======SkyTek Pharmaceuticals====== A multinational pharmaceutical corporation based in Eio with chemical laboratories in orbit (hence the name), as well as sizable interests in agriculture, cloning, bioroid production and brainscanning. =====Medicines===== | Berserker Pack | $200 | An injector of drencrom in an infamous black case with a red cross. Nicknamed the "berserk pack", this is a combat drug often issued to marines. You can use an action or bonus action to use the berserk pack, which consumes it. You regain 3d8 hit points immediately, and your Strength increases to 24 for 1 minute. | | Health Bonus Energy Drink | $20 | "Health Bonus" is the common name for a range of trademarked oral medicines, often marketed as "blue potions" or as a can of soft drink. Typical ingredients include powerful stimulants. Consuming a health bonus doesn't require an action (just your object interaction), and grants 1 temporary hit point for 1 minute. Temporary hit points from health bonuses stack up to your Constitution modifier. | | Life Medicine | $100 | Life medicine rapidly increases the user's healing rate while supplying enough nutrients to facilitate said healing. Life medicine is commonplace enough to be found in most modern medical kits, as well as being provided alongside MRE rations of modern special forces all across Arcydea. As a bonus action, a creature may inject themself with a life medicine syringe, causing them to regain 7 (2d4 + 2) hit points. Alternatively, a creature may inject another creature within their reach with a syringe as an action. | | Modern Medikit | $200 | 4 lb. A medikit is a sturdy case containing painkillers, sprayskin, bone fracture repair injectors, antitoxin and antirad tablets and tweezers for pulling out splinters. It takes 1 minute to apply a medikit to yourself or an adjacent creature. If you have proficiency with Intelligence (Medicine), this restores 4d8 hit points and removes the poisoned or paralyzed conditions. If you lack this proficiency, it merely restores 1d8 hit points. Either way, using a medikit consumes it. | | Psyche Medicine | $500 | 1/2 lb. Developed by mercenary companies for long-duration missions, psyche medicine fights off mental and physical fatigue non-addictively. As an action, a creature may inject themself or another creature within their reach with a psyche medicine syringe, causing them to lose 1 level of exhaustion immediately. | | Stimpack | $50 | 1/2 lb. A stim pack is a small trauma kit that contains painkillers and sprayskin. No medical training is required. To use a stim pack you use an action or bonus action on yourself or an adjacent creature, restoring 1d8 hit points. This consumes the stim pack. |