraith wrecks it (cultists don't need telecomms). You can also try asking the AI let you move its core to a hidden location if you can make it trust you. Atmospheric Technician: You don't need to go out of your way to fight the cult unless you have some sort of plan. Do not flood the station with gas, since it might hurt non-cultists. Repair any hull breaches resulting from combat. BotanyGeneric botanist.png Grow Holymelons. Not only can they be ground for holy water, but they also have anti-magic properties. Keep a Holymelon in your hand and you should be immune to cult conversion and some other cult spells, until the melon runs out of charges. Traitor It's possible to force a cultist to reveal information by using the hypnotic flash available to traitors, as hypnosis has a greater influence over a person's mind than the influence of Nar-Sie (check the antagonist directive priorities on the rules page here). A very trustworthy security force could use this to negotiate with a traitor and gain an insane advantage. This will not work on deconverted cultists, as they lose their memory of the time they were in the cult. ===== Clockwork Cult ===== Clockwork Cult Pen.png This page needs revising! The following page is out of date and/or needs to be revised. If the page's guide needs revision, see here for an example. The revision reason is: "The clockwork cult gamemode is currently being reworked. Some information on this page may become outdated." Media:Example.ogg ENEMY STAFF Servant of ratvar.png Servant of Ratvar Access: Whatever you have Additional Access: Anyone that you can use a Spatial Gateway to get to, all-access if you have a loaded Fabricator and don't need stealth anymore Difficulty: Medium to Unwinnable Supervisors: Ratvar Duties: Make a cache, complain about not having any stuns, even though you do, make a cache, fail to kill someone who can't run, make a cache Guides: This is the guide Quote: "Ratvar is a dumb na-" "QVR, URNGUR'A!!" While Nar-Sie is an elder god, she is not the only one. There are other elder gods in the universe, and one in particular holds a fierce grudge against Nar-Sie: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar. An amalgamation of parts, steam, and cogs, Ratvar seeks nothing more than Nar-Sie's utter annihilation. Unfortunately, his exile to Reebe - a plane of complete nothingness - makes celestial warfare somewhat difficult. To these ends, he has enslaved mortals to do his bidding and ensure the downfall of the Geometer. Assuming you're one of those slaves, you've come to the right place. Contents [hide] 1 Summary 1.1 The Clockwork Slab 1.2 New Servant Checklist 2 Components, Scripture, and CV 2.1 Global Records 2.2 Driver Scripture 2.2.1 Cyborg Scripture 2.3 Script Scripture 2.4 Application Scripture 2.5 Judgement Scripture 3 Structures, Sigils, Objects, Constructs, and Cyborgs 3.1 Structures 3.2 Sigils 3.3 Objects 3.4 Constructs 3.5 Cyborgs 4 Threats to the Enlightened 4.1 Nar-Sian Dogs 4.2 Security and the Chaplain 5 Ratvar Summary Assuming you've had experience with Nar-Sie and their cult, you might assume that Ratvar's servants operate in a similar fashion. In this, you would be both correct and incorrect. While both cults rely on forced conversion tactics and ultimately serve their respective gods, the similarities end there. The Ratvarian cult is focused primarily on subtlety, sabotage, and base-building, whereas the Nar-Sian cult is focused on sowing chaos, paranoia, and dissent among the crew's ranks. In addition, unlike Nar-Sie, Ratvar is capable of converting silicon lifeforms. Cyborgs and AIs are both valid targets for conversion. Converted cyborgs will have yellow eyes, visible immediately unless headlights are on (and even then a close examination reveals them), and AIs will outright turn brass-framed, be unable to speak in anything but Ratvarian, cannot be carded, can listen in through cameras, and they will not lose power as long as they are on a Clockwork Floor or near a Sigil of Transmission. Ratvar's servants must to fulfill his will; His only goal is to escape Reebe once and for all, and to do that his servants must construct and protect the Ark of the Clockwork Justicar. Luckily, you are not alone in this. As a servant, you have a wide variety of tools at your disposal. The Clockwork Slab Clockwork slab.gif If you've had experience with the Nar-Sian cult, then you can think of the clockwork slab as Ratvar's equivalent of the arcane tome. However, the slab boasts superior utility, and slightly superior portability, to the tome. All initial servants start with a clockwork slab and can create more through scripture (more on that later). The clockwork slab has five functions: Recital Allows you to recite and Quickbind scripture. You can also toggle to and from Recollection. Recollection Displays in-game documentation. You can also toggle to and from Recital. The Hierophant Network action button Allows discreet communication between all Servants. Up to Five Quickbind action buttons Allows for quickly invoking Quickbound scriptures when holding the slab. One to Four start off bound to Geis, Sigil of Submission, Replicant, and Tinkerer's Cache, respectively. Can be examined to see all components in the slab, plus the total components available to the slab when including the global cache. Clockwork slabs will generate a component of a random or target type every 45 seconds(plus 15 seconds for each additional human or silicon Servant above 6), provided they're being held by a mob or are in a mob's storage. Generating a component also prevents all other slabs held by that mob from generating components; spread slabs out, don't hold multiple. Using a slab on another slab, a person holding a slab, or a Tinkerer's Cache will transfer all components in the slab to the target slab, the person's highest-component slab, or the global cache, respectively. Components placed in a slab will also be placed in the global cache automatically. Every human Servant should have a slab! Slabs are key to the success of Ratvar's agenda. New Servant Checklist So the round started, and you're a Servant? Good! There's a few things that you should do before you begin purging all those pesky untruths. Any unfamiliar terms are covered later in the page. Use your slab's Hierophant Network button to alert your teammates of your rank, position, etc. Develop a base for your operations, preferably after coordinating on placement with other Servants - make a Tinkerer's Cache, then make a Replica Fabricator(once Scripts are unlocked) for making Clockwork Walls. Start expanding your ranks by forced conversion; make a Sigil of Submission nearby, then cast Geis out of sight of your target, rush at them and apply Geis for a stun and mute, then drag them off to the Sigil; do this with a partner if you can, since the partner can cast and apply Geis to the target to refresh its duration. Increase your component generation by handing out Clockwork Slabs, making Clockwork Walls near Tinkerer's Caches, and, once Applications are unlocked, making Tinkerer's Daemons. Stay in touch with your teammates via Hierophant Network, and be prepared to help them if things go south. Components, Scripture, and CV Servants of Ratvar don't sacrifice their own blood to use rituals. Instead, they use something called components. In a literal sense, these are parts of Ratvar's body that have rusted and fallen free during his imprisonment. Despite this, the parts hold power on their own and are utilized by Ratvar's servants to power their rites - what they call scripture. Scripture has multiple tiers; each tier is permanently unlocked after the cult's power reaches a certain point. For instance, Applications are unlocked once the cult has at least 9 servants, 100 CV worth of structures, and 3 caches. There are five component types: Belligerent eye.gifBelligerent Eyes possess the power to focus on certain things and grant malevolent sentience. Vanguard cogwheel.gifVanguard Cogwheels are almost indestructible and serve in protection. Guvax capacitor.gifGeis Capacitors can manipulate the mind. Replicant alloy.gifReplicant Alloy is very strong but can be melted and molded by force of will. Hierophant ansible.gifHierophant Ansibles can send massive amounts of data in an instant. Most scripture consumes a certain amount of components of a certain type. These components are drawn directly from the clockwork slab used, or from the global cache accessed by Tinkerer's Caches. The global cache can store any number of components, but scripture will prioritize drawing components from the slab used before the global cache. When a tier of scripture is locked or unlocked, all servants will be immediately alerted. You might be wondering, "What's CV and why do we need 200 of it? Will it kill my children?" No, it won't, but it's still important. "CV" is the abbreviation for "Construction Value", which is gained by building Ratvarian structures or turfs. For instance, the Tinkerer's Cache (an extremely important structure) grants 10 CV. It is also granted by clockwork floors and walls - which are useful in their own right - and is a required threshold to gain more powerful scripture. Global Records You may be thinking that this is a lot of information to keep track of; it is,and that is why you have the Global Records alert, which appears in the top left. Mousing over that alert will show you a variety of information on the cult's status, including the number of servants, number of Tinkerer's Caches, CV, if Tinkerer's Daemons are active, if an unconverted AI exists, what Generals can be invoked, and what tiers of scripture are unlocked. Driver Scripture Below is a list of all Driver scripture. Driver scriptures are unlocked by default and have no unlock requirement. Scripture names in italics signify important scripture necessary to success. Image Name Component Cost Description Invocation Time Invokers Required N/A Belligerent N/A Chanted - the invoker must stand still to cause continuous effects. Every few seconds, the invoker utters an invocation that forces all non-Servants nearby to walk instead of run. The invocation also does minor damage, up to a maximum of 30 damage per recital. Every 2s up to 30s 1 Judicialvisor.png Judicial Visor 1 Belligerent Eye Creates a Judicial Visor, which protects from flashes and can smite an area to apply Belligerent and briefly stun. The smote area will explode after 3 seconds, doing high damage and briefly stunning. 1s 1 N/A Vanguard N/A The invoker gains 20 seconds of stun immunity. At the end of the 20 seconds, 25% of all stuns absorbed by the Vanguard affect the invoker. If the invoker was stunned above a certain threshold, they will instead go unconscious for 50% of all stuns they absorbed. 3s 1 Sentinels compromise.png Sentinel's Compromise 1 Vanguard Cogwheel Charges the invoker's slab with healing power to heal a target Servant of all brute, burn, and oxygen damage and purge holy water from them. However, this causes 50% of the total damage that Servant had as toxin damage. 3s 1 Guvax.png Geis N/A Charges the invoker's slab with divine energy to bind and pull the next non-Servant attacked in melee within 10 seconds. The bound target will remain bound for 25 seconds and be muted for 12-14 seconds; additional applications of Geis from other Servants refresh these times. You can click the bound target, if you are pulling them, to dispel the binding. If you are not pulling them, clicking them will attempt to pull them again. While the binding exists, you cannot take any actions except for pulling the target around. 2s 1 Sigilofsubmission.png Sigil of Submission 1 Geis Capacitor Creates a Sigil that, when crossed by a non-Servant, will attempt to convert them after 8 seconds if they remain on the Sigil for that time. Both successful and unsuccessful conversion attempts will stun and mute the target and send an announcement over the Hierophant Network. 6s 1 Clockworkslab.png Replicant N/A Creates a Clockwork Slab and attempts to put it in the invoker's hands. 1s 1 Tinkererscache.png Tinkerer's Cache 1 Replicant Alloy For every 5 Caches; 2 Belligerent Eyes 2 Vanguard Cogwheels 2 Geis Capacitors 2 Hierophant Ansibles Creates a Tinkerer's Cache, which can store any number of components, which it will share with all other Caches and Slabs. Provided at least one Tinkerer's Caches exists, Clockwork Slabs will draw components from the global cache after drawing the maximum it can from its own components. Caches will link to a nearby unlinked Clockwork Wall, which will cause it to generate an additional component every 35 seconds, plus 5 seconds for each other linked cache. Caches cost additional resources to construct for every 5 existing Caches. 5s 1 Wraithspectacles.png Wraith Spectacles N/A Creates a pair of Wraith Spectacles, which grant True Sight; effectively x-ray vision. Wraith Spectacles will, however, damage your vision if worn for more than a minute without periods of rest. 1s 1 Sigiloftransgression.png Sigil of Transgression 1 Hierophant Ansible Creates a nearly invisible Sigil that, when crossed by a non-Servant, will lock them in place for about 7 seconds while emitting a bright flash that will temporarily blind non-servants lacking eye protection. The Sigil does not mute the target, and, due to how it stuns, they can easily be pushed off of it. You can stack multiple Sigils of different types on a single tile; Try this with a Sigil of Submission and a Sigil of Transgression. 5s 1 Cyborg Scripture Unique, Servant cyborg only scriptures. These count as Driver scriptures, but only certain cyborg modules have access to them. Image Name Component Cost Description Invocation Time Invokers Required Judicial.png Judicial Marker N/A Charges the invoker's slab with judicial force to place a Judicial Marker at a target location within the next 5 seconds. 3s 1 Vanguard.png Linked Vanguard N/A Charges the invoker's slab with defensive strength to grant a target Servant and themselves Vanguard, as the scripture, within the next 5 seconds. 3s 1 Script Scripture Below is a list of all Script scripture. Script scriptures require 6 Human or Silicon Servants and a Tinkerer's Cache to unlock. Scripture names in italics signify important scripture necessary to success. Image Name Component Cost Description Invocation Time Invokers Required Ocularwarden.png Ocular Warden 2 Belligerent Eyes 1 Replicant Alloy Creates an Ocular Warden, which will automatically damage a target non-Servant that it can see within 3 tiles of it. Ocular Wardens, while lethal and powerful, are very easily smashed. Place them behind any sort of barricade that doesn't block vision. 12s 1 Vitalitymatrix.png Vitality Matrix 1 Belligerent Eye 2 Vanguard Cogwheels Creates a hard-to-see Sigil that, when crossed by a non-Servant, will start to drain them of health, producing Vitality, after a brief delay. When crossed by a Servant, however, it will use Vitality to rapidly heal them of all damage. It cannot do both at once. The Vitality Matrix can also revive dead Servants at a cost of 150 Vitality. 6s 1 N/A Mending Mantra 2 Vanguard Cogwheels 1 Replicant Alloy Chanted - the invoker must stand still to cause continuous effects. Repairs nearby Clockwork Structures and Constructs by 10 health per chant. Human Servants wearing Clockwork Armor will be healed for 2.5 health for each piece of Clockwork Armor they are wearing. Every 2s up to 20s 1 Clockworkproselytizer.png Replica Fabricator 1 Geis Capacitor 2 Replicant Alloy Creates a Replica Fabricator, which can be used to replace walls, floors, tables, windows, windoors, and airlocks with Clockwork variants. The Fabricator can construct Clockwork Walls on Clockwork Floors and deconstruct Clockwork Walls to Clockwork Floors. The Fabricator can consume floor tiles, rods, metal, plasteel, and brass for power. The Fabricator will gradually recharge and can be used to repair Clockwork Structures. Use the Fabricator in-hand to produce 5 Brass Sheets at a cost of 1250W power. 2s 1 Ratvarspear.png Function Call 2 Replicant Alloy 1 Hierophant Ansible Provides the invoker with the ability to call forth a Ratvarian spear once every 3 minutes at any time, with the spear lasting for 3 minutes. The spear does moderate damage in melee, with bonus damage to cyborgs and cultists. Damage done by the spear produces Vitality equal to a percentage of the damage done. Throwing the spear at a mob will do massive damage, break the spear, and stun the target. 2s 1 Spatialgateway.gif Spatial Gateway 1 Vanguard Cogwheel 2 Hierophant Ansibles Creates a one-way Gateway to a target conscious servant or Clockwork Obelisk with 1 use and a duration of 4 seconds per Servant who helped invoke it. Spatial Gateways to Clockwork Obelisks receive doubled duration and uses. 8s Minimum 1 Application Scripture Below is a list of all Application scripture. Application scriptures require 9 Human or Silicon Servants, 3 Tinkerer's Caches, and 100 CV to unlock. Scripture names in italics signify important scripture necessary to success. Image Name Component Cost Description Invocation Time Invokers Required Fellowshiparmor.png Fellowship Armory 4 Vanguard Cogwheels 2 Replicant Alloy 2 Hierophant Ansibles Equips all Servants visible to the invoker with powerful but obvious brass armor. The armor includes a suit, helmet, gauntlets, and boots, and anything a servant is wearing in those slots will prevent it from being equipped. The helmet, armor, and gauntlets provide massive melee, bullet, and bomb protection, but a weakness to lasers. Each nearby living Servant decreases the invocation time by 1 second. 10s -1s per other Servant 1 Clockworkmarauder.gif Memory Allocation 2 Belligerent Eyes 2 Vanguard Cogwheels 4 Geis Capacitors Allocates part of the invoker's consciousness to a Clockwork Marauder, a vigilant fighter that lives within them, able to be called forth by Speaking its True Name or if they become exceptionally low on health. Marauders cannot move too far from their hosts, and will take damage at an increasing rate as they grow farther away. However, if a Marauder stays close to its host, they will gradually heal. Marauders may Block attacks, negating the damage from them, and may immediately Counter Blocked attacks, attacking whoever tried to attack them. 15s 1 Sigiloftransmission.png Sigil of Transmission 2 Vanguard Cogwheels 2 Geis Capacitors 4 Hierophant Ansibles Creates a Sigil that can be activated to drain power from the nearby area and will power Clockwork Structures within 2 tiles. While active, it will drain power from APCs, SMES units, non-Servant cyborgs, and mechs occupied by non-Servants. It can also be charged with Brass Sheets at a rate of 250W per sheet. When crossed by a Servant cyborg, it will attempt to recharge that cyborg. Using a Replica Fabricator on it will rapidly charge that Fabricator. 7s 1 Mendingmotor.png Prolonging Prism 5 Vanguard Cogwheels 2 Geis Capacitors 2 Replicant Alloy Creates a Prolonging Prism, which delays the arrival of an emergency shuttle by 2 minutes when activated. Its activation very obviously affects the shuttle dock and leaves an obvious trail to the Prism. It requires 3000W of power to activate, and the cost to activate it is increased by 1250W for every previous activation. 8s 2 Maniamotor.png Mania Motor 5 Geis Capacitors 2 Replicant Alloy 2 Hierophant Ansibles Creates a Mania Motor, which causes minor damage and a variety of negative mental effects in nearby non-Servant humans, potentially up to and including conversion. The effects will linger even if targets leave its range or the Mania Motor is turned off, though both of these things will cause the effects to fall off much more rapidly. It requires 150W of power to run. 8s 2 Tinkerer's daemon.png Tinkerer's Daemon 2 Belligerent Eyes 2 Geis Capacitors 5 Replicant Alloy Produces a Tinkerer's Daemon, which will produce a component of either a chosen or random type every 7 seconds while active. It requires 50W of power to produce any component, plus an additional 50W of power for every 5 of the produced component in the global cache. Active Tinkerer's Daemons must be outnumbered by Servants at a rate of 5 to 1; you can have 1 active Daemon for every 5 Servants. 8s 2 Clockworkobelisk.png Clockwork Obelisk 2 Belligerent Eyes 2 Vanguard Cogwheels 5 Hierophant Ansibles Creates a Clockwork Obelisk, which can Hierophant Broadcast or create a Spatial Gateway. It also serves as a target for Spatial Gateways. Hierophant Broadcast allows the user to send a large message to all Servants, useful for coordinating. Spatial Gateway functions as the Script, but with a duration of 10 seconds and 5 uses, in addition to being two-way, allowing passage from either side of the Gateway. Two-way Gateways are both a bonus and a malus; While it can be used to rescue Servants, if someone notices the gate before it closes, they can easily follow or toss dangerous items into it. Spatial Gateways to a Clockwork Obelisk receive double duration and uses. It requires 50W of power to Hierophant Broadcast and 2000W of power to create a Spatial Gateway. 8s 2 Judgement Scripture Below is the Judgement scripture. The Judgement scripture requires 12 Human or Silicon Servants, 5 Tinkerer's Caches, 300 CV, and that all active AIs are Servants to unlock. Scripture names in italics signify important scripture necessary to success. Appearances Name Component Cost Description Invocation Time Invokers Required Arkopening.gif Ark Opening Arkactive.gif Ark Active Arkclosing.gif Ark Approaching Ark of the Clockwork Justiciar 5 Belligerent Eyes 5 Vanguard Cogwheels 5 Geis Capacitors 5 Replicant Alloy 5 Hierophant Ansibles Must consume additional components to activate once constructed: 15 Belligerent Eyes 15 Vanguard Cogwheels 15 Geis Capacitors 15 Replicant Alloy 15 Hierophant Ansibles Summons the Ark of the Clockwork Justiciar, a massive Spatial Gateway to Reebe, the Celestial Derelict. If the Ark survives for 5 minutes, it will activate, summoning Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar in a massive, station-converting blast. It will periodically give indication of its general position to everyone on the station as well as being loud enough to be heard throughout the entire sector. In addition, it will convert an increasingly large area as it gets closer to activating, revealing the general area of its construction. Protect it at all costs. 15s 6 Structures, Sigils, Objects, Constructs, and Cyborgs This is a listing of the various structures and constructs available to the Servants of Ratvar. Structures Clockwork Structures with effects become up to 50% less effective(at 25% of maximum Health) as they lose Health. All Clockwork Structures can be unsecured from the floor with a wrench. This only applies to actual Clockwork Structures; brass windows, tables, and doors all have their own deconstruction/unsecuring steps. Image Name Health Description Usage Tip Construction Value Clockfloor.png Clockwork Floor N/A A Clockwork Floor produced with brass or by a Replica Fabricator. Replica Fabricators can fabricate a Clockwork Wall on a Clockwork Floor for a cost of 1000W power. Clockwork Floors will rapidly heal toxin damage in Servants of Ratvar. 1 Brass window single.png Brass Window 80 A Brass Window produced with brass or by a Replica Fabricator. Provides a very small amount of CV and is a reasonable barrier. 1 Brass window.png Brass Window 120 A Brass Window produced with brass or by a Replica Fabricator. Provides a small amount of CV and is a reasonable barrier. 2 Brass table.png Brass Table 200 A Brass Table produced with brass or by a Replica Fabricator. Brass Tables can be removed by welding them, then wrenching or screwdrivering them. Provides a small amount of CV and a place to store items. 2 Wallgear.png Wall Gear 100 A Wall Gear produced with brass, by a Replica Fabricator, or by breaking down a Clockwork Wall. Wall Gears can be climbed, like tables, unwrenched from the floor, and, if unsecured, deconstructed with a screwdriver. Wall Gears can be plated with brass to construct a Clockwork Wall. 3 Brass windoor.png Brass Windoor 200 A Brass Windoor produced with brass or by a Replica Fabricator. Brass Windoors only allow servants to pass. 3 Clockwall.png Clockwork Wall N/A A Clockwork Wall produced with brass or by a Replica Fabricator. Replica Fabricators can deconstruct Clockwork Walls for a refund of 1000W power. Clockwork Walls will cause Tinkerer's Caches to generate components gradually. 5 Pinion airlock.png Pinion Airlock 240 A Pinion Airlock produced with brass or by a Replica Fabricator. Pinion Airlocks can be removed by wrenching them, then crowbarring the gear off. Pinion Airlocks are difficult to remove and only allow servants to pass. 5 Tinkererscache.png Tinkerer's Cache 80 Tinkerer's Caches can store any number of components, which are considered to be in a Global Cache. Provided at least one Tinkerer's Cache exists, Clockwork Slabs will draw components from the global cache after drawing the maximum they can from their own components. Using a Clockwork Slab on a Cache will transfer all of the components in the slab to the global cache. Caches will link to a nearby unlinked Clockwork Wall, which will cause it to generate an additional component every 35 seconds, plus 5 seconds for each other linked cache. 10 Ocularwarden.png Ocular Warden 25 Ocular Wardens will automatically damage a target non-Servant that can see it within 3 tiles of it. If the target has x-ray vision, it will attack them through walls. Ocular Wardens, while lethal and powerful, are very easily smashed. Place them behind any sort of barricade that doesn't block vision. 15 Mendingmotor.png Prolonging Prism 125 Creates a Prolonging Prism, which delays the arrival of an emergency shuttle by 2 minutes when activated. It requires 3000W of power to activate, and the cost to activate it is increased by 1250W for every previous activation. Its activation very obviously affects the shuttle dock and leaves an obvious trail to the Prism. Maniamotor.png Mania Motor 100 Creates a Mania Motor, which causes minor damage and a variety of negative mental effects in nearby non-Servant humans, potentially up to and including conversion. The effects will linger even if targets leave its range or the Mania Motor is turned off, though both of these things will cause the effects to fall off much more rapidly. It requires 150W of power to run. Mania Motors are exceptionally good at protecting bases, as they cripple offensives and can potentially even convert some of those attacking. 20 Tinkerer's daemon.png Tinkerer's Daemon 100 Tinkerer's Daemons will produce a component of either a chosen or random type every 7 seconds while active. It requires 50W of power to produce any component, plus an additional 50W for every 5 of the component that exists in the global cache. You can only have 1 active Tinkerer's Daemon for every 5 Servants. Use them to augment generation of components that are being heavily used. 20 Clockworkobelisk.png Clockwork Obelisk 150 Clockwork Obelisks can Hierophant Broadcast or create Spatial Gateways, and serve as a target for Spatial Gateways. Hierophant Broadcast allows the user to send a large message to all Servants, useful for coordinating. Spatial Gateway opens a two-way gateway to a target Servant or Obelisk. It requires 50W of power to Hierophant Broadcast and 2000W of power to create a Spatial Gateway. Two-way Gateways are both a bonus and a malus; While it can be used to rescue Servants, if someone notices the gate before it closes, they can easily follow or toss dangerous items into it. 20 Sigils Sigils, while effective as unexpected traps, are incredibly fragile and can be easily removed by any non-Servant hitting them with an item or simply striking them with an open hand. You can stack multiple Sigils of different types on a single tile, which allows you to create conversion traps, damage traps, or damaging conversion traps. Image Name Description Usage Tip Sigiloftransgression.png Sigil of Transgression Sigils of Transgression are nearly invisible, and, when crossed by a non-Servant, will lock that non-Servant in place for about 7 seconds while emitting a bright flash that will temporarily blind non-servants lacking eye protection. The Sigil does not mute the target, and is immediately consumed when stunning a target. Try stacking a Sigil of Submission and a Sigil of Transgression for a conversion trap. Vitalitymatrix.png Vitality Matrix Vitality Matrices, when crossed by a non-Servant, will drain them of health, which fills all Matrices with Vitality, after a brief delay. When crossed by a Servant, however, it will use drained Vitality to rapidly heal them of all damage until it runs out of Vitality. It cannot do both at once. The Vitality Matrix can also revive dead Servants at a cost of 20 Vitality plus all of that Servant's non-oxygen damage in Vitality, in addition to consuming the Matrix. Use the Vitality Matrix to heal usually difficult-to-remove damage such as cloneloss. Sigilofsubmission.png Sigil of Submission Sigils of Submission, when crossed by a non-Servant, will attempt to convert them after 8 seconds if they remain on the Sigil for that time. Both successful and unsuccessful conversion attempts will stun and mute the target and send an announcement over the Hierophant Network. Sigiloftransmission.png Sigil of Transmission Sigils of Transmission can be activated to drain power from the nearby area and will power Clockwork Structures within 2 tiles. While active, it will drain power from APCs, SMES units, non-Servant cyborgs, and mechs occupied by non-Servants. The Sigil can be charged with Brass Sheets at a rate of 250W per sheet. Using a Replica Fabricator on it will rapidly charge that Fabricator. When crossed by a Servant cyborg, it will attempt to recharge that cyborg. Objects Image Name Description Usage Tip Brass.png Brass Sheets Brass sheets can be produced directly from a Fabricator. Brass can be used to construct various brass objects or used to fuel Replica Fabricators and Sigils of Transmission. Brass is a useful way to create structures in places that lack objects for a Replica Fabricator to replace. Judicialvisor.png Judicial Visor Judicial Visors can smite areas to apply Belligerent and briefly stun. The smote area will explode after 3 seconds, doing high damage and briefly stunning. Judicial Visors protect from flashes. Wraithspectacles.png Wraith Spectacles Wraith Spectacles allow True Sight at the cost of rapidly deteriorating vision. Wraith Spectacles can be worn for about a minute before they start to inflict permanent vision damage. Use Wraith Spectacles to quickly check if anyone is near your base before exiting. Fellowshiparmor.png Clockwork Armor Clockwork Armor provides exceptional melee armor(80%), bullet armor(70%), and bomb protection(60%) at the cost of a slight increase in laser damage(25%). Clockwork Gauntlets provide shock protection. Ratvarspear.png Ratvarian Spear Ratvarian Spears are decent melee weapons that do increased damage to cyborgs and cultists. Damage done by the spear produces Vitality equal to a percentage of the damage done. Throwing the spear will do massive damage and stun the target, unless the target is a Servant. Ratvarian Spears last for 3 minutes once summoned. Clockworkproselytizer.png Replica Fabricator Replica Fabricators can be used to replace a number of objects, including floors and walls, with Clockwork variants. Replica Fabricators can also be used to repair clockwork structures and constructs at a rate of 25W power to 1 health. The Fabricator can consume floor tiles, rods, metal, plasteel, and brass for power at rates of 2:25W, 1:25W, 1:50W, 1:125W, and 1:250, respectively. Use the Fabricator in-hand to produce 5 brass sheets at a cost of 1250W power. Replica Fabricators start with 2250W power and gain 12.5W per second. Constructs Image Name Health Description Playstyle Tips Clockworkmarauder.gif Clockwork Marauder 300 Clockwork Marauders exist to defend their host, and can Block attacks and may immediately Counter Blocked attacks, attacking whoever attacked them. Marauders become unable to emerge if they are forced to recall while their host is above 65% health. Stay close to your host; if you're directly adjacent to them, both you and they will gradually heal. Block attacks to your host whenever possible. Use :b to communicate with your host. Cyborgs Image Module Scripture Other Tools Playstyle Tips RatvarStandard.png Standard Judicial Marker, Linked Vanguard, Tinkerer's Cache Ratvarian Spear, Cyborg Fabricator You have basic construction ability, and can make a wall and cache for component production. However, your real use is in combat; Linked Vanguard allows you to charge at enemies that would normally disable you and attack them with your spear and judicial markers. RatvarEngineering.png Engineering Replicant, Sigil of Transmission Cyborg Fabricator As you have only relatively basic tools, your use is to, more or less, create 5 layers of clockwork walls around the clockcult's base. In addition, you are capable of producing power for clockwork structures and other cyborgs. RatvarJanitor.png Janitor Replicant, Sigil of Transgression, Ocular Warden, Mania Motor, Tinkerer's Daemon Cyborg Fabricator As a Janitor cyborg, you use is similar to an Engineering cyborg, except you create active defenses instead of passive ones. Use all of your tools to reinforce a clockcult base in conjunction with an Engineering cyborg or a helpful human Servant. RatvarMedical.png Medical Linked Vanguard, Sentinel's Compromise, Vitality Matrix, Mending Mantra, Fellowship Armory Ratvarian Spear As a Medical cyborg, you exist to heal and defend other Servants; with Sentinel's Compromise you are extremely able to revive allies during combat. You're a combat medic; with Linked Vanguard and Sentinel's Compromise, you are very difficult to kill or disable while attacking with your spear. RatvarPeacekeeper.png Peacekeeper Belligerent, Judicial Marker Ratvarian Spear You exist to fucking murder any enemies of Ratvar; with your combination of scripture, you are extremely suited to disabling and killing large numbers of enemies. RatvarService.png Service Replicant, Tinkerer's Cache, Spatial Gateway, Fellowship Armory, Clockwork Obelisk Truesight Lens As a Service borg, you exist to assist other Servants; you can hand out slabs, make caches, equip allies with armor, and create gateways to allies or obelisks. Your biggest strength is probably communication; with a Clockwork Obelisk, you can talk in extremely large text, which is wonderful for coordinating Servants. RatvarMiner.png Miner Linked Vanguard, Spatial Gateway Ratvarian Spear, Truesight Lens As a Miner cyborg, you're mostly defensive combat-based; you're able to avoid stuns with Linked Vanguard and your own kinetic accelerator. With your Truesight Lens, you can spot people assembling outside a clockcult base, or notice people with the Chameleon mutation fading out, allowing you to attack them before they realize you know they're there. Threats to the Enlightened Although the servants of Ratvar are gifted with great power, they are still threatened by many things on the station. This can range from enemy cultists to things as simple as hard vacuum. Nar-Sian Dogs Cultist.png The one thing that Ratvar hates more than people telling him that he has a bad name are the followers of his nemesis, Nar-Sie. Not only are Ratvar's servants incapable of converting them, but they endeavor to do the very thing that Ratvar wants to prevent: Nar-Sie's arrival into the mortal plane. The two cults are enemies of one another, serving rival gods with rival goals. As such, Ratvarian magic will be more effective against Nar-Sian cultists. The opposite is also true; much of Nar-Sie's magic is more effective against Ratvar's servants. Security and the Chaplain Generic hos.pngGeneric chaplain.png Nar-Sie's cult is generally absent on the stations that Ratvar's servants are present, but the watchful eye of Security and heretical priests is ever-present. A tactical security raid can demolish the most well-prepared of servant hideouts, and the chaplain's holy weapon weakens the Justiciar's magic; a holy weapon makes the user totally immune to the affects of sigils, for instance, and holy water will purge the light of Ratvar from even the most powerful servant's mind, given time. It should be one of the servants' top priorities to infiltrate Security. The servants can use the Sigil of Accession to nullify the loyalty implant of a single target and convert them. As for the chaplain? Well, Ratvar says "Suffer not a heretic to live", so the answer should be self-evident. Ratvar Ratvar.gif Once you've defended the Ark for enough time, Ratvar will come forth. His destructive power is unmatched, turning the minds of the unenlightened and twisting the very walls to suit his image. Few things are capable of challenging Ratvar's sheer power. One of them is Nar-Sie. If Ratvar and Nar-Sie encounter one another, Then only one shall emerge alive. ----- ENEMY STAFF Cultist Cultist Access: Anywhere you had before your conversion or can sneak into. Qualifications: Not defined Employers: Not defined Supervisors: Your God Duties: Serve Nar'Sie. Pray to your Dark Lord and supply Him with converts, servants, artifacts, and sacrifices. If He wills it, summon the Geometer of Blood to this mortal coil! Guides: NO EXTERNAL GUIDES You knew you were special, ever since the day you were shown the light. You kept it a secret in your heart; now, you can contain it no longer. Armed with His gift, a precious book written in His sacred tongue, you begin your dark work. The cultists are a group of fanatical worshipers of Nar-sie, the Geometer of Blood. For whatever reason, they have chosen this shift as the moment when they will reveal their dark purpose. Extended skillset - Your god imbues you with the ability to fight with the tools he provides. Contents 1 Your Objectives 2 Before converting, killing, or summoning Nar'Sie 3 Quick Start Guides 3.1 I have seen the terrible truth! How do I Cultist? 3.2 My soul's been trapped in a Construct, what do? 3.3 I was a ghost, but then I stood on a rune, and now I'm an Apparition! 3.4 My soul was stolen, and now I'm a Shade. 4 The Runes 4.1 Important Notes 4.2 Sentience Runes 4.3 Summoning Runes 4.4 Offense Runes 4.5 Utility Runes 4.6 Metarunes 5 Dark Tools, Dark Strategy 5.1 Remaining Unseen 5.2 Spilling Blood in His Name 5.3 Playing by Man's Rules 6 Surviving the Cult 6.1 Identifying the Occult 6.2 Striking Back 6.2.1 Wall Runes 6.3 The Chaplain 7 Tips & Tricks Your Objectives As with all antagonists, you do not have any set-in-stone objectives. However, you differ from most antagonist types in that you are commonly driven toward certain goals: Pleasing Nar-sie. Pray to Him, sacrifice and terrorize the crew, steal a sacred artifact, or even bring the Geometer Himself into the world of man. The conversion of the crew into the cult. General mayhem. Before converting, killing, or summoning Nar'Sie Remember to read and obey the rules on playing an Antagonist. Specifically, remember that: your purpose is to drive the story and generate interaction; only kill if it makes sense or drives the story; and no ganking. On converting: People can resist being converted, being damaged and ultimately killed in the process if it goes on long enough. Remember that if you don't think they will convert, putting them on the conversion rune is the same thing as torturing and killing them. RPing or involving the convertee in their conversion somehow goes a long way in persuading them to convert - do a roleplay ritual, get them to be lured into an ambush, etc. Use the "Appraise Offering" verb in the IC tab on a prospective convert to see if they have cultist turned on in their preferences, are cultbanned, or are already another antagonist. On killing: In case you do wind up killing someone, either through a botched conversion or in combat, make sure to use a soul stone on their corpse, then put it into a construct shell. This gets them back in the round, while also adding a servant to your infernal army! IPCs, golems and full-grown Dionae can be captured with a soul stone, but stationbounds can't. On Nar'Sie: Summoning your Dark Lord is always a fair goal, but remember that doing so basically ends the round, and generally results in everyone’s deaths. Make sure to discuss your goals for the round with your fellow cultists in AOOC, and keep in mind alternative goals such as sacrificing particular people, capturing a high-value item, or making sure a certain number of cult members escape on the shuttle. If you’re at a loss for what to do, using the Pray verb to beseech your God for direction is never a bad option – though a reply is not always guaranteed. Quick Start Guides I have seen the terrible truth! How do I Cultist? As soon as you submit to conversion, your character's old goals are gone, and you are devoted to the service of Nar'Sie. Pursue your goals with trickery, force, and most importantly, teamwork; but remember that it's okay to lose, so long as everyone got a thrilling and fun experience out of it. Your allies will have a green skull above them. Regular crewmembers have no way of inherently knowing you are a cultist. Use communication runes to coordinate. You can also talk in Cult Common (,f) locally, but it's obvious to observers that this is a very strange language. AOOC is good for making general plans and asking questions about game mechanics and lore. Communicate early and often - keep at least a few communication talismans with you! If you didn't spawn with one, ask your new friends to make you a tome of your own ASAP; you can't draw runes without it! Don't leave floor runes on the ground without reason; there can only be 25 at one time. Use talismans; they're unlimited. Figure out how to ditch your job responsibilities ASAP without looking too suspicious so you can work on your goals before the shift ends. Use Teleport runes and talismans to establish a safe house. Have an Artificer spookify the place, building and destroying walls and doors as needed. Use the Tome and click "Scribe a Rune" to draw runes. Since what you're doing is plainly visible, audible, and freaky, only do so in a secluded area, away from cameras. The Tome is visible on your sprite when you hold it. You lose a very tiny amount of blood when drawing, but otherwise you don't take damage. To use a rune, click it with an empty active hand. To erase or configure runes, use the tome on the rune. The entries in "Read the Tome" may be inaccurate. Here are the most useful runes. Conversion. Makes new cultists out of non-cultists on the rune. Or if they resist, eventually burn them to death. Communication. Allows you to broadcast a message to all cultists. Remember to state your name each time, as the spell won't identify you. Do so in private, if you care about stealth; you speak a freaky chant when activating. Extremely useful. Forging. Gives you tough armor and a deadly weapon, and lets constructs heal themselves and change what type they are. Summon Soul Stone. Capture a player's soul when they are in crit. Construct. Makes a shell you can put a filled soul stone in to turn it into a construct that will obey the cult. Constructs have a variety of useful abilities, generally aren't affected by atmospherics or gravity, and can destroy walls and doors. The Artificer construct can make a forge for you to turn your robes and small oxy tank into a insulated voidsuit and big oxy tank, red pylons that act as turrets when an animal is sacrificed to them, and altars for you to heal. The Wraith construct can phase through walls all around the station and have decent damage; send them on spying, sabotage, and assassination missions. The Juggernaut construct is immune to small amounts of damage, can destroy walls and doors in half the hits, deals as much damage as a cult sword, can reflect bullets, and has very high health. Wall. Makes an impenetrable wall that can be turned on and off only by cultists. Tome summoning. Give this to new cultists ASAP! Teleportation. To teleport! Examine a rune to see what network it's on; use a tome on a rune to configure its network. It will teleport you to a random floor rune besides the one you used in the network. Cooldown is 5 seconds. Incapacitation. Stuns non-cultists in a 5 tile radius. Talisman creation. With a clean piece of paper on the rune, makes portable versions of compatible runes drawn next to it, so you can do magic on the go. Click a talisman with another talisman for compact storage; leave a few unbundled and renamed for quick access. Might want to make a folder out of a box (use the box when it's empty to unfold it) to store your talismans. Blindness. Blinds non-cultists in a 3 tile radius, and leaves them with blurry vision afterwards for a while. EMP. EMP's the surrounding area. 2 tile radius on floor, 1 tile radius on talisman. Doesn't affect cultists or their belongings. Geometer: Summon Nar'Sie. Needs 9 cultists around the rune; apparitions don't count, but constructs do. Runes not listed here: Apparition, Revival, Cultist summoning, Deafening, Blood boil, Blood drain, Freedom, Ethereal, Sacrificial, Concealment, Revealing, Visibility. View The Runes below to learn more. My soul's been trapped in a Construct, what do? You serve the cult and Nar'Sie. Do what they say. You don't care about atmospherics; at worst, decompression might move you some. You also don't fall or slip. If you're the first construct made this round, choose Artificer. You can change what type of construct you are by activating a Forging rune drawn on the ground by a friendly cultist. This also resets your spell cooldowns and heals you completely. You have spells in the upper right corner of your HUD and in your Spells tab. You can destroy walls, doors, and windows by attacking them. Wraith and Artificer can destroy a reinforced plasteel wall in 9 hits, and a regular wall in 2; Juggernaut can do the same in 4 and 1 hits. Certain walls don't have floors under them; when destroyed, they will vent the area to space. Take advantage of this abilty, combined with the Artificer's constructions, to reshape and deny areas as you see fit. You know two languages: Cult (,f) and Occult (,y). Only Cultists and other constructs understand Cult. Use Occult to broadcast to all constructs. You can also use AOOC to talk to fellow antags OOCly. Your three options are: Artificer: You have 50 health and do 5-15 damage. Use your spells often! Create a Daemon Forge in a safe place as the first thing. This lets cultists upgrade their armor into insulated voidsuits, letting them take advantage of vented areas and avoid electrocution. Pump out as many altars as you can; the cultists can heal themselves at them. Base-building tools: - Cultify Area, while converting doors, removes their ID locks. Handy! - Lesser Construction builds walls. - Create floor... makes a culty floor. Works on space tiles. - Red Pylons shed dim light. They can turn into turrets by click-dragging a small-ish animal onto them, then killing the animal. Mice, monkeys, slimes, and department pets are good candidates. You can ignore the rest of the spells. Cultists can already make these things faster than you, but you can help if you like. Wraith: You have 100 health, move decently fast, and do 25 damage. Use Phase Shift (lets you move through walls for 5 seconds) to traverse the station. Has a short cooldown. If you land in a wall, you get pushed out. With Phase Shift, you can go anywhere in the station and wreak havoc; spy on the enemy, assassinate crewmembers, set up passageways for infiltration, vent key areas, etc etc... Juggernaut: You have 400 health, move slowly, and do 30 damage. You can make a tile impenetrable by using your Shield spell; good for dealing with cowards using ranged weapons. Phases out after 25 seconds; cooldown is 30 seconds. Ranged brute damage attacks (i.e. bullets) against you have a 70-80% chance of being deflected off of you, reducing their damage by 70%. You destroy walls, windows, and doors very quickly, which makes you good for breaching fortified areas. I was a ghost, but then I stood on a rune, and now I'm an Apparition! Fresh Apparition? Here's a rundown: You have 300 health, can't be stunned, can't fall or slip, don't care about atmospherics other than being maybe moved by wind, and can't go into crit. You can only speak and understand Cultish. Ask your masters for a robe, sword, and tome to start you off, and ask them what they want you to do. You can use runes and tools just like a crewmember cultist, too (see Cultist), but you can't help summon Nar'Sie. Make sure the person who summoned you has access to plenty of brute damage healing and stays conscious so they can sustain your existence (if nothing else, bother the resident Artificer to make altars so they can heal). Without aid, your summoner will go from full health to crit in 5 minutes. If you die, the cultist can summon you again, so long as another ghost doesn't get picked. My soul was stolen, and now I'm a Shade. Beg your master to just make a construct shell and let you be a construct. You're Ian with an attack and the ability to speak Cult. Sorry. The Runes Important Notes Before you dive in, here are some important notes regarding runes: There can only be twenty-five floor runes in existence at any one time. If you do not need a rune to stay somewhere, such as a wall or teleportation rune, it is highly advised to make a talisman of it instead or erase any other floor runes once you are done with them. Talismans have no limit. You cannot draw a rune on another rune. You can, however, do things like have a rune under a grille, door, or bookcase, and then use it by viewing the turf with alt+click. Null rods are capable of protecting their holder from the effects of most runes, and allows the bearer to destroy cult artifacts with ease. The act of creating a rune is very obvious, with a large message, loud sound, and drip of blood made whenever you start making one. Make sure to do so only in privacy. To erase or configure a rune, use a tome on it. Use alt+click to view the turf if you're having trouble targeting the rune. Sentience Runes These runes relate to the creation of workers and soldiers for your infernal army. You can brainwash the Unenlightened to submit to the Dark Lord's will and aid your cause, use captured souls to spawn solid ghosts and power eldritch constructs, beckon restless spirits into terrifyingly durable bodies, and even bring back the dead... though not always with the soul they started with. Note: It is good practice to LOOC with your victim to confirm whether they are willing to participate as an antagonist. Name Summary Detail Can make Talisman? Disappears after use? Conversion Convert crew to your cause by putting them on the rune and hoping they submit before they die. Via force or guile, get a convertee onto the rune. Target will visibly writhe in and experience pain unless they can't feel pain; this usually means being berserk, having a mutation, or on oxycodone. They also take 5-20 burn damage, start hallucinating, and get a dialog to submit or resist. If they resist or hesitate for more than 10 seconds, the target takes increasing burn damage. Burn gets worse the longer they resist or hesitate, accompanied by messages describing their blood boiling as corruption forces its way into their body and mind. After anywhere from 40 seconds to 2 and a half minutes, they start to seriously hallucinate and take brain damage along with the burn, with descriptions of their mind turning to ash as they begin to see a dark and incomprehensible figure. Damage and hallucination is taken every 10 seconds. Can't be converted if they are dead. If they submit, they will be healed of their hallucination and brain damage, but not burn. If the target can't be culted due to account age, already being a different kind of antag, or due to jobban, they will be gibbed. Can be used on most humanoid species, dionae, IPCs, golems, and monkeys. No No Construct Makes a demonic machine frame, ready to host a captured soul and serve Nar'Sie. The rune makes a shell for making a construct. Use a filled soul stone (see below) on it to make either a Juggernaut, Wraith, or Artificer. They fly, so they don't care about atmospherics knocking them over, and they also don't breathe. They can't see in the dark, and radiate darkness. They all have the same attack speed. Draw a Forging rune to let your constructs heal themselves and change what kind of construct they are. All constructs can be healed by Artificers. Expand for an overview of the constructs. Yes Yes Soul Stone Creation Makes a soul stone, for capturing souls. Soul Stone: Used to trap souls to make Shades or constructs. Use it on a dying or dead mob to capture their soul. Can be used on most humanoid species, dionae, IPCs, golems, and monkeys. Cannot be used on silicons, non-humanoids, animals, anyone infested by cortical borers, SSD people, or apparitions. Can only hold one soul. Use to release the trapped soul as a Shade; click the Shade to put it back in. Use a soul stone on a construct shell to put the soul into it. Disappears after use. Shade: 50 health. Deals 5-15 damage. Understands all languages. Can't fall. Can travel up and down if the way isn't blocked, no ladders required. Has collision like a solid mob. Doesn't get hungry. Decent speed. Other than that? It's Ian. Yes Yes Apparition A ghost standing on the rune is turned into a robust ally, at the cost of slowly draining your life. Any one ghost standing on this rune when activated, and isn't jobbaned from cult, will become an apparition. The summoning cultist doesn't have to stay on the rune, but they take one brute damage every three seconds - 100 damage every 5 minutes - while the apparition exists (except dionae, they take two damage and lose nutrition). Falling unconscious or being SSD will destroy the apparition and allow you to summon another one (so use the SLEEP verb if you wish to get rid of yours). If you have a piece of paper on the rune when activated, and write >Name< on the paper (including the ><), the apparition will take on that name. It seems a cultist can have multiple of these active at one time, but make sure you have the means to heal yourself of the damage. Two or three altars are capable of keeping up with the damage from one rune. Apparitions: 300 health. Can use armor, tools, and machinery like a human. Doesn't feel pain, breathe, fall over, or have blood, and can't be stunned, poisoned, scanned in a body scanner, or go into crit or have an object embedded in them. They have incredible stamina, letting them fight for much longer. They can also sprint twice as long as a human, but only at 70% of the speed of a human. Cannot help summon Nar'Sie. No No Revival Sacrifice a corpse to bring back the dead... though not necessarily with the original soul. The sacrifical corpse and the corpse to revive must both be on the rune, as well as a ghost. The sacrifice cannot be one you have an objective to sacrifice. If no ghost is on the rune, a message will be broadcast to deadchat alerting them of the revival attempt. When the conditions are met, the sacrificial corpse will be gibbed, and the corpse to be revived will be possessed by the ghost and will be cultist. No Yes Summoning Runes These runes relate to creation of tools, weapons, armor, and obstacles, as well as making use of Redspace for transporting and even rescuing cultists. Also included is the most important rune of them all, used to finally pierce the veil and bring Nar'Sie into this reality. Name Summary Detail Can make Talisman? Disappears after use? Forging Dresses you in armored cult robes and gives you a deadly sword. So long as the body slots are free, dresses you in a cult hood, backpack, robes, and boots, and gives you a sword. The armor can be turned into a voidsuit using a daemon forge provided by an artificer. Allows constructs to change what type they are. Armor details: Melee 50, Bullet 30, Laser 50, Energy 20, Bomb 25, Bio 10, Rad 0; protects against stunning/electrocution from tasers and stun batons; doesn't protect the hands. The boots silence your footsteps. Voidsuit details: Melee 60, Bullet 50, Laser 30, Energy 15, Bomb 30, Bio 30, Rad 30, protects against stunning/electrocution including the hands, allowing it to act as insulated gloves. Slows you down like a regular RIG suit. Sword details: 30 damage, 10 when thrown, can slowly destroy steel walls, damages internal organs, protects against shock when breaking electrified windows, can be stored on your belt, or in the armor slot of robes/voidsuit. Yes Yes Wall Makes an impenetrable wall, toggleable only by cultists. Using the rune causes an impassable red blur to appear on the tile, and causes two brute damage to the user. Clicking the blur makes the blur go away and the rune visible again, causing another two brute damage. The blur becomes invisble when a Concealmeant rune is used, and visible again when a Revealing rune is used. No No Tome summoning Summons an arcane tome, for backup or to give to new acolytes. Summons a tome. The tome does 5-20 silent burn damage when hitting the Unenlightened on any intent - good for executing and sacrificing without drawing too much attention. Yes Yes Cultist summoning Three cultists sacrifice their blood to summon a fellow acolyte from anywhere on the station to them. Requires at least 3 cultists to activate. Select your target from the list, and if they are not bound (in the ways that the Freedom rune neutralizes) they will appear on the rune laying down. Unlimited range. If only three cultists activated, the activators are stunned for 6-12 seconds and weakened for 2. Additionally, the activators take brute damage equal to 25 divided by the number of activators divided by two, rounded down. No Yes Teleportation Teleport to another teleport rune in a messy fashion. When you create the rune, it will assigned randomly to a network, visible when you examine it - the four networks are Vernuth, Koglan, Irgros, or Akon. Use your tome on the rune to change which network it belongs to. When you use the rune, it will randomly pick one of the other runes on the same network and take you to it, blood and gibs spattering out of both runes as you are sucked through Redspace. You must wait five seconds before teleporting again. The floor runes do not disappear on use, but the talismans are either one use only, or have a time window of usability after it's first used. Make sure to configure which network the talisman's rune goes to before you create the talisman. Only floor runes are valid destinations. Teleportation runes only work on the station. Yes No, except for talismans Geometer Summons Nar'Sie. Only needs one rune, but needs nine or more cultists surrounding it. Apparitions don't count, though constructs and people revived via Revival do. Must be activated on the station itself. No Yes, but won't work a second time Offense Runes These runes are the bread and butter of His army, allowing them to blind, deaf, and stun their enemies, destroy technology, boil their blood, and even transfer their life essence to you. Important to note is that these runse only affect non-cultists. Name Summary Detail Can make Talisman? Disappears after use? Blindness Blinds non-cultists for a decent duration. Within three tiles, blind non-cultists for 40 seconds, blur vision for 100 seconds. Twice that time if talisman. If floor rune, has 10% to permanently blind, 5% chance to permanently blur vision. The rune won't expend itself unless there is a non-cultist nearby. Yes Yes Deafening Deafens non-cultists for a considerable duration. As a floor rune, deafens non-cultists in a 1 tile radius for 100 seconds, and has a 1% chance to permanently deafen. As a talisman, deafens non-cultists in a 5-tile radius for 200 seconds. Yes Yes Incapacitation Confuses, silences non-cultists for a short duration, and freezes them for a very short duration. Confuses for 20 seconds, silences for 15 seconds, and makes them stand still and do nothing for 2 seconds. Affects non-cultist carbon-based mobs (includes IPCs) in 3 tiles as a talisman. As a floor rune, has a range of 5 tiles, and additionally knocks people down for 2 seconds. Silicons are knocked down for 3 seconds and silenced for 30. Yes Yes EMP Send out an EMP blast in a short range. Disables all technology and damages silicons. Floor rune has a radius of 2 tile, talisman rune has a radius of 1 tile. Doesn't affect anything held by cultists. Yes Yes Blood Boil Boil the blood of a non-cultist unlucky enough to be on the rune. Requires at least 3 cultists standing next to it. Deals 50 brute and 50 burn to the victim on the rune. The cultists take 15 brute each. May or may not activate all nearby blood boil runes when one rune is activated. If so, then it makes a good trap to lure people into. Otherwise, it's only good for weakening sacrifices or executions. Remember that straight up killing someone should generbe a last result; ahelp before doing so. No Yes Blood Drain Drain the blood of your enemy, and put in into yourself. Does not heal. You and a non-cultist must stand on these runes. Deals 10 brute and 10 burn damage to the victim, and transfers 10 units of their blood to you. May or may not activate all nearby blood drain runes when one rune is activated. No Yes Utility Runes These runes do not fit into any other category. With these, you can speak across distances with your brothers and sisters, free a cultist of their chains from a distance, briefly leave your body, and even spill the blood of your victims to gain your god's approval. Name Summary Detail Can make Talisman? Disappears after use? Communication Broadcast messages to your fellow acolytes. Use it, type your message, and hit enter to broadcast a message to all cultists. It's bugged so that the recipient hears the message as though it's coming from themselves, so make sure to announce your name each time you use this. If you don't want to send a message, just type nothing and you will keep the rune. Yes Yes Freedom Frees a fellow acolyte from restraints, remotely. Requires three cultists to activate. Unlimited range. Unbuckles, uncuffs, unmuzzles, and un-straitjackets the target, unwelds, unlocks and opens any lockers the target is in the same tile as, and unlocks and opens any locked doors the target is within 2 tiles of. No Yes Ethereal Be a ghost. Your body is frozen on the rune, and takes 10 brute damage per 10 seconds. A special message announces you to the ghosts, so they may have an idea you're not just an ordinary one. Use this time to recruit for manifestations, pump ghosts for info, and scout. Don't forget to toggle darkness in the Ghost tab, and ghost sight/ears in the Preferences tab. No No Sacrificial Sacrifice a body to appease your god. Put a non-cultist body on the rune, have three or more cultists nearby, activate, and the body gibs. Used to satisfy objectives, or as a hardcore form of Pray. (Though make sure to Pray before and afterwards, this rune doesn't seem to generate an admin message.) The sacrifice is deemed worthy if it is sufficient "rarity" (vaurca, diona, skeleton, apparition (!), zombie, shadow, golem, slime person, and terminator ), or just on a 80% success die roll, 40% if the sacrifice is dead. Must be humanoid, or have/be a brain, braincase, robot, or intellicard. No No Metarunes These runes alter other runes. These runes let you imprint runes on paper so you can take them with you, let you hide and unhide runes, and see hidden runes (and possibly other hidden things). Name Summary Detail Can make Talisman? Disappears after use? Talisman creation Create portable runes. Creates a talisman by putting a piece of clean paper on the rune, then drawing the rune you want to talismanify next to the creation rune. The talisman can be activated by using it. You can clip talismans together for easier storage, and even write on them (once created) to label them, as they're still paper. In fact, you can even disguise a talisman by making it the second in a stack of other normal papers. You may rename your talismans (right click->rename paper) so you know which is which, perhaps using a code to obfuscate its purpose to anyone who captures one. They can also be stored in folders (made by using an empty box, then using the resulting cardboard). No No Concealment Hides runes from all but ghost sight. Makes runes in a four tile radius as invisible as ghosts. Has the same radius when used as a talisman. Yes Yes Revealing Reveals Concealed runes. Reveals any runes hidden with Concealment within 6 tiles if a floor rune, or 4 tiles if a talisman. Yes Yes Visibility Gives you the sight of the ethereal undead. Lets you see invisible things almost as a ghost would. Most practically, you can see runes hidden with Concealment anywhere you're able to see, and check if ghosts are standing on your Apparition or Revival runes. You only get a second or so of this sight, so you have to spam the rune. No No Dark Tools, Dark Strategy You begin the round with an arcane tome book. You are, otherwise, indistinguishable from any other member of the crew. It is highly recommended that your first actions with are as follows: Use a communication rune in a secluded, camera-less area to introduce yourself to the cult ICly. You can state as much or as little about yourself as you want. Be warned that the Unenlightened, if they can see you, will hear you chant in your dark language when doing this. Use AOOC (like OOC, but with an A for Antag in front) to figure out what general plan you want to pursue with your allies, and ask questions about how the cult works. Remember, no IC information! Remaining Unseen Your cult is unknown to outsiders, but before the night is over, all will feel the power of Nar’Sie. Still, a little prudence goes a long way. Cult implements are often visually sinister, consisting of black books and bloody motifs. Should you wish to remain unseen, take care to conduct your magicks and conversions in secluded, camera-less areas. Bathroom stalls, dorms, firefighting closets, maintenance, the adult section in the library, and the construction site are all publicly accessible, relatively secluded, and have no cameras. Good, responsible roleplayers may find your runes and Tomes strange, suspicious, or even indicative of insanity, but will not jump immediately into action, opting instead to investigate. But remember, the moment you emerge with battle-robes and dark energy swords, all bets are off! Spilling Blood in His Name Cultists are notoriously robust, with lots of powerful offensive options at their disposal. Your first instinct may be to use the Armor rune and start contributing prized specimens to Nar-sie's severed head collection. Your Cult Blade might be obscenely powerful, but remember that it's a melee weapon! With teamwork and skill, Security can put you down before you can get a swing in (unless you're a manifested ghost, then you can likely take a nuclear warhead to the face and live). Not only that, but stabbing people left and right is the exact opposite of a fun and interesting round. Playing by Man's Rules Playing nicely, otherwise known as Peacecult, is an extremely challenging strategy, and requires top-notch roleplaying. Or very gullible characters. In Peacecult, you do not harm anyone at all - instead, you and your fellow Cultists preach the word of Nar-sie openly, inviting people to join your religion in a friendly and harmless fashion. However, take note of the following risks: Attempting to convert a player sends them a message describing the agonizing pain they are going through, as they writhe on the ground visibly in pain. More often than not, this is a very quick way to get Security called on you. You may be outright ignored. See: playing the Chaplain. Nothing is more frustrating than trying to recruit followers to summon your all-powerful God of Blood, only to be snubbed by the Tajara as they flirt with one another in Hydroponics. Some Cult players go into the round expecting mayhem and murder; they may simply reject your idea. If you manage to make Peacecult work, this can be quite a hilarious experience. Good luck! Bonus points if you talk the ERT into joining! Surviving the Cult So, your date with Lucas Greyer was interrupted by a gibbering band of madmen in robes with glowing swords. Well darn. There are a few things you need to know if you want to get out of this situation alive. Identifying the Occult Identifying the Cult is difficult. They have been very secretive about their religion, and it is impossible for your character to recognize it. You have never heard of Nar-sie in your life. Those Tomes sure look sinister! But then again, so does your average Dungeons & Dragons sourcebook. Remember that just as the Cult is obligated to make the round fun and challenging for you, you are also obligated to do the same. You have no earthly idea what the runes are. They are not "obviously evil". Calling for Blue Alert or interrogating nearby crew at the first sight of a rune is poor play. Arcane Tomes are just that: weird books. Unless they were used to bash the Central Command Internal Affairs Agent's brains in, they are not suspicious. Cult robes might sling off bullets, but they don't look armored. They're pretty kooky, though. They could have been a missing costume shipment, or maybe the Chaplain got drunk and flung off his clothes. Cult Blades are as or more suspicious than fuel-tank bombs. They're vicious, incredibly sharp swords that glow and thrum like energy blades. Just touching them makes you feel horrendously ill, twisting your heart and filling your head with poisonous thoughts. If you're the Detective, consider these the holy grail of evidence. Obviously, the onus is on the Cult to be discreet about their misdeeds. It will be immediately obvious if one draws a rune, but this in and of itself is nothing more than unsanitary graffiti; the cultist barely pricks their finger. Watching a Cultist disappear is obvious grounds for investigation. When in doubt, play it safe, try to think rationally and realistically, and don't be afraid to adminhelp if you need a second opinion. Striking Back The Cult wears extremely high-quality armor, and their swords can send someone into crit with four hits. For Security (or in the event of a militarized civilian crew), it is vital that you wear riot armor, or any other gear which excels at absorbing melee brute damage. Tasers and stun batons are nearly worthless against the armored Cult! If the Cult is smart, their robes will have been upgraded to allow them to go into space, and will have built turrets in their strongholds. The turrets do burn damage; ablative armor will still work against their beams. Do not shoot the turrets with lasers- this will only make them more powerful! They also may have created eldritch constructs - recognizeable as floating, spiky metal contraptions. They can all destroy walls and doors; some can phase through walls, while others are so durable that bullets bounce off them. Depending on the extremity of their assault, the Cult may or may not present a severe threat. Calling the ERT is a reasonable response once people begin losing their spinal cords. Wall Runes You may come across a strange blurry patch of red air that seems impenetrable - there might be a rune there, or not, if the Cult was clever enough to hide it. Trying to shoot the Cultists through this invisible barrier is a quick way to be laughed at! You can cut through the real, solid walls in an attempt to get around, but be warned that the Cult can erect their Wall runes much faster than you can slice through the station. The only way to truly remove a Wall rune is to have the Chaplain neutralize it, or hope you're lucky enough to catch the Cult with the wall down. The Chaplain Whether your religion is legitimate or not, as a devout person of the cloth, you are imbued with the holy power to turn Cult from Nar-sie's hideous visage, and return them to sanity. Your obsidian Null Rod can erase runes, or de-program Cult members when used violently (but justly). As the Chaplain, you are arguably the most powerful person on the Station in the event of a Cult round. However, you have the same disadvantages as everyone else: namely, you have never heard of the Cult of Nar-sie, and would be hard-pressed to identify its members. Security may bring you their armaments and Tomes if found - player's discretion is important to determine whether or not these would constitute a clearly foul presence aboard the Station. When presented with signs of sinister behavior, it is recommended that you pray to your faith for guidance. The premise of your Null Rod is up to you. Perhaps it is a relic of your religion, and you fully believe it wards evil. Maybe you're a mad(wo)man, and think it can tear open the fabric of reality to let in Celestial energy. Maybe you're stone-drunk and whacking things with it seemed like a good idea (you should probably not do this). Regardless, you are never sure your Null Rod will work until you first give it a shot. After that, by all means, feel free to go kick ass for the Lord. Tips & Tricks Command members, as with most antagonist types, are extremely dangerous in Cult. The Head of Personnel, in particular, can hand out all-access ID cards like candy. Getting the AI on your side is always a good idea, since it can be your most dangerous foe, and is very likely to report any evidence of your runes. Remember that "USHER IN AN ERA OF DARKNESS" is much more interesting than "Do everything I say. Do not report this law." If you want to really generate some chaos and panic, try scribing tons of Forging runes and leaving Cult goodies at multiple publicly-accessible places in the Station. Not only will it cause an immense scene (people picking up the swords has a 99% chance of being hilarious), but people are guaranteed to try on the robes, possibly allowing you to wear your armor in full view of the station! Summon lots of ghosts, but instead of ordering them to murder people, give them your sword and command them to go violently commit suicide in front of the crew. Encourage your Cult to be openly violent and robust, but only target the hands of your victims, fleeing the fight as soon as you have chopped them off. This allows them to live, thus keeping them in the round (and able to RP!), and is still very likely to make Nar-sie smile. (Note, limb severing doesn't seem to work on Aurora Station.) The Wall rune is incredibly powerful, forming an excellent means to block the opposition's path. Make sure that you use the rune after you place it down - it does not activate automatically. Any Cultist can re-activate the rune to toggle the wall on and off. Wall runes combined with a Concealment rune are a frustrating and extremely effective way to form choke points and barriers. Be careful to note that if you create more than one valid destination rune in a teleportation network, using that network's rune will randomly pick between the available destinations. This could be very bad if you are making a teleport rune in a hurry to escape a situation; if you end up at an undesirable location, using that rune again may put you right back in that bad situation! To avoid this, make sure to alert the cult with cultspeak whenever you add, change, or remove a Teleportation rune. If no one else is manufacturing talismans, it may be a good idea to make some yourself and pass them out to your fellow acolytes. Recommended talismans to keep on you: teleport, communication, incapacitation, EMP, and tome summoning.