====== Valexville Values and Violence ====== Based in Valexville, Rosa Noir, this family business hosts arena combats and manufactures assorted weapons, armor, and clothing for the discerning adventurer. =====Weird Weapons===== ^ Item ^ Cost ^ Description ^ | Power Fist | $600 | This punching fist has a flat metal plate over the knuckles that fires off with hydraulic force upon impact, increasing bludgeoning unarmed damage inflicted by 1d to a minimum of 2d4 damage plus Strength or Dexterity. Due to its internal power crystal, this attack can be used once per Fist per round. | | Power Fist Plus | $1000 | This punching fist has a spiked metal plate over the knuckles that fires off with hydraulic force whenever the spikes are depressed, increasing unarmed damage inflicted by 1d, converting to piercing damage, and inflicting a minimum of 2d4 damage plus Strength or Dexterity. Its power crystal is also improved over the base Power Fist, allowing it to be used as many times per round as you have unarmed attacks. | | Ballistic Fist | $1200 | This punching fist is backed by a double-barreled snub-nose shotgun that fires off both barrels after an impact. The total damage inflicted is equal to the damage of the punch (minimum 1d4 bludgeoning damage), plus the damage of both barrels of the shotgun (2d8 per barrel, 4d8 piercing damage total). This fist needs to be reloaded after each punch (1 action, to break open the shotgun and load both barrels), although normal punching can ensue without reloading the mechanism. A pair of Ballistic Fists allow for a truly nasty one-two punch. | | Flaming Fists | $1500 | These enchanted gloves give the user immunity to fire on the arms (the user automatically takes 1 less damage from fire attacks and can safely hold incredibly hot objects) and imbue the user's fists with flames whenever they land a strike, inflicting fire damage instead of bludgeoning. | | Greater Flaming Fists | $7500 | These enchanted gloves give the user immunity to fire on the arms (the user automatically takes 1 less damage from fire attacks and can safely hold incredibly hot objects) and imbue the user's fists with flames whenever they land a strike, inflicting fire damage instead of bludgeoning. They also have ten charges, which can only be used by monks when attuned, and can cast burning hands with one charge or fireball with three charges; they regain 1d6 charges per day. | | Nano Buster | $60000 | This cybernetic arm sleeve cannon has an internal bank of sorcery points, and recharges sorcery points over time; sorcery points can be converted into spells at the rate of 2 points for 1st level spells, 3 points for 2nd level spells, 5 points for 3rd level spells, 6 points for 4th level spells, and 7 points for 5th level spells. The cannon holds a maximum of 7 sorcery points, and recovers these points during a long rest. It can hold up to eight spells in its memory banks, requiring the spell be cast on one of its memory slots to 'set' it, as well as one cantrip-level effect (which is cast at no point cost from background mana), and can be recharged more quickly with disposable powerstones. Sorcerers using this cannon can also power sorcery effects from the cannon's battery as well as their own internal reserves, and use it as an arcane focus for their other spells. Nano Busters are automatically empty of spells and cantrip when attuned, and the memory is cleared when ownership is transferred. | | Ripper | $600 | This shortsword uses an internal power crystal to run a high-frequency, low-volume chainsaw, inflicting 2d6 damage while still being usable as a stealth weapon due to its silence magics. | | Shishkebab | $800 | This shortsword has a tank that sprays burning fuel along the blade to incinerate enemies more readily. The fuel tank lasts for one minute before requiring refueling, and increases damage to 1d6 slashing plus 2d6 fire while the device is fueled. | | Syringer | $1000 | This rifle-like weapon must be loaded with special syringes that each carry a dose of alchemical substances, poisons, potions, etc. It is a simple ranged weapon and loads and fires one syringe at a time, and reloads as part of the attack action (one attack per round). Range 30/90, reload 1, two-handed. | | Backpack Ballista | $360 | Range 180/540. 1d12 piercing damage. 15 lbs. $0.20 per ballista bolt. This complex wooden device, worn on the back, contains a miniature ballista on a retractable arm. As a Use Item action, you can pull a lever to deploy or retract the ballista. As long as it remains deployed, you must hold the ballista using that hand or some of the components spill out onto the ground, just like dropping any other weapon. While deployed, the device opens and raises the ballista up over your shoulder. While retracted, the ballista and its mount slide down and are concealed within the device. Although a backpack ballista packs a punch, the device is a challenge to operate. Reloading it takes 1 minute and can’t be done while worn. As normal, you can’t wear a backpack ballista with another backpack. | | Backpack Catapult | $400 | Range 240/720. 1d12 bludgeoning damage. 25 lbs. $0.20 per catapult stone. This wooden device is worn on the back and contains a miniature catapult mounted on a retractable frame. As a Use Item action, you can pull a lever to deploy or retract the catapult. As long as it remains deployed, you must hold the catapult using that hand or some of the components spill out onto the ground, just like dropping any other weapon. While deployed, the device opens and raises the catapult up over your shoulder. While retracted, the catapult and its mount slide down and are concealed within the device. A backpack catapult fires specialized stone spheres that are loaded into the bucket while unworn and retracted, through a sliding hatch; the reloading process takes 1 minute. To prevent misfires and accidental injury, the bucket fully encloses the stone while deployed, only opening when fired. As normal, you can’t wear a backpack catapult with another backpack. | | Dart Umbrella | $20 | Range 30/90. 1 piercing damage. 1 action to reload one dart. 5 lb. This umbrella fires tiny blowgun darts from its ferrule with a twist of the handle. The darts are loaded into the shaft, and though the damage they deal is minimal, the dart umbrella is an inconspicuous weapon easy to slip past inspections. | | Injection Spear | $60 | 1d8 piercing damage, reach. 3 lb. A hollow receptacle inside this spear’s head can store a single dose of poison. A sliding trigger along the spear’s shaft can inject the loaded poison into a damaged target. | | Umbrella Injector | $80 | 1d4 piercing damage, finesse, defensive. This umbrella’s ferrule is a hollow-tipped blade three to four inches in length and often overlooked as decorative. A receptacle inside the umbrella’s shaft can be loaded with a single dose of injury poison and injected into a damaged target with the pull of a sliding trigger. Reinforced ribs enable you to parry and deflect blows with the umbrella’s tear-resistant canopy. | | Pantograph Gauntlet | $20 | 1d4 bludgeoning damage, reach, deadly d6 (criticals roll d6s). A pantograph gauntlet is a heavy, fist-like weight, mounted on an extendable frame and attached to your outer arm with a series of leather straps. The frame’s set of mechanical linkages connected at various hinges allow movements to propagate across the frame based on reshaping parallelograms, further controlled by a crossbar grasped in your hand. A pantograph gauntlet is driven by your own motion and mirrors your arm’s movements—a punch thrown with your fist moves the pantograph, extending the weight out at a rapid speed to land blows up to 10 feet away. Pantograph gauntlets are occasionally constructed entirely of metal and fashioned in the likeness of oversized arms, incorporating a complex system of gears or a miniature steam engine in place of the simpler pantograph mechanism. | | Blade Launcher | $360 | 5 lb., two-handed. A blade launcher has a bow-like assembly mounted on a handled frame. The frame can be configured to fire either a dagger, dart, or shuriken. Configuring a blade launcher requires three Use Item actions. Once properly configured, loading an appropriate thrown weapon into a blade launcher requires a single Use Item action. A blade launcher can’t fire weapons for which it’s not currently configured. A weapon fired with a blade launcher loses the monk, thrown, and versatile traits, if it has them, and has a range increment of 40/120 feet. Due to losing the thrown weapon trait, returning and most other effects that allow a weapon to return don’t function; even if a launched weapon did return, you’d still need to load it into the blade launcher with a Use Item action to fire the blade launcher again. | | Bomb Launcher | $400 | 5 lb., two-handed. This long, hollow tube is held in two hands and braced over the shoulder. Inside, it contains a small metal basket sized to hold alchemical bombs. A chute in the top delivers an alchemical bomb into the internal basket, while a lever on the underside pulls the basket back and locks it in place. Loading an alchemical bomb or grenade into a bomb launcher requires a single Use Item action. With a pull of a trigger, the basket speeds forward, allowing you to strike with the loaded alchemical bomb over long distances. Bombs fired with a bomb launcher have a range increment of 60/180 feet. | | Deployable Cover | $300 | 5 lb., two-handed. This thick mat of canvas, foliage, and wood is mounted on a tripod of flexible metal struts, folded into a baton-like shape, and clamped shut. You can rapidly deploy it on the ground with a Use Item action to create cover. Deployable cover is large enough to Take Cover behind, allowing you (and others) to gain standard cover when you use the Take Cover action. Before it can be used again, deployable cover must be carefully folded and clamped shut, which takes 1 minute. | | Ballistic Cover | $700 | Specially crafted to protect against bullet fire, a ballistic cover also works against other physical projectiles, such as arrows, bolts, and thrown weapons. While a creature has cover behind a ballistic cover, it gains resistance to piercing damage from ranged weapons and ranged unarmed attacks. | | Grappling Gun | $60 | 5 lb., two-handed. This wooden, pistol-like device features a large reel coiled with 100 feet of thin metal cord and can fire a grappling hook up to 100 feet. To reload the grappling gun, you must manually recoil the cord by turning the reel’s crank, and then lock in the grappling hook. Reloading a grappling gun takes 1 minute. | | Net Launcher | $320 | 5 lb., two-handed. This wide, hollow tube is two to three feet long and fires an unattached net at much greater range than one can be thrown. A net launcher can be wielded while propped up on your shoulder or cradled under your arm. A net must be carefully folded to be launched without tangling. Properly loading a net into a net launcher takes 1 minute. A net fired with a net launcher can target a Medium or smaller creature within 40 feet. | | Machete | $20 | 1d6 slashing, 2 1/2 lb. A machete is a chopping weapon mass-produced in modern society. However, when these weapons were first invented they were forged by swordsmiths. | | Baseball Bat | $10 | 1d4 bludgeoning, 3 lb. The baseball bat is a smooth wooden stick used in the sport of baseball to hit the ball after it is thrown by the pitcher, but it can be used to hit other things. | | Spiked Baseball Bat | $12 | 1d6 piercing, 4 lb. The spiked baseball bat is a modified baseball bat, with various protruding nails all over the barrel of the bat. Generally disapproved of in sporting contests. | | Baseball | $2 | 1d3 bludgeoning, 1/2 lb. Thrown 20/60, light, finesse, special. A baseball is a small ball with a rubber or cork center, wrapped in yarn, and covered in white horsehide or cowhide, tightly stitched together. The ball fits nicely into the hand and weighs very little, contributing to its long thrown range. If you are wielding a bludgeoning melee weapon when you throw a baseball, you can strike the ball with it. If you do so, the range of the baseball increases to 80/320, and the damage increases to 1d6. | | Lunge Mine | $200 | Two-handed, heavy, thrown 10/15. Arguably one of the most ill-conceived weapons of all time, the lunge mine consists of a wooden pole with a powerful explosive in place of a spear tip. Soldiers were expected to pull the security pin situated at its head before charging head-first at an enemy tank. At the very least, a soldier wielding such a weapon could be assured a painless death relatively confidently. //Primed.// If this weapon is not primed as a bonus action, attacks made with it act identically to those of a quarterstaff. After priming, they benefit from all features of this weapon. After making one attack with a primed lunge mine, it is destroyed. //Explosive.// Attacks made with a lunge mine can be made at either a creature or object or a point within range. A creature whose AC is hit by a lunge mine attack cannot attempt a saving throw to reduce the damage taken. Each creature within 10 feet of an exploding lunge mine must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking the listed damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The mine inflicts 4d6 bludgeoning plus 4d6 fire damage upon exploding. | | Mana Drill | $50 | 1d6 bludgeoning, 10 lb. The drill can be used a normal bludgeoning hand weapon for 1d6 damage. As a bonus action, you may cause the drill to start spinning, causing it to deal 2d6 piercing damage instead. This weapon can also be used to dig in stone, it is able to dig a five-foot room in an hour. This weapon is powered by environmental mana and does not function in anti-magic or low-mana zones. | | Flare Pistol | $100 | Reload 1, Ammunition 60/180. Normally used as a signaling device, a flare gun can be used as a weapon in a pinch. While colored flares are the only munitions that can reliably be used with a weapon with such poor recoil compensation, it is also capable of firing 12-gauge shotgun shells, although at -2 to hit due to the recoil. Flares burn for 1d4 fire damage per round until extinguished and burn for one minute, while shotgun shells inflict 2d8 piercing damage on a successful hit. | | Pump-Action Shotgun | $1000 | Ammunition 30/90, reload 5, 2d8 piercing, two-handed. A pump action shotgun is a manually-loaded shotgun with a sliding pump which, when moved forward or backward, cycles the action of the shotgun, allowing you to fire one round after another. It is commonly used for home defense, and in the military or law enforcement as a riot gun. | | Buzzsaw | $200 | 10 lb., 2d8 slashing. This buzzsaw is a ring-like sawing weapon often used in construction or material-acquisition jobs such as lumber yards and quarries. | | Chainsaw | $450 | 20 lb., 2d10 slashing. A large metal saw carried with two hands that is good for sawing. A chainsaw that's not turned on only counts as an improvised greatclub. | | Monster Chainsaw | $1750 | 45 lb., 2d12 slashing. A massively large custom-built metal saw with a gigantic blade, designed for use by a person of unusual size or strength. A monster chainsaw that's not turned on can still be used as a club to beat down enemies, but only deals 2d8 bludgeoning damage. | | Chainsaw Bayonet | $200 | 1 lb., 2d6 slashing. It's a bayonet you can attach to a rifle! It's also a chainsaw! You can use your action to fix a chainsaw bayonet to a rifle. While wielding a rifle to which the bayonet is attached with both hands, you can engage in two-weapon fighting as if you were wielding the rifle in one hand, and a light weapon that deals 1d10 slashing damage in your off hand. | | Trench Knife | $15 | 1 lb. This high-quality knife with brass knuckles can be used in close combat, inflicting either 1d4 bludgeoning or piercing damage at the will of the user. | | Alchemical Pistol | $130 | Simple ranged weapon, 1d8 piercing, 4 lb, reload (5), light, ammunition (30/90). This simple pistol fires alchemically assisted bullets at moderate velocities. It is considered something of a novelty, as more powerful examples of ballistic technology make this look like a cap gun. | | Slingshot | $1 | Simple ranged weapon, 1d4 bludgeoning, 1 lb, ammunition (30/90), two-handed. This weapon consists of a Y-shaped wooden frame to be held in the off hand, with two elastic strips attached to the two upward-facing ends. The other ends of the strips lead back to a pocket that holds the projectile, which is most often a small rock or nut. This simple but effective weapon is often used by children or commoners who lack the means or skill needed to wield crossbows or shortbows. | | Wrist Gun | $500 | Martial ranged weapon, 2d6 piercing. 3 lb. Ammunition (30/90), light, reload (6), glove, special. A ring-shaped shotgun that sits tightly against the wielder's wrist that can be fired by punching. Attacking a creature within 5 feet with this weapon does not have disadvantage. This weapon fires standard shotgun shells. | | Boltcaster | $240 | Martial ranged weapon. 3d8 piercing, 15 lb, ammunition (50/150), loading, heavy, two-handed, special. The Boltcaster is a specialist-made crossbow weapon made with raw power in mind. Due to its raw weight, as well as its draw weight, it requires specially-fitted restraints to wield properly. Any ammunition expended by the Boltcaster is irreparably destroyed and reloading the weapon takes 30 seconds (five rounds) of uninterrupted effort. Alternatively, you may attempt a DC 18 Strength (Athletics) check as an action, reloading the weapon on a success. Dropping this weapon, such as in order to wield another weapon or interact with an object, requires either spend 30 seconds undoing various clasps or attempt a DC 18 Strength (Athletics) check as an action, dropping the weapon on a success. | | Triangular Bayonet | $10 | 1 lb. With the ubiquity of socket bayonets, it wasn’t long before someone developed a more effective blade that leaves nastier wounds. The triangular bayonet’s shape leaves irregular punctures that are difficult to heal. A creature using a musket or rifle affixed with a triangular bayonet does 1d8 damage, or 1d10 when wielded with two hands. A creature may also use an un-affixed triangular bayonet on its own, doing 1d6 damage. | | Phlogiston Flechette | $2 | A crossbow bolt that self-ignites when fired; half damage inflicted by the flechette is fire damage, and flammable materials struck by the bolt are ignited automatically. This ammunition is unrecoverable once fired. | | Shatterbolt | $0.20 | When firing this bolt out of a crossbow the bolt shatters immediately upon leaving the crossbow firing shrapnel in a 10 foot cone equal to the normal damage of the crossbow to all enemies in line of sight of the crossbow. This ammunition is unrecoverable once fired. | =====Clockwork Machinery===== ^ Item ^ Cost ^ Description ^ | Lesser Blast Boots | $6 | These sets of rockets come in pairs and strap onto existing footwear (or a creature’s feet). Inserting them and aligning them properly takes 1 minute. When you Activate the blast boots, you can High Jump or Long Jump as if you had a running start. Higher-level versions increase the distance of your High Jump or Long Jump. | | Moderate Blast Boots | $22 | When you Activate the moderate blast boots to High Jump, you can increase the vertical distance of your High Jump by up to 30 feet. When you Activate them to Long Jump, you can increase the horizontal distance of your Long Jump by up to 45 feet. | | Greater Blast Boots | $280 | When you Activate the greater blast boots to High Jump, you can increase the vertical distance of your High Jump by up to 50 feet. When you Activate them to Long Jump, you can increase the horizontal distance of your Long Jump by up to 75 feet. Additionally, for 1 minute, the greater blast boots continue to boost your jumps. Every time you Leap during the duration, you can move 30 feet in any direction, or your normal Leap distance, whichever is further. | | Major Blast Boots | $5500 | When you Activate the major blast boots to High Jump, you can increase the vertical distance of your High Jump by up to 80 feet. When you Activate them to Long Jump, you can increase the horizontal distance of your Long Jump by up to 120 feet. Additionally, for 1 minute, the major blast boots remain active, allowing you to clumsily fly through the air for the duration. You gain a 30-foot fly speed for the duration, but any time you use it, you have disadvantage on Dexterity ability checks until the start of your next turn. | | Cauterizing Torch | $20 | 2 lb, one-handed, single-use. This small, clockwork torch device uses a trigger-operated sparker to ignite a flow of flammable gas, creating a short, hot flame capable of rapidly cauterizing wounds and helping to stop bleeding. The cauterizing torch is applied to yourself or an adjacent target. The user has advantage on any Wisdom/Medicine check to stop bleeding, and the target has advantage on any other save made to stop bleeding. The target suffers one point of fire damage. It can also be used to instantly start a fire. | | Cryomister | -- | 1 lb., one-handed. When you Activate a cryomister, you can either place it in an adjacent square or toss it up to 20 feet away. Once you’ve done so, the metallic device instantly disperses a heavy mist, settling quickly on nearby flat surfaces and forming a sheet of ice. The cryomister creates a burst with a radius depending on the type, making the affected area difficult terrain for 1 minute; , at the GM’s discretion, however, this duration might be reduced in unusually hot conditions or increased in unusually cold ones. If an affected square takes fire damage, the difficult terrain is removed. Though not designed as a weapon, the cryomister’s rapidly cooling mist deals cold splash damage depending on the type to creatures in the area on activation. Creatures attempting to move through the affected area can attempt an Acrobatics check with a DC depending on the type to ignore the difficult terrain and move at their normal Speed. Throwing the cryomister onto the surface of a liquid creates a floating piece of ice for the same duration, capable of supporting one or more creatures of the listed size. | | Lesser Cryomister | $6 | The area is a 5-foot burst, the Acrobatics DC is 17, and the cold splash damage is 1. The floating ice can support one creature up to Medium size. | | Moderate Cryomister | $50 | The area is a 10-foot burst, the Acrobatics DC is 21, and the cold splash damage is 3. The floating ice can support one Large creature or two Medium or smaller creatures. | | Greater Cryomister | $500 | The area is a 15-foot burst, the Acrobatics DC is 25, and the cold splash damage is 5. The floating ice can support one Huge creature, two Large creatures, or four Medium or smaller creatures. | | Major Cryomister | $5000 | The area is a 20-foot burst, the Acrobatics DC is 30, and the cold splash damage is 8. The floating ice can support one Gargantuan creature, two Huge creatures, four Large creatures, or eight Medium or smaller creatures. The ice can’t support Gargantuan creatures larger than a 20-by-20-foot space. | | Explosive Mine | -- | When you Activate an explosive mine, you place it on the ground in a square within your reach, priming it to explode when a creature steps on that square. If you have time in advance to prepare, you can place the mine on the ground before activating it, and you or an ally can try to use Stealth to conceal it before you Activate the mine. If you don’t conceal the mine, its position is obvious at a glance. Once activated, the mine is primed to explode when enough pressure is placed on the square where it’s located. Typically, this occurs when a Small or larger creature moves onto the square, though it could happen if a creature intentionally places pressure on the square from a distance to safely trigger the mine. Once triggered, the mine explodes, dealing the listed fire damage to any creatures in a 5-foot emanation with a Dexterity save. | | Lesser Explosive Mine | $8 | The mine deals 2d6 fire damage, and the Dex DC is 15. | | Moderate Explosive Mine | $80 | The mine deals 6d6 fire damage, and the Dex DC is 20. | | Greater Explosive Mine | $800 | The mine deals 12d6 fire damage, and the Dex DC is 25. | | Major Explosive Mine | $8000 | The mine deals 18d6 fire damage in a 10-foot radius, and the Dex DC is 30. | | Lesser Flare Beacon | $8 | Flare beacons create an incredibly bright light for a brief period of time. They are often used to signal others to the beacon’s location, to coordinate assaults, to request rescue, or for other similar reasons. Higher-level beacons have a radius so large that they can be seen from miles away at night. When you activate a flare beacon, you can either place it on the ground in a space within your reach or toss it up to 60 feet straight up. The beacon then sparks into being, casting bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light in the next 20 feet for 1 minute. A flare beacon in the air falls at a rate of 10 feet per round. Creatures adjacent to a flare beacon must succeed at a DC 15 Con save or be dazzled until they are no longer adjacent to it. | | Moderate Flare Beacon | $70 | The beacon shines bright light in a 60-foot radius and dim light in the next 60 feet. Creatures within a 10-foot radius of the beacon must succeed at a DC 20 Con save or be dazzled until they are no longer within 10 feet of it. | | Greater Flare Beacon | $360 | The beacon shines bright light in a 100-foot radius and dim light in the next 100 feet. Creatures within a 20-foot radius of the beacon must succeed at a DC 25 Con save or be dazzled until they are no longer within 20 feet of it. Additionally, on a critical failure, they are also blinded for 1 round. | | Major Flare Beacon | $3000 | The beacon shines bright light in a 180-foot radius and dim light in the next 180 feet. Creatures within a 30-foot radius of the beacon must succeed at a DC 30 Con save or be dazzled until they are no longer within 30 feet of it. Additionally, on a critical failure, they are also blinded for 1 round. | | Impact Foam Chassis | -- | While you’re wearing an impact foam chassis wrapped around your body, it activates automatically whenever you fall at least 10 feet, causing a layer of soft, flexible impact foam to expand beneath and around you to cushion the fall. The impact foam decreases the falling damage by up to the listed amount, taking damage equal to the amount of falling damage the foam reduced. If this is enough to destroy the foam, it disperses immediately. However, if the foam has any Hit Points remaining, it remains surrounding you for up to 1 minute. While you’re surrounded in foam, you are immobilized and have three quarters cover against other creatures, and other creatures have three quarters cover against you. The foam has a DC of 15 to escape with Strength/Athletics or Dexterity/Acrobatics; a creature can also remove it by spending three actions clearing away the foam. You or others can also attack the foam (the foam has an AC of 12), which disperses if reduced to 0 Hit Points. | | Lesser Impact Foam Chassis | $6 | A lesser impact foam chassis prevents up to 20 falling damage and has 20 Hit Points. | | Moderate Impact Foam Chassis | $30 | A moderate impact foam chassis prevents up to 40 falling damage and has 40 Hit Points. | | Greater Impact Foam Chassis | $300 | A greater impact foam chassis prevents up to 80 falling damage and has 80 Hit Points. | | Major Impact Foam Chassis | $1300 | A major impact foam chassis prevents up to 120 falling damage and has 120 Hit Points. | | Galvanic Mortal Coil | $1940 | This porous steel coil wraps around a shard of onyx, supplementing the closely guarded science of galvaspheres with the magic of necromancy. When embedded in a body comprised of flesh, the blood and other fluids catalyze electrical pulses within the coil, activating the necromantic energies. In living creatures, this causes a dangerous surge that can damage the heart. In corpses, however, this can create a limited window of reanimation, with access to the corpse’s final memories. Galvanic mortal coils are even rarer than other galvaspheres, and thought by most to be merely hypothetical. \\ Activate: Use Item; Frequency once per hour; Effect: You drive the coil into a living creature that has 0 HP while attaching the other end to yourself, in order to damage their heart and possibly siphon their life force. If the creature fails a Constitution save vs DC 20, it dies, and you gain 2d4 temporary hit points and +2 Strength for 10 minutes per hit die of the subject creature. \\ Activate: 10 minutes; Frequency once per day; Effect: You implant the coil into a corpse. The coil casts speak with dead on the body. | | Galvasphere | $40 | A galvasphere animates a corpse to motion via electricity, rather than necromancy. When you activate the galvasphere by inserting it into an adjacent intact Medium or Small humanoid corpse, the corpse animates as a zombie for 1 minute. The zombie has the statistics of a regular zombie except that it is a construct instead of an undead, isn’t evil, can’t be harmed by positive energy, and is the same size as the corpse (Medium or Small). The zombie is your minion and performs the actions you choose when you command it. If you don’t command it, it takes no action, twitching in place as the electricity that animates it slowly expends itself. | | Day Goggles | $60 | The darkened lenses of these goggles protect sensitive eyes from bright light but make seeing in the dark more difficult. While wearing day goggles, you gain a +1 item bonus to saving throws against visual light effects. However, while wearing the goggles, you take a –2 item penalty to visual Perception checks and you treat areas of bright light as dim light and areas of dim light as darkness for the purpose of whether you can see. While this is normally a disadvantage, if you have light blindness, you aren’t dazzled in bright light as long as you continue wearing the day goggles, since to your eyes, there is only dim light. You can wear the goggles around your neck or on your forehead, granting no benefits, but allowing you to move them over your eyes with a single Use Item action, without having to withdraw them first. | | Electrocable | $90 | Two-handed. This foot-long length of conductive cable is capped on both ends by grounded handles containing crystal coils. These coils can be turned on or off as a single action. While on, the coils electrify the cable, dealing 1d6 electricity and 1d6 fire damage in a thin precise line to anything the cable touches, though the cable is too unwieldy to use as a weapon. Electrocables are typically used to “cut” a thin straight line through metal. They ignore 10 points of a metal object’s hardness. | | Heated Cloak | $320 | This fine cloak is lined with tiny tubes of slowly reacting alchemical reagents. These chemicals generate heat, which is circulated throughout the cloak by the wearer’s movements. While active, the wearer is protected from severe cold. (https://rpgbot.net/dnd5/dungeonmasters/temperature-and-weather-rules/) The cloak offers lesser protection from extreme or incredible cold (effectively reducing them by two levels). It operates for 24 hours and can be reset with a simple process that takes 1 minute. | | Holy Steam Ball | $60; $4 per refill | The holy steam ball is an odd-looking device that’s nevertheless effective at reinforcing its user’s mind against fiendish control. It’s a hollow black rubber ball with small, flexible twin tubes sticking out from its center. Sealed within the rubber ball is vapor made from a mixture of evaporated holy water and a special type of incense smoke. The tube’s twin prongs are placed into the user’s nostrils, after which the user squeezes the rubber ball to activate the device, forcing the vapor into the user’s body through their nose. The holy power contained within the vapor strengthens the user’s will against creatures that are weak to holy water, making it tougher for malevolent creatures to subvert the user’s mind. After using a holy steam ball, you must refill it before the next use in a process that takes five minutes to complete. Activate -> Use Item; Requirements: The holy steam ball is filled with evaporated holy water and incense smoke; Effect: You release the stored steam and smoke to grant yourself its protections. Each use of the holy steam ball lasts for 1 hour and gives you a +2 item bonus to Wisdom/Intelligence/Charisma saving throws against possession effects from fiends and undead and effects from fiends and undead that cause the charmed condition. | | Ignitor | $10 | An ignitor uses interlocking clockwork to create a small spark in order to ignite flammable materials. While holding the ignitor, you can interact with it to ignite a flammable object within reach. | | Light Writer | $400; $6 for 10 metal plates | 10 lb. The light writer is a cutting edge invention amongst magicians who abhor technology, combining magic and clockwork innovation to allow its operator to create a true-to-life, monochromatic portrait of people or a scene over the course of 20 minutes of exposure. It consists of two flat metal squares, one larger than the other, connected by a tube of leather similar to that found on a bellows. The smaller square, which sits at the front of the device, has a small glass lens in the center of it. The larger square contains a specially treated metallic plate on the inside; its exterior also has both a small control stick connected via flexible wire, and a small metal tube attached to the top and pointing forward. The user presses a button on the control stick to activate the light writer. Upon activation, magical light illuminates the tube, producing a steady light for 20 minutes. This light is captured by the lens and projected onto the metal plate, slowly creating an image of the scene in front of the lens. The plate can then be removed, allowing the image to be displayed anywhere the owner desires. The light writer is mounted on a tripod and must be perfectly still during operation to prevent any defects from appearing in the plate image. If creating a captured image of a living creature, it is equally important for that creature to remain still throughout the process, to avoid a ghostlike blurring of the final image. | | Mechanical Torch | $20 | Powered by electricity, you can turn a mechanical torch on and off by toggling a lever on the torch with a Use Item action. When active, the torch sheds bright light in either a 20-foot radius (and dim light to the next 40 feet) or a 40-foot cone (and dim light to the next 40 feet). Changing this area requires a single Use Item action to flip a switch. The torch carries sufficient charge to operate for ten minutes. You can recharge the torch in 1 minute via an integrated crank-charging mechanism, turning the clockwork gears and generating sparks to power the torch, though doing so requires two hands. | | Auto-Picker | $300 | 1 lb. This tiny hand wound clockwork device fits neatly into the palm of your hand. When it is placed onto a lock, it will attempt to unlock it. It must be wound by hand for 1 minute prior to use. The auto picker must work for 10 minutes. After this duration roll a d10. On a 1, the auto picker jams, ruining itself and the lock (a ruined lock cannot be unlocked normally, and the DC required to pick it with theives' tools increases by 5). On any other result, the lock is picked. If the lock is magical or otherwise cannot be picked with thieves' tools, or if picking it would normally require a Dexterity check of DC greater than 15, the auto picker will fail in its attempt. | | Steam Winch | $850 | 10 lb, two-handed. This hefty winch is powered by a small steam engine and includes a 100 ft. length of steel cable, which enables you to haul a heavier load than you could with a hand cranked winch or similar. A steam winch allows you to slowly pull a heavy load (usually up to 250 lbs.) along a flat surface or up and down a vertical expanse. Attaching a steam winch to a device takes three Use Item actions, while starting the winch (and getting it warm enough to operate) takes 10 minutes. Once in operation, a steam winch requires regular maintenance to function. Every twenty minutes, the boiler must be refilled and heat levels maintained. | =====Ancient Firearms===== ^ Item ^ Cost ^ Description ^ | Air Repeater | $10 | 1d4 piercing, 3 lb., Range 30/90, reload 6, simple. $1.20 per magazine of 6 pellets. A thin-barreled firearm that uses a container of pressurized air instead of black powder to propel small metal bullets from an attached cartridge, the air repeater has fallen out of common use due to its poor stopping power, though it’s still used occasionally for casual hunting and sport shooting. The air repeater and its longer-ranged, two-handed variant are still valued by some for their ability to allow a shooter to fire multiple rounds without needing to stop to reload or crank to a new chamber. A typical air repeater magazine holds 6 pellets. An extended magazine that holds 12 pellets is available for $6. | | Arquebus | $20 | 1d8 piercing, 10 lb., Range 150/450, concussive, black powder, fatal d12, kickback, two-handed, martial. This is a long rifle that offers more range than the average black powder firearm, though the long barrel and ferocious kickback make the weapon particularly unsteady unless a tripod or other stand is used to stabilize it. | | Bayonet | $0.40 | 1d4 piercing, 1/2 lb., finesse, martial. This blade or spike can be attached to a crossbow or firearm but, unlike other attached weapons, can be wielded in one hand as its own weapon. When used as a separate weapon, it can’t benefit from any runes or abilities that function only for attached weapons. | | Blunderbuss | $16 | 1d8 piercing, 10 lb., Range 40/120, concussive, scatter 10 ft, black powder, two-handed, martial. This weapon fires pellets from a trumpet-shaped barrel, making it an excellent choice for hunting brush fowl or dealing damage within a short, broad area. Adventuring gunslingers often carry a blunderbuss to deal with swarms of vermin and similar threats. | | Clan Pistol | $10 | 1d6 piercing, 5 lb., Range 80/240, concussive, fatal d10, black powder, martial. The tradition of dwarves displaying their clan affiliations with special clan daggers goes back millennia, but many of the dwarf clans of Arcydea have their own take on the tradition, with promising young gunsmiths claiming their adulthood by crafting a specialized personal firearm using the clan’s unique smithing traditions. Losing or being forced to surrender their clan pistol is a terrible embarrassment for the dwarves that carry them. | | Coat Pistol | $12 | 1d4 piercing, 2 lb., Range 30/90, concealable, concussive, fatal d8, black powder, simple. This small pistol is easily concealed inside a jacket or some other article of clothing. Rarely kept as a primary weapon, coat pistols are equally favored by clever assassins and traveling aristocrats. | | Double-Barreled Musket | $22 | 1d6 piercing, 5 lb, Range 60/180, concussive, fatal d10, two-handed, black powder, double barreled, martial. This flintlock breech-loader has two side-by-side barrels. Though less accurate than a standard musket, a double-barreled musket offers versatility in firing options. Many black powder militias are built around the double-barreled musket. | | Double-Barreled Pistol | $14 | 1d4 piercing, 4 lb, Range 30/90, concussive, fatal d8, black powder, double barreled, martial. This flintlock pistol has two side-by-side barrels. Though less accurate than a standard pistol, a double-barreled pistol is a useful and versatile weapon. It’s generally banned in areas where duels with pistols are relatively common, in much the same way that arriving at an aristocratic duel with a scattergun would be considered crass, at best. | | Dragon-Mouth Pistol | $18 | 1d6 piercing, 5 lb, Range 20/60, concussive, scatter 5 ft, black powder, martial. Similar to the blunderbuss, a dragon-mouth pistol fires pellets from a flared barrel. Though less powerful than a blunderbuss, the dragon-mouth pistol is appreciated for its portability and one-handed design. Though the name was coined because of the destructive belch of this handheld scatter weapon, many gunsmiths craft dragon-mouth pistols with elaborate embellishments that resemble a stylized dragon’s maw framing the barrel. | | Dueling Pistol | $24 | 1d6 piercing, 3 lb., Range 60/180, concealable, concussive, fatal d10, black powder, martial. Made for settling disputes when diplomacy fails, dueling pistols are finely crafted and made to fit easily into a holster or pocket. Noble and wealthy merchants often own matching pairs of dueling pistols in case they’re called upon to address a challenge — though this practice has become increasingly rare in the modern age as more powerful firearms have become common. | | Dwarven Scattergun | $20 | 1d8 piercing, 10 lb., Range 50/150, concussive, kickback, scatter 10 ft., black powder, martial. A favored weapon of dwarf scouts, the dwarven scattergun is a powerful weapon designed to take advantage of a dwarf’s sturdy frame. A dwarven scattergun fires a large paper cartridge stuffed with black powder and knuckle-sized lumps of metal, creating a devastating burst so destructive that a foolish dwarf might find themself catching painful ricochets when firing at a too-close target. Some scatterguns are crafted with a clockwork firing tray that can quickly sort and load black powder and shot without needing a prepackaged cartridge, though this is largely an aesthetic feature with no real mechanical benefit. | | Fire Lance | $10 | 1d6 piercing, 10 lb., Range 10/30, fatal d10, black powder, two-handed, simple. This amazingly simple projectile weapon is nothing more than a metal tube packed with black powder and a stopper, attached to the sharpened head of a javelin. A loaded fire lance can be wielded as a normal spear, though it requires an Interact action to regrip the weapon and hold it properly when switching from one use to another. | | Flingflenser | $12 | 1d6 slashing, 5 lb, Range 30/90, fatal d10, scatter 5 ft, black powder, two-handed, martial. A flingflenser is a goblin-designed weapon ending in an ovoid tube with a hatch and handle on the narrow end. A cluster of circular blades held together and attached to a black powder packet with a thin leather strap serves as ammunition and is loaded through the hatch before being fired with a flintlock or other external ignition mechanism. The flingflenser’s sturdy design also places it among the more reliable goblin weapons. | | Flintlock Musket | $14 | 1d6 piercing, 5 lb, Range 70/210, two-handed, concussive, fatal d10, black powder, simple. The most commonly available of firearms in black powder regions, the flintlock musket includes an external firing mechanism and an efficient and relatively compact frame. Though lacking the range and firing power of the arquebus, the flintlock musket is popular among civilians for its ease of use. | | Flintlock Pistol | $12 | 1d4 piercing, 4 lb., Range 40/120, concussive, fatal d8, black powder, simple. Though less accurate and powerful than a flintlock musket, the flintlock pistol is a preferred weapon of privateers thanks to its more compact size and affordability. Pirate captains often wear a brace of such pistols in a bandolier so they can draw and fire without stopping to reload. | | Forked Bipod | $0.60 | 1d4 piercing, 2 lb, deadly d6, finesse. Developed by field scouts who often don’t have time to break down a tripod when beset by monsters, this two-pronged stabbing weapon can be used as a bipod to stabilize a gun with potent kickback. A forked bipod can be deployed or retrieved for use as a melee weapon as a Use Item action. | | Hand Cannon | $10 | 1d6 (piercing, slashing, or bludgeoning), 3 lb., Range 30/90, black powder, simple. Popular among privateers and mercenaries, hand cannons are little more than a hardened tube with a handle and external ignition attached. A hand cannon can be used to fire almost anything that can be packed into its barrel. The wielder of a hand cannon can change the damage type granted as part of the same Use Item action used to reload. | | Harmona Gun | $20 | 1d10 bludgeoning, 10 lb, two-handed, kickback, Range 150/450, black powder, martial. A favored weapon of monster hunters, the harmona gun is a large-bore long gun that fires a heavy, slow-moving round. The gun got its name due to the eerie similarity between the buzzing sound its oversized projectiles make flying through the air and the flight of a fey bird called a harmona. | | Jezail | $22 | 1d8 piercing, 5 lb, Range 90/270, concussive, fatal aim d12, black powder, martial. Jezails are simple, efficient long guns that typically feature a custom stock and a flintlock firing mechanism. Though lacking the range and stopping power of an arquebus or the raw force of a harmona gun, the jezail is an elegant, well-balanced weapon suitable for a variety of combat situations. It’s even possible to tuck it under one arm to fire a less accurate attack that uses only one hand. | | Knuckle Duster | $0.60 | 1/2 lb, 1d4 bludgeoning, monk, glove. This bit of hardened metal, favored by street toughs, is typically made of brass and features four finger holes so that it can sit atop the knuckles, adding extra power to a punch. | | Long Air Repeater | $18 | 5 lb, 1d4 piercing, range 60/180, reload 8, simple. Like the one-handed air repeater, this thin-barreled firearm uses a container of pressurized air instead of black powder to propel small metal pellets from an attached cartridge. The long air repeater has better range and ammo capacity than the one-handed variant, though it still lacks significant stopping power. A typical long air repeater magazine holds 8 pellets. An extended magazine that holds 20 pellets is available for $10. | | Mithral Tree | $18 | 5 lb., 1d6 piercing, range 150/450, concussive, fatal d10, defensive, black powder, two-handed, martial. Neither mithral nor a tree, this long gun takes its name from the legends of the mointain elves and is most commonly found within the Nevergreen Mountain Range. An elegant weapon, a mithral tree does somewhat resemble a tree; its fanned stock and long, sweeping barrel reinforced with metal rings enable a wielder to parry melee attacks while moving back into safe firing range. | | Pepperbox | $24 | 1d4 piercing, 5 lb., range 60/180, concussive, fatal d8, black powder, capacity 4, martial. This weapon is a specialty of Crommelian smiths. The pepperbox has four barrels that each hold a single shot, and the shooter can manually rotate the whole barrel assembly to align a loaded barrel with the firing mechanism. | | Reinforced Stock | $0.40 | 1d4 bludgeoning, finesse, two-hand d6. A reinforced stock is a weighted crossbow, firearm haft, or grip customized for striking in melee. | | Slide Pistol | $32 | 1d6 piercing, 8 lb, range 30/90, concussive, capacity 5, fatal d10. Also known as a harmonica gun, this weapon is essentially a stock, trigger, and firing mechanism attached to a sliding brace of barrels that can each hold a round of ammunition. | =====Food and Snacks===== ^ Item ^ Cost ^ Description ^ | Common Feast | $6 | Up to 5 creatures can consume the feast within an hour of it being prepared. After consuming this hearty meal, you become satiated for the next 24 hours. This is a hearty meal well surpassing the benefits of normal meals or rations, and each creature that consumes it regains an additional Hit Die during the next long rest. If cooked by a creature with proficiency in cook's utensils, creatures that consume this feast regain additional Hit Dice equal to the cook's proficiency bonus during the next long rest instead. | | Flame Breathing Jerky | $100 per piece | A tough jerky with exotic flavoring. Very spicy, uncomfortably so. After a creature consumes this snack as an action, they gain the following benefits for the next 10 minutes: \\ You can't be put to sleep by magical means. \\ You have disadvantage on Wisdom checks. \\ You have disadvantage on Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration on a spell. \\ You can use a bonus action to exhale fire at a target within 10 feet of you. The target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. \\ You can eat a number of pieces of this jerky equal to your Constitution modifier per day. | | Mint Chew | $40 per piece | A chewy minty candy. You can pop one into your mouth as a bonus action. While being chewed (for up to 10 minutes), you are energized and can ignore the effects of up to 3 levels of Exhaustion for the duration, and can't be put to sleep by magical means. You can only gain this benefit once per day, after which consuming additional pieces of the candy has no effect until you finish a long rest. | | Morph Cookies | $250 per cookie | Consuming one of these has the effects of casting alter self, however, you can't change the adaptation unless you consume another cookie. This effect doesn't require concentration to maintain, lasts one hour, and can be extended by consuming an additional morph cookie. If the ingredient came from a mimic, you can additionally transform your appearance to creatures with a different basic shape than you, though you remain the same size. | | Seeing Sticks | $60 per stick | A stick of hard, tacky substance. You can pop one into your mouth as a bonus action. While being sucked (for up to 10 minutes), you gain expanded senses and have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks, saving throws against Illusion spells, and Intelligence (Investigation) checks to see through illusions, though because of the bad taste inherent to the formulation, continuing to suck on the seeing stick requires concentration, as if concentrating on a spell. | | Quickening Candies | $60 per candy | A small hard candy ball, with extreme caffeinated properties. When you pop one of these into your mouth as a bonus action, you are under the effect of haste for 1d4 rounds. You still suffer the normal effect of haste ending when the effect ends. | | Elvish Bread | $12 per ration | 1/8 lb. A creature can use its action to eat one bite of this bread (1 ration of it). Eating a piece restores 1 hit point, and the bread provides enough nourishment to sustain a creature for one day. | =====Machine Oil===== ^ Item ^ Cost ^ Description ^ | Lubricating Oil | $1 per pint | This oil is designed to provide basic lubrication for machines, and provides no special benefits. It burns smokily for 1 point of fire damage if set aflame. Consumed by a mechanical entity such as a construct, it counteracts effects that provide disadvantage on Dexterity checks for one minute, in addition to normal effects. | | High-Quality Machine Oil | $10 per pint | This hard-wearing lubricant is designed for machines that do not have time for regular maintenance (less than once per day), keeping them well-lubricated and functional for longer periods. It burns merrily for 1d4 points of fire damage if set aflame. Consumed by a mechanical entity such as a construct, it counteracts effects that provide disadvantage on Dexterity checks for one hour, in addition to normal effects. | | Hyperlubricant Oil | $100 per pint | This organic hyperlubricant is artificially designed for maximum performance. It burns intensely for 2d4 points of fire damage if set aflame. Consumed by a mechanical entity such as a construct, it counteracts effects that provide disadvantage on Dexterity checks for eight hours, in addition to normal effects. | =====Alchemical Creations===== ^ Item ^ Cost ^ Description ^ | Anti-Rust Salve | $1 | 1/2 lb. Anti-Rust Salve is a non-greasy ointment applied to metal items that prevents rust. If applied liberally, the salve will prevent the onset of rust for 24 hours (1 day). One container of the salve can coat one square foot of material. | | Pyre Fuel | $4 | 1 lb. The item appears to be a mundane stick, carved into a rounded shape with symbols (Celestial Language for the phrase "Into this darkness.") carved into it. It burns much longer than normal firewood, allowing a fire to last for an entire night instead of dimming over time. This also gives the fire a coloration, usually the same color as the wood (Most commonly, the wood's coloration is blue-tinted, but it can be any normal color). It can be used as a torch, or placed with other firewood to spread it's effect to the other fuel in the fire. Either way, it can burn for 8+1d4 hours without dying out, though normal methods of stopping the fire work as well. Cost is by stick, which always has a single use, even if it is put out before being burnt completely. The properties of the Pyre Fuel cannot spread very far from their origin to other burnable sources, and won't alter a fire that grows larger than a bonfire. If this is attempted, the Pyre Fuel is wasted. | | Acid | $50 | 1 lb. This corrosive liquid can burn through flesh and inanimate materials alike. As an action, you can splash the contents of this vial onto a creature within 5 feet of you or throw the vial up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. In either case, make a ranged attack against a creature or object, treating the acid as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 acid damage. | | Alchemical Glue | $40 | This adhesive is contained in two separate chambers of a split vial. When the cap is removed, both liquids pour out and mix into a fast drying epoxy that creates a nearly unbreakable bond between objects it glues together. One ounce of the glue can cover a 1-foot square surface. Breaking the bond requires a DC 25 Strength check. | | Alchemical Silver | $20 | This is a viscous oil that glitters like liquid silver. You can use an action to apply this to a weapon or up to 3 pieces of ammunition. This application makes the weapon effective against monsters that have immunity or resistance to non-silver weapons. The application lasts for 1 minute, after which the oil dries out and the applied compound crumbles away as dust. On a melee weapon, the application can be used up sooner, at the third successful strike. Alchemical silver will not work when combined with other alchemical substances; only one alchemical effect can apply to the same weapon at the same time. | | Alchemical Solvent | $80 | This clear, thick glue can dissolve almost any mundane adhesive. One dose of the solvent can cover a 1-foot square surface. It instantly dissolves alchemical glue, tanglefoot bags, and similar alchemical substances. At the DM’s discretion, the solvent can provide bonuses to escape the sticky excretions of certain monsters; for example, it’s application might give someone advantage on the attempt to escape a cave fisher’s filament. | | Alchemist’s Fire | $100 | 1 lb. This sticky, adhesive fluid ignites when exposed to air. As an action, you can throw this flask up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. Make a ranged attack against a creature or object, treating the alchemist’s fire as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 fire damage at the start of each of its turns. A creature can end this damage by using its action to make a DC 10 Dexterity check to extinguish the flames. | | Bladefire | $100 | This oil is black like charcoal and feels dry to the touch, though applies like any other viscous oil. It takes one action to apply this to the striking portion of a weapon. At the start of the user’s following turn, the oil bursts into flame. For one minute, attacks with the weapon deal an additional 1d4 fire damage. This does no damage to a weapon that has a metal striking surface, but a nonmagical weapon with a wooden striking surface, like a club or quarterstaff, is destroyed at the end of the minute. Alternately, the oil may be applied to any Tiny object, the flames causing damage once per round on everyone who contacts it. The DM decides what effect, if any, the oil has on a non-weapon object. Bladefire will not work when combined with other alchemical substances; only one alchemical effect can apply to the same weapon at the same time. | | Blastpatch | $6 | 1 lb. These granular blue crystals pack a powerful punch. They can be spread on the ground in a 5-foot square patch. Any creature that moves through the area grinds crystals together causing a series of small ignitions. This creates a burst of light that is visible for quite some distance in the dark and inflicts 1 point of fire damage on the creature. Once an affected patch has triggered three times, there are insufficient crystals remaining for any effect. | | Blend Cream | $60 | This creamy gray solution looks innocuous upon first inspection, but it begins to change coloration soon after it is exposed to air. The cream requires one action to apply to a Small or Medium creature. For the next 10 minutes, the creature has advantage on Stealth-related ability checks; the cream shifts color to blend with its surroundings. | | Catstink | $12 | 1 lb. This thick, foul-smelling brew is used to distract watchdogs, tracking hounds, wolves, and other canines. A flask of catstink can be deployed as an action, covering a square area, 15 feet on each side. Any canine within 30 feet of the affected area is drawn to investigate it. Controlling a hound within 30 feet of the affected area requires a Wisdom (Animal Handling) check, made with disadvantage, against a DC of 12. Each failure of the check means a minute wasted trying to control the animal before another check can be made. This substance has no effect on non-canine creatures. | | Defoliant | $50 | 1 lb. Defoliant is a caustic yellow-orange liquid that slightly irritates the skin or eyes of a living creature. It can bring ruin to any plant matter it touches. A dose of this liquid, if splashed out of a flask, can ruin light vegetation and undergrowth (but not trees) in up to 4 patches, each about five feet square. The plants shrivel and die within 1 hour, leaving the area barren of life or cover. Alternately, as an action, you can splash a full dose of the liquid onto a creature within 5 feet of you or throw it up to 20 feet, shattering the clay flask on impact. In either case, make a ranged attack against a target creature, treating the substance as an improvised weapon. If the target is a plant creature, it takes 2d6 acid damage. Other creature types are unharmed. | | Eggshell Grenades (all) | $-- | Eggshell grenades are delicate alchemical devices that react dramatically when introduced to fire or an enemy’s face. They are a favorite tool of rogues, often used to create distractions. As an action, you can throw an eggshell grenade up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. This requires a ranged attack, treating the grenade as an improvised weapon. | | Eggshell Grenade, Dust | $20 | This grenade, when it hits the eyes of its target, causes blindness until the end of your next turn. Because the grenade must be targeted so precisely, you have disadvantage on the attack roll. | | Eggshell Grenade, Flash | $30 | This grenade, when thrown into a fire, explodes in a brilliant flash of light. Any creature within 15 feet of the fire must succeed in a DC 10 Constitution save or be blinded until the end of your next turn. There is no effect if the grenade attack misses the fire. | | Eggshell Grenade, Pepper | $30 | This grenade, when it strikes the face (or near the sensory organs of a creature), bursts into a cloud of noxious, stinging chemicals. Because the grenade must be targeted so precisely, you have disadvantage on the attack roll. If you hit, the target must succeed in a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be incapacitated. If a target fails its save the effect lasts for three rounds, but the target can attempt to end the effect early. This requires the victim to spend an action to clear the pepper, allowing another attempt to save. A successful saving throw ends the effect immediately. | | Eggshell Grenade, Smoke | $50 | This grenade, when thrown into a fire, emits a billowing, toxic cloud in a 10-foot-radius. The area is heavily obscured until the end of your next turn. Until the cloud dissipates, creatures that enter the area (or begin their turn within the area) must make a DC 10 Constitution save or suffer 1d4 poison damage from inhaling the smoke. There is no effect if the grenade attack misses the fire. | | Embalming Cream | $12 | 1 lb. This thick, blue cream is used to prevent the dead from rotting. The content of this flask, when spread over the skin of a dead humanoid, prevents decay for 10 days. It takes 2 minutes to apply this cream to a Mediumsized humanoid. Thereafter, time spent under the effect does not count against the time limit for spells such as raise dead. | | Fireworks | $10 | 1/2 lb. Fireworks are small packets of explosive powder and other alchemical ingredients, fitted with short fuses. Lighting fireworks creates a series of pyrotechnic flashes and bangs that are audible up to 300 feet away. Lit fireworks persist for 2d4 rounds. | | Flash Powder | $16 | This highly flammable powder is coarse and comes in gray, white, or black. A pinch (one dose) burns with a bright flare if exposed to fire. A creature within 10 feet that is not deliberately looking away at the time of ignition must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the end of its next turn. | | Flash Pellet | $100 | This small clay sphere is designed to explode in a flash of light when thrown against a hard surface. As an action, you can throw the sphere up to 60 feet, shattering it on impact. Any creature within 10 feet of the point of impact must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the end of its next turn. | | Flash Rocket | $80 | 1 lb. This cylinder contains a larger firework designed to fire out one end. The device can be held by hand or propped in place when used. One round after lighting this device, a chemical reaction propels a missile from its containing tube. The rocket shoots forward up to 100 feet, where it bursts in a brilliant flare accompanied by a bang audible within 300 feet. Rockets are typically fired into the air to create a signal visible at a great distance. Each is manufactured to flare with a specific color for this purpose. A rocket can instead be used as an improvised weapon with a range of 100 feet. If you make a ranged attack with a rocket and hit, it deals 1d4 fire damage and may ignite flammable substances. A “repeating” version of this device fires 1 missile each round for 6 rounds, but with a range of only 30 feet. | | Ghoststrike Oil | $100 | This milky-white oil exudes a faint, ghostly mist. A weapon can be coated with the oil using an action. For one minute thereafter, the weapon’s strikes are not inhibited by the incorporeal nature of undead such as ghosts, shadows, specters, and wraiths. For the duration, the treated weapon ignores any resistance or immunity such creatures have against weapon attacks. Ghoststrike oil will not work when combined with other alchemical substances; only one alchemical effect can apply to a weapon at the same time. | | Ink, Dark | $100 | This gray ink dries clear and is imperceptible to creatures using normal sight. The ink is only readable by someone with darkvision. Dark ink can be created in “rare” form, the type used when transcribing spells into a spellbook, at a cost of $300 per one-ounce bottle. | | Ink, Glowing | $60 | The ingredients for this special luminescent ink are usually derived from subterranean plants and fungi. Writing made with this ink glows ever so slightly, not enough to detect under light, but enough to read by in darkness. Glowing ink can be created in “rare” form, the type used when transcribing spells into a spellbook, at a cost of $260 per one-ounce bottle. | | Instant Rope | $50 | 1 lb. This gray substance is stored in a squeezable bladder about the size of a flask. Its contents are drained out through a special nozzle that shapes the material as it is exposed to air. It takes one action to open this flask and pour out the liquid contents. As the substance exits the flask, it dries into a thin rope, about 100 feet in length. The substance has the same characteristics as a silk rope. It dries out and becomes unusably stiff after 30 minutes. After 30 more minutes, it disappears, crumbling into dust. | | Lockgrip Grease | $20 | This tacky white grease is applied to improve the user’s grip. It takes an action or bonus action to apply the grease to one or both hands. For the next minute, the substance applies disadvantage to any attempt to disarm a person holding something with the treated hand or hands. (Alternately, it applies advantage to an attempt to hold onto something that might be disarmed if not done with an attack roll.) The treated creature requires an extra action, beyond the normal effort required, to put down any object held with a treated hand during this period. | | Longbreath | $30 | Longbreath is a sweet-tasting amber liquid. For 10 minutes following consumption of this liquid, the imbiber can hold her breath for twice as long as normal. Even when out of breath, double the number of rounds the creature can survive while suffocating. (See suffocating on page 183 of the Player’s Handbook.) | | Mirage Powder | $40 | The dust in this vial glitters with an intense array of colors. It can be tossed into the air, filling a cubic area adjacent to the user, 5 feet long on each side. For the next round, any image in the area that was created by an illusion spell or effect will glitter as the dust clings to it. Observers get advantage on any saving throw to pierce affected illusions during this period. | | Moonrod | $2 | 1 lb. This one-foot long rod has a chemical reservoir at one end, capped by a small silvery bulb. The rod is activated by using an action to strike it against a hard surface. For eight hours thereafter, the bulb glows with a cool light. It provides bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. | | Motelight | $40 | 1 lb. This glass vial contains motes of glowing light. It is often worn on a necklace to provide light to the wearer. An uncovered motelight sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. The lights are extinguished permanently if the vial is ever opened or broken. | | Oil, Slow-Burning | $2 | 1 lb. This potent oil looks perfectly mundane, giving no clue as to its special properties until used. Made by rare processes of alchemical refinement, slow-burning oil burns five times as long as normal oil, providing long-lasting fuel for lanterns and other devices. A target doused in slow-burning oil stays doused for 5 minutes before drying out, instead of 1. If poured on the ground and lit, the covered area burns for 10 rounds instead of 2. | | Potion of Climbing | $50 | 1/2 lb. This potion is separated into brown, silver, and gray layers resembling bands of stone. Shaking the bottle fails to mix the colors. Drinking this potion gives you a climbing speed equal to your walking speed for 1 hour. It also gives you advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks you make to climb during that period. | | Salve of Slipperiness | $30 | 1 lb. This pitch-black oil makes it easier for someone to escape from restraints. One dose covers enough of a Medium or Small creature to give it advantage for the next hour on any Dexterity checks to escape from manacles, grappling, or other restraints. | | Smokestick | $2 | This tiny rod of alchemical substances smokes furiously when lit or thrown into a fire. It creates a 5-foot radius sphere of smoke that spreads around corners and heavily obscures the area. It lasts for 1 minute. A wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses the smoke until the wind stops. Extinguishing the flaming stick ends the effect prematurely. Smokesticks can be manufactured to emit smoke of specific colors, useful for signaling. | | Stonebreaker Acid | $40 | This fizzy, white liquid is stored in a flask made of hardened animal skin. As an action, you can splash the contents of this vial onto a creature within 5 feet of you or throw the vial up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. In either case, make a ranged attack against a creature or object, treating the acid as an improvised weapon. On a hit, a viable target takes 4d6 acid damage; the substance affects only inanimate stone, stone golems, or earth elementals. Other objects and creatures are unaffected. | | Sunrod | $8 | 1 lb. This one-foot long rod has a chemical reservoir at one end, capped by a small gold-hued bulb. The rod is activated by using an action to strike it against a hard surface. For eight hours thereafter, the bulb shines with a strong, warm light. It provides bright light in a 45-foot radius and dim light for an additional 45 feet. | | Tanglefoot Bag | $100 | 1 lb. This delicately-wrapped satchel contains a mass of sticky alchemical foam. It is typically thrown as an improvised missile weapon after a supporting tie is removed from the device. The user can target a foe up to 20 feet away as an action. On a hit, the alchemical substance bursts out, engulfing the foe with a sticky, fast-hardening foam. A Large or smaller target hit by a tanglefoot bag is restrained until freed. A creature can use its action to make a DC 10 Strength check, freeing itself or another creature within its reach on a success. | | Thermal Grease | $24 | 1 lb. This white grease turns clear as it is applied. It takes 1 minute to apply the grease to a Small or Medium creature. For the next 24 hours, the affected creature reduces by 1 point any damage sustained from fire or cold sources. At the Dungeon Master’s discretion, the creature can also operate comfortably in very hot or cold natural climates. | | Thunderstone | $20 | This small, jagged stone packs a powerful punch. As an action, you can throw the stone up to 20 feet. Make a ranged attack against a creature or object, treating the thunderstone as an improvised weapon. The shock of impact causes the substances in this hardened alchemical lump to react violently, generating a deafening boom. Any creature hit by the ranged attack must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be deafened for 1 minute. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the creature is also stunned while deafened in this way. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. The sound of a thunderstone is audible to a distance of 300 feet. | | Tindertwig | $2 | A tindertwig is simply a hardened paste on the end of a tiny stick. It ignites when scraped against a rough surface. A tindertwig stays lit for one minute, shedding dim light in a 5-foot radius. It is typically used for lighting things on fire as an action or light a torch as a bonus action. Lighting a torch, lamp, or lantern with a tindertwig requires only a bonus action. It is more reliable than a tinderbox for lighting substances in the presence of wind or rain. Often sold in boxes of 20 or 200. | | Torch, Alchemical | $4 | 1 lb. An alchemical torch looks like any other torch until lit. It burns for 3 hours, providing bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. If you make a melee Attack with a burning alchemical torch and hit, it deals 1d4 fire damage. An alchemical torch is not disrupted by wind or water; it functions even if submerged, though its light ranges are halved. An alchemical torch can be extinguished by covering it with dirt or similar material for 1 minute. | | Tracking Dust | $30 | This red dust contains granules of varying size, some heavy like sand and others very fine. When thrown into an area, some granules settle quickly to the ground while other granules float and spread about. One does of this dust can be spread over a zone of up to six contiguous 5-foot square patches that lasts for 1 hour. The red dust luminesces at the edges of even the subtlest impressions made on any surface. Anyone starting a tracking attempt on tracks that exist within the zone has advantage on that Wisdom (Survival) check. Alternately, in an area where tracking would be otherwise impossible, the tracker can attempt a check at DC 20, but can only follow such tracks within the established zone (unless they lead to another surface where tracking is normally possible). | | Whistling Box | $4 | 1 lb. This tiny box has a fuse that, when lit, can create a big distraction. One round after lighting the fuse, the chemicals within create a gas that expands violently, creating an ear-splitting, osculating whistle as it exits the contraption’s narrow holes. The sound persists for 1 minute and can easily be heard up to 500 feet away. | | Vicious Bleeder | $70 | This oil has the look and smell of slightly-coagulated blood. It takes one action to apply this substance to the striking surface of a weapon. If the weapon inflicts piercing or slashing damage, it gains the wounding weapon property for 1 minute. Vicious bleeder will not work when combined with other alchemical substances; only one alchemical effect can apply to a weapon at the same time. | | Armor Polish | $10 | 1 lb. A tin of specially formulated wax, used to protect armor and increase its longevity. During a short or long rest, you can use it to buff 1 set of metal armor; that armor is immune to effects that would decrease it's AC. You also gain resistance to acid damage while wearing the armor, but taking acid damage removes the polish and negates its effects unless reapplied. | | Blinding Powder | $2 | 1 lb. Blinding powder is normally a powdery or sand like substance kept in a pouch containing things like crushed powdered glass, sand, or even metal shavings. As an action, you can throw a handful of blinding powder at a creature within 10 feet of you. The target must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or take 1 slashing damage and become blinded until the creature spends a bonus action cleaning the blinding powder out of their eyes. A creature that doesn't have eyes or has their eyes closed before the powder is thrown automatically succeeds on the saving throw. | | Facemold Paste | $100 | 1 lb. This thick clay can be produced in any color and is easily moldable over skin. After it sets, it is almost indistinguishable from the real thing. With 1 minute of work, you can use facemold paste to create a convincing disguise, even if you are not proficient with or lack a disguise kit. When using facemold paste, you may add twice your proficiency bonus to any check made to make or maintain the disguise. Facemold paste remains convincing for only 3 hours before starting to flake off and is immediately identifiable as fake upon touch. | | Glacial Effector | $200 | 1 lb. The shard of porous material within this flask explodes into a violent endothermic reaction upon exposure to air. As an action, you can throw this flask up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. Make a ranged attack against a creature or object, treating the glacial effector as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 cold damage and must make a DC 10 Strength saving throw or be flash-frozen. On a failure, its speed is halved and it can use either an action or a bonus action on its turn, not both. A creature can end this effect by using its action to make a DC 10 Strength check to break free of the ice. | | Midnight Dust | $150 | 2 lb. This powdered substance reacts with natural light, significantly dimming the area around it. As an action, you can throw a pouch of midnight dust into the air, creating an area of darkness (as the darkness spell) within a 20-foot cube. The dust remains in the air for 1 minute or until a wind of moderate or greater speed disperses it, and has no effect on magical light. | | Smoke Bomb | $200 | 3 lb. This metal sphere’s casing is pockmarked with holes and capped with a thick fuse. When lit, it spews suffocating black smoke, heavily obscuring a 10-foot cube for 1 minute. Air-breathing creatures within the smoke must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw, or have disadvantage on all rolls made while breathing the fumes. A wind of moderate or greater speed suppresses the smoke effect. Rounds where the smoke is suppressed still count against the effect’s 1-minute duration. | | Sparksprig | $150 | 2 lb. Wire coiled around this short length of charred wood crackles with electricity, rapidly discharging when snapped. As an action, you can snap a sparksprig to create a stroke of lightning 20 feet long and 5 feet wide, arcing out from you in the direction you choose. Each creature in the line must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or take 1d4 lightning damage and be stunned for 1 round. | | Mystic Elixir | $200 | This potion's azure liquid emanates a soft electric hum when swirled. When you drink this potion, roll (1d4 + 1). You regain expended spell slots with a combined level equal to the total rolled, and you take a like amount of psychic damage. Additionally, you suffer 1 level of exhaustion at the end of the turn in which you consumed the potion. | | Mystic Elixir, Greater | $1200 | This potion's cerulean liquid emanates a soft electric hum when swirled. When you drink this potion, roll (2d4 + 2). You regain expended spell slots with a combined level equal to the total rolled, and you take a like amount of psychic damage. Additionally, you suffer 1 level of exhaustion at the end of the turn in which you consumed the potion. | | Mystic Elixir, Superior | $3000 | This potion's cobalt liquid emanates a soft electric hum when swirled. When you drink this potion, roll (4d4 + 4). You regain expended spell slots with a combined level equal to the total rolled, and you take a like amount of psychic damage. Additionally, you suffer 1 level of exhaustion at the end of the turn in which you consumed the potion. | | Mystic Elixir, Supreme | $6000 | This potion's indigo liquid emanates a soft electric hum when swirled. When you drink this potion, roll (5d4 + 10). You regain expended spell slots with a combined level equal to the total rolled, and you take a like amount of psychic damage. Additionally, you suffer 1 level of exhaustion at the end of the turn in which you consumed the potion. | | Potion of Energizing | $1000 | Consuming this potion revitalizes your character as though you had the opportunity to take a short rest, with all of the effects this entails. | | Potion of Greater Energizing | $5000 | Consuming this potion revitalizes your character as though you had the opportunity to take a long rest, with all of the effects this entails. | =====Herbal Creations===== ^ Item ^ Cost ^ Description ^ | Aniseed | $16 | This vial contains hundreds of tiny granules soaked with intense-smelling distillations of herbs, including aniseed. The granules can be scattered across an area to foul tracking attempts that rely on scent. A vial of aniseed can be deployed as an action, covering a square area, 15 feet on each side. A creature with a heightened sense of smell must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or lose the effective use of that sense for 10 minutes. What constitutes a heightened sense of smell is defined by the Dungeon Master; typically, it includes any creature that has the Keen Smell feature, or that has a similar trait that affects its sense of smell, or that can track or perceive its environs through smells. | | Candle, Focusing | $20 | A small, green candle, entirely mundane in appearance. A creature that meditates in the presence of this candle for no less than 5 minutes gains a +1 bonus to Intelligence checks so long as she remains in the presence of the burning candle. A candle burns for 1 hour. | | Candle, Restful | $4 | A small, gray candle, entirely mundane in appearance. This candle aids healing during a short rest. Everyone resting within 20 feet of the candle who rolls Hit Dice for healing can treat any rolled 1s as 2s instead, so long as the rolls occur soon after the candle is lit, and the candle is not extinguished prematurely. A candle burns for 1 hour, the entire length of the short rest. | | Clearbreath Smoke | $20 | 1 lb. Inhaling the gray mist from this flask deadens the user’s sense of smell. For the next hour, this provides advantage on saving throws to resist smell-based effects like a troglodyte’s stench. During this period, the substance causes disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that call upon the user’s sense of smell. | | Clearsense Powder | $10 | A white powder meant to be inhaled, providing clarity and vibrancy to the user’s perceptions. When inhaled as an action, this powder gives the subject an immediate saving throw against any effect that inflicts blindness or deafness if that effect allows saving throws to end it. This is in addition to any periodic saving throws the effect already allows. | | Healer’s Kit | $10 | 3 lb. This kit is a leather pouch containing bandages, salves, and splints. The kit has ten uses. As an action, you can expend one use of the kit to stabilize a creature that has 0 hit points, without needing to make a Wisdom (Medicine) check. | | Herbal Healing Potion | $-- | 1 lb. Unlike regular healing potions, these are made entirely from natural ingredients. As consequence these healing potions are magic free, unaffected by 'dispel magic' or 'anti-magic', cheaper, and simply speed up natural healing. The potions restore 1 HP a minute (10 turns) for a number of minutes depending on your Hit dice. Out of initiative this works like a regular healing potion, however it will be incredibly ineffective in combat. In the case of Multi-classing the HD used are primarily from the most common dice or, if there isn't a majority, the first level class. HP recovered from these potions does not wake an unconscious creature, nor does it restore 0 HP to 1 HP. Effects that boost Hit Dice healing, such as the Durable feat or Periapt of Healing, also boost Herbalism healing. | | Common Herbal Healing Potion | $50 | Heals 1 HP per minute, based on one hit die + Con Mod. | | Uncommon Herbal Healing Potion | $100 | Heals 1 HP per minute, based on one quarter (rounded up) of total hit dice + Con Mod for each one. | | Rare Herbal Healing Potion | $200 | Heals 1 HP per minute, based on one half (rounded up) of total hit dice + Con Mod for each one. | | Very Rare Herbal Healing Potion | $400 | Heals 1 HP per minute, based on all hit dice + Con Mod for each one. | | Herbal Poultice | $1.20 | This packet of medicinal herbs is applied directly to a wound. An herbal poultice can be used as if it was a single charge of a healer’s kit. Alternately, it can be applied to assist longer recovery; during a short rest, an affected character heals 1 extra hit point per Hit Die when spending Hit Dice for healing. A poultice works for one application and cannot be reused. | | Meditative Draught | $30 | This oily liquid is consumed to aid with meditations. The imbiber has advantage on concentration checks for 1 hour following the consumption of this liquid. | | Menga Leaves | $4 | The dried leaves of this bush can be ground, dissolved in liquid, heated, and ingested. A creature that ingests a dose of menga leaves in this fashion regains 1 hit point. A creature that ingests more than 5 doses in a 24-hour period gains no additional benefit and must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or fall unconscious for 1 hour. The unconscious creature awakens if it takes at least 5 points of damage on one turn. Natural, unrefined menga leaves have the same effect if consumed within 24 hours of being plucked from the bush. | | Nightlight | $10 | A dose of this dark liquid is typically prepared in a thick glass vial. The substance is activated by shaking it vigorously as an action or bonus action. Thereafter, the substance emits light for a period of one round, then goes out for a round, then emits light for a round, continuing this strobing pattern until it has emitted 1d6+2 total rounds of light. When lit, the nightlight produces bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. The interval of light and darkness switches at the start of your turn each round. Nightlight is made from a tall, tubular bioluminescent mushroom of the same name that grows in the Underdark. A living nightlight emits bright light in a 15-foot radius and dim light for an additional 15 feet. If a living nightlight is touched, either by a creature or object, its light goes out until it is touched again. | | Nillhog’s Nose | $2 | This small mushroom heightens the consumer’s sense of smell. Consuming one dose grants advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks based on smell for 1d4 hours. During this period, the consumer suffers disadvantage on saving throws against harmful effects based on smell, like a troglodyte’s poisonous stench. One fresh Nillhog’s nose mushroom has the same effect if used within 48 hours of being picked. | | Ormu Paint | $0.20 | 4 lb. This green phosphorescent paint is crafted from bioluminescent moss harvested in the Underdark. Ormu paint sheds dim light in a 5-foot radius for 24 hours after it is applied. This jug holds one gallon of paint. | | Potion of Healing | $100 | 1/2 lb. This potion’s red liquid glimmers when agitated. By drinking this potion, you regain 2d4+2 hit points. | | Rations, Journeybread | $10 | 1/8 lb. These rations rely on the nutritional value of rare herbs to provide exceptional levels of sustenance relative to their weight. Despite their weight, each of these rations is the equivalent of 1 pound of food. Journeybread is suitable to the digestive needs of all creatures, carnivores and herbivores alike; it can also be used as an expensive form of animal feed. | | Regenerative Elixir | $30 | 1 lb. This red liquid glimmers when agitated. It is often confused for a potion of healing. The elixir gives the drinker 1 temporary hit point, which lasts up to 24 hours. Any time the drinker rolls a death save within the coming 24 hours, the save is made with advantage. | | Sinda Berries | $10 | 1 lb. Liquid concoctions of these dark brown berries have a bitter aftertaste. Consuming one dose gives the creature advantage on saving throws against poison and disease for the next 24 hours. Fresh sinda berries, plucked from the bush less than 24 hours prior, have the same effect without any preparation or treatment if at least 10 of the berries are consumed. | | Tongue of Madness | $30 | This concoction has delightfully-earthy scent and is designed to be administered orally. Drinking this requires the imbiber to make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or compulsively speak aloud its every thought for the next hour. The effect can be ended with a lesser restoration spell or similar magic. Unprocessed tongue of madness is an edible fungus that looks like a large human tongue. It has the same effect if used within 72 hours of being picked. | | Torchstalk | $24 | 1 lb. A torchstalk is a mass of thin fungal fronds about the size a torch bound together around a flint striker. The device can be thrown as an improvised missile weapon, targeting a foe up to 20 feet away as an action. On impact, or if lit, the torchstalk bursts in a cloud of fiery spores. Creatures within 10 feet of the target (or the square where it lands in the case of a miss) take 1d6 fire damage. Unprocessed torch stalks have a 1-in-6 chance to explode when lit. The head of an unexploding frond otherwise burns like a torch, lasting up to 24 hours. | | Wukka Nut | $2 | 1/2 lb. This fist-sized nut rattles when shaken. Shaking the nut as an action or bonus action causes the shell to shed bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. This light will fade after 1 minute, but the nut can be shaken again to reactivate it. If the shell is ever cracked, the special properties are lost. Fresh wukka nuts have the same effect without any preparation or treatment if plucked from a wukka tree no more than 48 hours prior. | | Sky Pepper | $200 | This mundane looking pepper causes an odd effect when eaten. After consuming this pepper, all attempts to lie are increasingly more difficult as its spicy burn grows with each tall tale. All Deception checks made by a creature that's consumed a sky pepper are made at disadvantage until they've washed their mouth or 10 minutes have passed. | =====Armor and Clothing===== | Battle Robe | $200 | AC 11 + Dex, Stealth Disadvantage, 10 lb. A full-body armored robe, made primarily for masters of arcane arts engaging in combat. They are usually made for high-ranking officials or military spell casters, and some can be as ornate as fine clothing. //Free Wear.// The battle robe is padded with plates of hardened leather in strategic locations, such that they do not hamper movement any more than a common robe would. As such, anyone can wear a battle robe without penalty, regardless of whether they have light armor proficiency. | | Coddleweb Battle Robe | $2400 | AC 16 + Dex, Stealth Disadvantage, 3 lb. This armored robe is made from coddleweb silk, light enough to be comfortable while being sturdy enough to protect against cutting and impaling weapons. //Free Wear.// The coddleweb battle robe is padded with pockets of tightly woven coddleweb in strategic locations, and does not hamper movement any more than a common robe would. As such, anyone can wear a coddleweb battle robe without penalty, regardless of whether they have light armor proficiency. | | Military Uniform | $4 | 12 lb, AC 11 + Dex modifier, Str 9, Stealth Disadvantage. A military uniform is clothing and equipment worn by the soldiers of a kingdom when wearing metal armor is not feasible. These uniforms are designed for the purpose of identifying which faction the soldiers belong to and providing some protection at the same time. They are made of materials such as leather, resistant fabric and natural fibers to make these garments, with some metals used as decorative elements or as minimal protections. Military uniforms can vary in shape, design, weight, cost, and other aspects, depending on the kingdom to which they belong. Each kingdom has its own distinctive style that reflects its culture, resources, and art. Some kingdoms might opt for simpler, more functional uniforms, while others might focus on elaborate detailing and ornamentation. In terms of shape and design, the uniforms could include accessories such as capes, thin but long ponchos, or straps that go from one shoulder to the reverse hip, usually decorated with representative designs. The colors and patterns on the uniforms can be used to identify different units or ranks within the army. Additionally, the uniforms may be adorned with emblems, insignia, and symbols that represent the kingdom and its leaders. //Customizable Armor.// The military uniform varies a lot from kingdom to kingdom as each kingdom can choose to add certain things to their military uniform to specialize it to their needs. Below is a list of improvements that can made to the armor when a kingdom makes their miliary uniform. \\ //Better Stitching ($12).// More time is spent putting the armor together properly, making it so those wearing the armor do not have disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks because of wearing the armor. \\ //Lightweight Material ($10).// The armor is put together using lighter hides and other protective pieces, making it so the armor weighs 4 lb. less. \\ //Improved Protection ($60).// The armor is outfitted with much better protection which increases the armor's AC by 1 to 12 + your Dexterity modifier. \\ //Padding ($20).// The armor is outfitted with padding, which increases its weight by 3 lb., but makes it so those wearing the armor take 1 less damage from bludgeoning damage. \\ //Regalia ($2).// Regalia that signifies the kingdom which the armor is designed for. May include different colorations or patterns based on what is needed. \\ //Fancy Regalia ($10).// Regalia used to show up other kingdoms' military uniforms or used to denote special units or rank. \\ //Streamlined Design ($6).// The armor has been designed to be less cumbersome to move in, making it so the armor no longer has a Strength requirement. | | A016 Tactical Earpiece | $100 | A cross between short-distance radio communication and the Message cantrip, the A016 Tactical Earpiece allows the wearer to communicate with others on the same frequency. While wearing the earpiece, you may enable or disable active transmission as a bonus action. While enabled, all creatures on the same plane as you within 1000ft can hear anything you say, as well as a certain level of background noise, provided they are also equipped with a radio receiver tuned to the same frequency. Magical silence, antimagic, 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood blocks communication. The transmission doesn't have to follow a straight line and can travel freely around corners or through openings. | | Stiletto Heels | $20 | These high heels are impractical-looking, and cause -2 to Stealth attempts. However, they have sharp spikes in the heel and toe, enabling them to inflict d4 piercing damage when kicking or when using them as a one-handed weapon. They also add +1 to Charisma skill checks pertaining to those romantically interested in the wearer. | | Steel Toed Boots | $100 | These boots are capable of providing AC 16 against attacks to the feet (only), and increase kicking damage to d6 if not already higher. However, because of their weight, all kick attacks are at -2 to hit. | | Skinsuit | $4000 | 4 lb. A skinsuit is a flexible, elastic suit that covers everything below your neck, with a rigid collar ring on which you can attach a sealed SCBA helmet. With the addition of an airtight helmet and an air tank, it becomes a fully sealed, climate-controlled, vacuum-proof suit, allowing you to survive in hostile environments up to and including the vacuum of space with no more discomfort or weight than normal day-to-day clothing. While the suit is sealed, you can endure temperatures from -459° Fahrenheit to 250° Fahrenheit without injury or discomfort, and you have advantage on saving throws against radiation. | | SCBA Mask | $500 | 35 lb. A SCBA (Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus) consists of a sealed mask worn on the face connected to a tank full of air. While wearing a SCBA and the air supply holds out, you are immune to inhaled chemicals, toxins, or particles. Unlike a gas mask, a SCBA doesn't filter air, it is entirely self-contained, allowing you to breathe without issue in an environment where there is no air at all, or the air is completely unbreathable (an alien atmosphere that completely lacks oxygen, for example). An air tank lasts for 3 hours of no greater than moderate activity, after which it must be refilled in order to provide further benefit; reduce the air supply by one minute for every round of intense exertion, including at the start of each of your turns in a combat encounter. | | Sunglasses | $5 | 1/4 lb. Sunglasses are polarized, darkened glasses which protect the eyes from bright light and from the UV radiation which accompanies bright light. While you are wearing sunglasses, you have advantage on saving throws to avoid being blinded by bright light, such as by the sunbeam spell. Sunglasses also mitigate the effects of the sunlight sensitivity racial trait; while you are wearing sunglasses, you do not have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that depend on sight, or on attack rolls. | | Climbing Claws | $2 | 1 lb. A pair of partial gloves with small metal spikes integrated into the palms. Increases climbing speed by 10 feet, and gives a +2 bonus to Athletics checks related to climbing, but causes disadvantage to any roll that involves handling items while the climbing claws are worn. | | Shoe Spikes | $2 | 1 lb. A pair of metal bands with spikes on the bottom, designed to be fastened around footwear. Increases climbing speed by 10 feet, and gives a +2 bonus to Athletics checks related to climbing. | | Breathing Mask | $0.20 | 1/4 lb. This simple breathing mask is made from crushed charcoal bound in cloth and tied to the face by string. While worn, you have a +2 bonus to any saving throw that can be avoided by holding your breath, but you have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks made to smell. | | Fume Mask | $60 | 1/2 lb. This superior breathing mask is made with layered filters of crushed charcoal and fine herbs. While worn, you have advantage on any saving throw that can be avoided by holding your breath, but you automatically fail Wisdom (Perception) checks made to smell and you suffer a -2 penalty to your passive Perception. This mask restricts your breathing to a degree, and you suffer 1 level of exhaustion for each consecutive hour you wear it. | | Collector's Coat | $70 | 20 lb. The collector's coat is a long heavy coat containing dozens of pockets, in which can be held over 200 containers to collect, hold and organize more than 1000 small items. The coat is filled with empty trays, tiny boxes, bags, vials, small flasks, pouches, skins, sacks, jugs, holders, jars, small bottles, flat padded boxes to hold many tiny figurines etc. The coat is heavy and counts as padded armor, partially to protect the wearer but mostly to protect its contents. The weight only counts for the empty coat. | =====Magical Items===== ^ Item ^ Cost ^ Description ^ | Bag of Holding, Greater | $8000 | This bag has an interior space vastly larger than its outside dimensions, roughly 25 pounds in weight and containing up to 2,000 pounds, not exceeding a volume of 256 cubic feet. Retrieving an item from the bag is a full round action. | | Bag of Holding, Lesser | $500 | This small handbag is only six inches deep and one foot in diameter in appearance, yet can hold up to 16 cubic feet of material and can hold up to 100 pounds. The bag weighs 5 pounds, regardless of its contents. Retrieving an item from the bag requires an action. | | Pouch of Holding | $100 | This small pouch looks like it can hold 1/5 cubic foot, but in actuality can store 2 cubic feet of gear and up to 20 pounds. The pouch weighs 1 pound, regardless of contents. Retrieving an item from the pouch requires an action. | | Coinpouch of Holding | $200 | This small pouch only allows regular-sized coins to be stored in its depths, and always allows the user to take up to ten coins he intended to withdraw from the pouch per pull. The pouch weighs 1 pound, regardless of contents, and can store a nearly unlimited number of coins in its depths. It has been supplanted in modern times by phones of banking but still has its uses in civilized society. | | Barrel of Holding | $4000 | This ordinary-looking barrel is used to contain 640 gallons of liquid or 64 cubic feet of solid material, as well as being quite a bit more sturdy than your average barrel. It weighs approximately 70 pounds, though this doesn't change with the amount of contents. The barrel doesn't appear to contain any less than usual, although an astute observer will note that it doesn't seem to fill up as quickly as expected. | | Basket of Holding | $500 | This ordinary-looking basket actually is deeper than it looks, holding up to 16 cubic feet of material, or 640 pounds of gear. Gear stored in it seems somehow smaller than expected, taking up less visible space, although when removed it is no smaller than expected. Retrieving an item from the basket requires an action. | | Bedroll of Comfort | $120 | This bedroll consists of bedding and a blanket thin enough to be rolled and tied, but feels like an exquisitely comfortable mattress. While the bedroll of comfort cannot protect against extreme environments, under normal sleeping conditions it adjusts cold temperatures two levels towards comfortable, and it is considered as comfortable as a rest in a proper bed. | | Enchanted Bedroll of Comfort | $2400 | This bedroll is made of enchanted bedding and a blanket that somehow is comfortable regardless of the temperature, providing optimum comfort (as good as the best beds, and three levels towards comfortable regardless of temperature extremes) and a small amount of environmental protection when properly configured (protecting against up to 1d per round of ongoing damage from harmful environments.) You can't sleep in lava on this bedroll, but you can resist choking fumes and the convection damage, at least! | | Enchanted Block and Tackle | $200 | An elaborate set of pulleys with a cable threaded through them and a hook to attach to objects, a block and tackle allows you to hoist up to ten times the weight you can normally lift, and allows beasts of burden to provide the muscle power if necessary. | | Bottle of Holding | $100 | This durable 2 lb. plastic bottle can hold an amazing 8 gallons of liquid within a container only 1 pint in size. | | Bucket of Holding | $100 | This ordinary-looking bucket can store and rapidly pour 30 gallons of liquid or 5 cubic feet of solid material, despite appearing to hold much less. | | Everburning Candle | $100 | This candle can be extinguished by the holder, but once lit it will stay lit and burning regardless of the environment, providing 5 feet of bright light and 5 feet of dim light. It never burns out or melts, and can be relit once extinguished. | | Crossbow Bolt Case of Holding | $100 | This bigger-on-the-inside crossbow bolt case can contain up to 100 crossbow bolts without taking up any more space than a normal crossbow bolt case weighing 1 lb. | | Scroll Case of Holding | $200 | This complicated scroll cylinder can contain an amazing one hundred scrolls or pieces of paper (or fifty pieces of parchment), despite weighing only one pound. | | Rainbow Chalk | $200 | This magic stick of chalk can write in any color, and doesn't run down over time. | | Chest of Holding | $2000 | This chest is made to hold all of your loot, even the copper pieces. It contains a massive 3000 pounds of loot, or useful products if you're weird, or 120 cubic feet of supplies. It still weighs 25 pounds despite this. | | Clean Clothing | $500 | This adventurer's outfit perennially maintains its pristine appearance regardless of how soiled the user becomes, allowing one to stride directly from the swamp to the king's ball with nobody the wiser. Note that this does not clean the user, only the clothes, and that 'mending' is an additional $500. | | All-Terrain Crampons | $500 | These enchanted crampons can protect the user against falling prone while moving across any terrain; they provide advantage against all saves to resist being knocked prone. | | Repeater Feed of Holding | $2000 | Designed to fit a specific type of crossbow, this converts the crossbow into a multishot weapon, with 100 crossbow bolts that it smoothly feeds one at a time into position while drawing the bow for another shot. It must be locked onto the crossbow in question as a full round action before being used. | | Magazine of Holding | $500 | This firearm magazine (specific to a specific firearm) contains ten times the normal amount of ammunition, allowing the weapon to essentially never run out of ammunition. Takes ten times as long to manually reload the magazine, of course, and you don't want to lose it. | | Drum of Holding | $2500 | This firearm drum magazine (specific to a firearm that uses a drum magazine) contains ten times the normal amount of ammunition. Reloading it is a bit of a pain, but nothing screams superior firepower like a machine gun that can saturate an area with sustained fire. | | Psion's Dice Set | $20 | This complete set of dice responds to psionic influence, rolling what a telepath wants if they can make a DC 10 Concentrate maneuver. They are considered an amusing oddity in Eioan gambling spheres, although casinos forbid them for obvious reasons. | | Lamp of Holding | $500 | This carefully contrived dimensional storage mechanism allows the lamp to access and be fueled by a whopping 15 gallons of oil, and burns one pint per six hours, providing bright light within 15 feet and dim light for an additional 30 feet. Despite its massive storage reserve, it weighs only 2 lbs, although its reservoir must be filled manually. | | Hooded Lantern of Holding | $500 | This carefully contrived dimensional storage mechanism allows the lamp to access and be fueled by a whopping 15 gallons of oil. A hooded lantern casts bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. Once lit, it burns for 6 hours on a flask (1 pint) of oil. As an action, you can lower the hood, reducing the light to dim light in a 5-foot radius. | | Bullseye Lantern of Holding | $500 | This carefully contrived dimensional storage mechanism allows the lamp to access and be fueled by a whopping 15 gallons of oil. A bullseye lantern casts bright light in a 60-foot cone and dim light for an additional 60 feet. Once lit, it burns for 6 hours on a flask (1 pint) of oil. | | Potion Flask of Holding | $200 | A typical flask holds one pint of liquid and weighs one pound. The Potion Flask of Holding allows someone to store multiple doses (up to ten gallons) of a potion, poison, or other alchemical compound within a single flask; one dose is roughly eight ounces. Be advised that miscibility rules will result if multiple different alchemical substances are mixed, particularly different volatile substances that might explode and destroy the flask. The flask is made of sturdy metal, but if destroyed, the contents of the flask will spill everywhere as normal. | | Stewpot of Holding | $250 | This ten pound iron pot looks like it might contain one gallon, but actually holds fifty gallons of stew or whatever else the user might desire. Because of this altered capacity, it heats up as if it were a container fifty gallons in size, making cooking slower. | | Quiver of Holding | $500 | While not as ornate as the Efficient Quiver, this handy quiver can still hold up to 100 arrows while only weighing 2 lbs. | | Crowbar of Opening | $2000 | This heavy metal crowbar is particularly effective at opening things; it can be used to pry open anything as an ordinary crowbar (provides advantage to Strength checks). You can strike it against an object with a lock on it, and the lock breaks. The crowbar's magic can be used ten times. After the tenth time, the crowbar becomes nonmagical, although it is still effective as a crowbar. | | Anti-Mage Bracelet | $750 | This magically reinforced metal bracelet can be put on the wrist of a Small or Medium creature. Once placed, they lock in place; removing them successfully requires a successful DC 25 Dexterity, Strength, or Thieves' Tools check, or access to an Anti-Mage Key ($250). While this bracelet is worn, the user cannot cast any spell or use any magical effect, not even a cantrip or magic item, but can otherwise use their hands normally. | | Anti-Mage Shackles | $1000 | Like the Anti-Mage Bracelet, these shackles are difficult to remove (DC 25 Strength, Dexterity, or Thieves' Tools check) and are only unlockable with an Anti-Mage Key ($250). However, they also firmly hold the user's wrists together, restraining them while holding their powers at bay. | | Helmet of Migraines | $1500 | This nasty magical helmet includes a locking mechanism on the back, and can only be removed with a DC 25 Thieves' Tools check and one round, or an Anti-Mage Key. Unlike the Anti-Mage Shackles, the Helmet of Migraines functions in a different way, by inducing powerful migraines in the user that make it impossible for the user to Concentrate; this disrupts magic and psionics and puts the user at disadvantage to Wisdom, Intelligence, and Charisma checks while the helmet is worn. | | Portable Ram of Impact | $2000 | You can use a portable ram to break down doors. This enchanted portable ram doesn't magically unlock doors; it just breaks them down with greater effect. When doing so, you gain a +8 bonus on the Strength check. One other character can help you use the ram, giving you advantage on this check. If the ram fails the Strength check to break down the door, or if used to strike an object, construct, or golem, it inflicts 6d10 thunder damage on a successful hit. | | Bagpipes of Deafening | $1500 | While being played, all people in a 20 foot radius around the bagpipe player are effectively deafened by the overpowering sound of the bagpipes and take 1d4 thunder damage per round unless they can make a Charisma save vs DC equal to the Performance skill of the player. The player is also deafened but does not suffer damage while playing the instrument. | | Coin's Edge | $100 | This ordinary-looking silver coin has the symbol of a dagger on both sides. When flipped, it transforms into a normal silver dagger. This cannot be undone. | | Censer of Arguing Spirits | $1200 | This tarnished and dented censer appears to be an unimportant mundane item. Sloshing sounds can be heard from within the pot when shaken and it always feels slightly warm. When the lid is removed, three tendrils of colored smoke rise from it. The ends of the tendrils morph into the heads of 3 old men; the heads break into an endless bicker as they solidify. Once a day, you may ask each man a single question; he will answer to the best of his ability. After asking each of them a question, they will ignore you and resume their argument. It's unknown who these men were, but each of them seems to retain knowledge from their past lives. You may ask an additional set of questions at the start of the next day. | | Baffled Candle | $500 | This odd little trinket doesn't quite understand its job. While this candle is lit, a creature holding it becomes invisible. The candle can burn for 1d4+3 minutes. Once the candle fully burns down, the item is destroyed. | | Fisherman's Spear | $200 | This well-crafted spear has a worn oak haft that magically springs forward at the call of its wielder. As part of a melee attack, you may extend the length of your spear by 5 ft., up to a total of 10 ft. increasing your reach by that distance. For every 5ft. you extend your spear, reduce your attack bonus by 2. | =====Other Odds and Ends===== ^ Item ^ Cost ^ Description ^ | Semi-Portable Power Generator | $5000 | 1000 lb. A semi-portable power generator provides external power to equipment that requires an energy source. It may be used as either a primary power source or as an emergency backup, and it can easily be carried by a vehicle. Most weapons and other devices which require energy cells can be plugged into a semi-portable power generator, allowing the item to be used indefinitely as long as it is plugged in. A semi-portable power generator is a Large object with an AC of 10, immunity to poison and psychic damage, vulnerability to lightning damage, and 100 hit points. Most of the weight is actually from the shielding, not the generator itself. | | Battle Damage Repair Kit | $20 | 2 lb. This is a single-use tube of cement and mini heat gun. The paste hardens to ceramic hardness when fixed with the gun, and is used to repair damage on vehicle hulls and suits of armor, or sealing doors. If you are proficient with a battle damage repair kit, you can use an action to perform one of the following: \\ Restore 2d6 hit points to a damaged object. \\ Restore 1 AC to a piece of damaged armor. \\ Seal a door or other opening. Breaking open a sealed object requires a DC 20 Strength check. \\ This consumes the repair kit. | | EMP Grenade | $500 | 1/2 lb. EMP grenades release an electromagnetic pulse that, while harmless to most living things, wreaks havoc upon electronics. As an action, you can throw an EMP grenade at a point up to 60 feet away. Creatures whose bodies incorporate electronic circuitry, such as androids and robots, within 20 feet of an exploding EMP grenade must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 10d6 lightning damage and be stunned until the end of its next turn. On a successful save, a creature takes half damage and isn't stunned. Electronic objects within the blast, such as alarms and computers, are fried instantly unless they are properly shielded against EMP effects. | | Entrenching Tool | $200 | 5 lb. This is a multipurpose tool that combines a powered shovel, crowbar and cutter. It can also fold out into a 10-foot pole tipped with the crowbar hook or the cutter. If you are proficient with an entrenching tool, you add your proficiency bonus to Strength checks made to construct or dismantle barricades, and to Constitution checks made to dig or fill trenches. | | Heavy Weapon Harness | $200 | 15 lb. A heavy weapon harness is a strap-on harness with a chest plate on the front. Mounted on the chest plate is an articulated, double-jointed hydraulic gripper which is capable of suspending or bracing heavy weapons as well as a bipod or tripod - the only difference being the harness is much more mobile. The harness can be adjusted to be worn over armor. While you are wearing a heavy weapon harness, firearms which are normally mounted or otherwise impede your movement such as heavy machine guns and heavy flamers do not restrict your movement. Additionally, you can wield a single firearm as if you were one size category larger than your actual size. The harness' gripper does not count for any reason count as an additional hand, or arm, as it is only designed to support firearms, not aim or fire. | | Jetpack | $6000 | 20 lb. A jetpack is a device worn on the back like a backpack which allows for controlled, powered flight by producing thrust. You can activate or deactivate a jetpack as an action or a bonus action. While a jetpack is activated, you gain a flying speed of 60 feet with which you can hover. A jetpack runs for 4 hours on a single heavy energy cell (2 lb). | | Personal Force Screen, Heavy | $30000 | 2 lb. This is a tiny, lightweight device which can be used to generate a barrier of force around one's person when connected to an HE Cell. A heavy personal force screen has a battery life of 60 minutes. You can activate or deactivate a force screen as a reaction. While a heavy force screen is active, you have 75 temporary hit points and take no damage from the magic missile spell. You regain 15 temporary hit points, to a maximum of 75 at the start of your turn. If the temporary hit points provided by the force screen are reduced to 0, the force screen collapses and it loses 10 minutes of its battery life. | | Personal Force Screen, Light | $10000 | 1/2 lb. This is a tiny, lightweight device which can be used to generate a barrier of force around one's person when connected to an HE Cell. A light personal force screen has a battery life of 60 minutes. You can activate or deactivate a force screen as a reaction. While a light force screen is active, you have 25 temporary hit points and take no damage from the magic missile spell. You regain 5 temporary hit points, to a maximum of 25 at the start of your turn. If the temporary hit points provided by the force screen are reduced to 0, the force screen collapses and it loses 10 minutes of its battery life. | | Personal Force Screen, Medium | $20000 | 1 lb. This is a tiny, lightweight device which can be used to generate a barrier of force around one's person when connected to an HE Cell. A medium personal force screen has a battery life of 60 minutes. You can activate or deactivate a force screen as a reaction. While a medium force screen is active, you have 50 temporary hit points and take no damage from the magic missile spell. You regain 10 temporary hit points, to a maximum of 50 at the start of your turn. If the temporary hit points provided by the force screen are reduced to 0, the force screen collapses and it loses 10 minutes of its battery life. | | Physical Enhancement Suit | $8000 / $10000 with solar | 3 lb. A physical enhancement suit is a suit of flexible artificial "muscles" which enhance its wearers physical abilities. The suit doesn't provide any more protection against attacks than regular clothing, but it can be comfortably worn under other clothing or armor. While you are wearing a physical enhancement suit, you gain the following benefits: \\ Your Strength and Dexterity scores increase by 4, to a maximum of 24. \\ Your speed increases by 30 feet, to a minimum of 60 feet, and climbing or swimming doesn't cost you additional movement. You also gain a jumping speed of 60 feet. \\ Your carrying capacity is doubled. \\ A physical enhancement suit runs for 8 hours on a single HE Cell. Some physical enhancement suits are equipped with auxillary solar power receievers; such suits not only don't expend energy when in direct sunlight, but actually gain an additional 1 minute of operational lifetime for every 1 minute the suit is exposed to direct sunlight. | | Plasma Grenade | $220 | 1/2 lb. Plasma grenades explode with a destructive blast of ionized, superheated plasma-state matter, causing serious electrical burns. As an action, you can throw a plasma grenade at a point up to 60 feet away. Each creature within 20 feet of an exploding plasma grenade must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 12d6 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. | | Champion's Fishing Rod | $5000 | This rod is made of highly flexible mithral, with a coddleweb braided line and an adamantine reel. It will not break regardless of the size of the fish snared, although this may be a curse, as it is possible to catch fish stronger than the user... Fish may still slip the hook, escaping on a natural 1, although the equipment will not be damaged. | | Coddleweb Rope, 50 feet | $500 | 5 lb. Coddleweb rope has 10 hit points and can be burst with a DC 21 Strength check. | | Aviator's Goggles | $150 | 1/4 lb. Essential to any adventurer delving into the world of flight, these goggles are not only functional but stylish as well! They also serve as an indicator to other adventurers that the wearer is adept in the art of flying. Durable, lightweight, and extremely useful, this eye-wear is an absolute must to own and use! \\Impeccable Vision.\\ You can use a bonus action to put on or take off the goggles. While they are on your face and covering your eyes, you cannot be blinded. In addition, you can clearly see in a heavily obscured area where a form of air blocks vision, such as dense fog or smoke. However, this feature doesn't affect your ability to see in certain types of illumination, such as seeing in darkness or dim light. \\Durability.\\ These goggles were made to withstand the strong winds endured while flying, so it can be assumed that they're extremely durable. However, these goggles aren't indestructible. If a creature with a Strength Ability Score of 20 or more hits you with a non-magical melee attack, the goggles break after the attack and cannot be worn until they are repaired. Repairing the Aviator's Goggles requires the tinker's tools, 10gp for materials, and 1d4 hours of work. | | Hammock | $2 | 3 lb. A net that can be suspended between two trees and keep anyone on it off the ground while they sleep or relax. | | Area Map | $10 to $100 | 1 lb. A map of an area is a useful item to have for any adventurer, explorer, or traveler. Maps come in abundance for different areas of the world, but are still essential to navigation. They vary in size and shape from about 1 square foot to 20 square feet, but a 3-5 foot map is typically ideal for adventuring. While a creature has a map of the area they are currently in at their disposal, they gain advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks made to navigate. Not all areas have maps available. | | Microscope | $2000 | 1 lb. A microscope utilizes a system of slides to magnify tiny samples up to 10x their size, granting advantage and a +1 bonus to checks made to examine or appraise an item that is tiny or exquisitely detailed. A microscope also includes 10 glass panes for use as slides and a travel case to hold both them and the instrument itself. | | Expert Microscope | $5000 | 2 lb. A microscope that grants +2 instead of +1 to checks made to examine or appraise an item, as above, as well as advantage. | | Exquisite Microscope | $10000 | 4 lb. A microscope that grants +3 instead of +1 to checks made to examine or appraise an item, as above, as well as advantage. | | Metal Safe | $150 | 200 lb. This metal container holds 12 cubic feet or 300 pounds worth of gear securely. Opening the safe requires a correct combination plus a key. A key in the lock cannot be turned nor can the lock be picked until the correct combination is entered. Cracking a safe requires a number (based on length of combination) of successfully made DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) checks (based on hearing) in a row, followed by a successful thieves' tools check. A basic safe has a three number combination and a lock DC of 15. Increasing the length of the number combination by one increases the price by $50, up to six numbers. Increasing the lock DC by 5 increases the price by $100, up to a DC of 30. The knock spell only works on either one of the combinations or the final lock. |