* [[:rpg:magic_academy|Return to the Magic Academy]] ====== Party Loot ====== To be sold and/or divided as time permits. $1,076,232.41 Shirans in Bank of Alshira party account $144,379.70 Shirans in Bank of Alshira scholarship fund (5%) 1600 cp, 800 sp, 70 gp, 2 x diamond (50 gp), bloodstone (50 gp), 2 x carnelian (50 gp), chrysoprase (50 gp), star rose quartz (50 gp), 2 x zircon (50 gp), a flask of silver dust (25 gp, 5 lb), forty darts in a wooden box (3 gp, 14 lb) 22 pieces of fine jewelry worth 16000 gp 28 rough gems of various types worth 6000 gp 55 pounds each of unworked silver, gold, platinum Diamond worth 1000 gp Scroll listing all of the slave lords' agents Gems and jewelry worth 170000 gp Ring of regeneration Longsword +1 Dagger +1 Leather armor +1 Scimitar +2 Chainmail +2 Shield +2 Heavy crossbow Throwing axe Dagger +1 Cloak of Protection +2 Staff of Power Crystal Ball with Clairaudience Ring of Spell Storing (lvl 9 Dispel Magic, Shocking Grasp, Wall of Force) Ring of Warmth Cloak of Displacement Longsword Leather Armor +2 Gauntlets of Swimming and Climbing Elemental Gem (Emerald) Xoren the Spirit Statue Mascot Robes of Protection Suckling Roast Pig Delicious Appetizers Fancy Desk Comfortable Chair Comfortable Couches Nexus TV Performance platform 26 sp Three wizard scrolls (Alter Self, Continual Flame, Misty Step) Four chests apparently contain 5000 sp, 3000 gp, 3000 ep, and 2000 pp. In the sarcophagi are 50 gems and 12 pieces of jewelry. All coins and treasure are cheap counterfeits. The actual value is only 450 gp. White ape rugs, 2 White ape talons, 20 White ape heads, 2 Chainmail +1 Dagger +1 Silver masterwork daggers, 2 Masterwork studded leather armor Masterwork heavy pick Steel mining helmet Cloak of protection 5 x diamond (50 gp), Spell Scroll (Armor of Agathys), Spell Scroll (Mage Armor) 2 x diamond (100 gp), 2 x pearl (100 gp), +1 Wand of the War Mage, Ring of Mind Shielding, Shield+1, Mace +1 plate mail +1 longsword +1 60 pp Potion of bull's strength Potion of poison Plate mail Halberd Mace +1 2000 ep Oil flasks x 6 Wand of light (28 charges) Cloak of protection Tatzlwyrm dragon hide Tatzlwyrm head Set of stonemason's tools Silver hammer of Drosgar Prayerbook to Drosgar Hymnbook of Torag Scroll of spiritual weapon Set of hunting knives Crude metal trap Scroll of protection from petrification Scroll of invisibility Scroll of prayer of war (All within sixty feet have advantage on your next (choose one) initiative/melee or ranged attack; requires five minutes to perform, lasts until next long rest) 300 days dried rations 300' hemp rope 50 units peasant clothing Three jewelry items (1,000 gp each): Worn by Heck, Rinaldo and Ebony Potion of fire resistance Potion of levitation Potions of Mind Reading, 2 Jeweled dagger (1,000 gp): noble costume for Thomas Scroll of gaseous form Phone Battery Packs (20 Power), 2 Prodd (crossbow that fires pellets or vials; effectively light crossbows with bludgeoning damage), 1 Flashlight (casts a beam up to 300 feet in a straight five foot wide line, dim light everywhere else for 300 feet) Baseball bat (d6/d8 damage Versatile club) Formula for Potions of Healing (+d4 on alchemical checks to make potions of healing) Lecture notes on Battlefield Warfare Tactics (+d4 on tactical planning checks) Syllabus on Business Management (+d4 on business management checks) Syllabus on Selling Yourself for Fame (+d4 on Performance checks to increase popularity) Pocket watch (20 gp) Magic compass (helps you find the exit from a dungeon!) Mirrored Sunglasses. These sunglasses are ballistic-proofed, though they can be knocked off, and provide resistance to blinding and immunity to gaze attacks while worn; in addition, the mirror reflection may reflect the gaze attack back on the user! Bullseye lantern Papers detailing the slave route Set of dice Composite Bow (2d4 dmg) - for Velana Silken handkerchief (5 gp) Periapt of proof against poison Books of military strategy Wand of opening (11 charges) Bastard sword of disarming (+2 to disarm attempts) Ogre-sized chainmail Composite bow (requires Str 18, adds +4 to damage) Handaxes x 9 Greatsword +1 Gold-inlaid belts x 3 (150 gp) worn for noble disguises Mandolin Skald's field harp Leather cloak Chessboard 10 matched silver and black opal bracelets worth 200 gp each (Team SHEATH bracelets) with lifebond enchantment (wearers can detect each others' status by focusing with a bonus action) Potion of undead control [ghouls] Potion of diminution Clerical scroll with beacon of hope, cure wounds, feign death, purify food and drink, and resurrection Ring of warmth Feather token: Anchor Scroll of Cure Disease Scroll of Darkness, Ray of Enfeeblement, Sleet Storm, Wall of Sand Potion of longevity, potion of white dragon control, philter of love, ring of water walking cask of iron rations skin of wine metal cot 12 darts Adamantite claws worth 2000 gp Morning star +1 Small-size chainmail +2 Spellbooks (1st: magic missile, protection from good and evil, darkness, Tenser's floating disk, puppet; 2nd: arcane lock, darkness, cloud of daggers, darkvision; 3rd: lightning bolt) Pathfinder Boots x 6: These high boots are insulated and waterproof, keeping your feet warm and dry under the worst weather or conditions. Includes a steel toe cap. Moss and fungi harvesting kits x 6: Each kit weighs 1 pound, consists of various cutting and collecting tools, and grants advantage on a character’s Intelligence (Nature) checks to harvest spell components. Five bolts of rare silk (100 gp each) Leather bag with two rubies (100 gp) 440 gp Silver mirrors x 2 (15 gp) Ivory handled dagger (20 gp) Metal gong and hammer (former alert system of the sahaugin fortress) Gold-painted wooden coins, iron rings painted silver, and bits of colored glass. Aside from being entertaining to children, perhaps, there's no real value to be had here, and it's pretty easy to tell they aren't real unless you're particularly imaginative. Gifted to the kobold children.