======Granth Survival Supplies====== Equipment for your next adventure, whether it's a simple dungeon crawl or an expedition to the Nevergreen Mountains. =====Gear===== ^ Item ^ Cost ^ Description ^ | Code Book | $70 | 5 lb. This book contains a code necessary for decoding certain messages. Such books are created or purchased in pairs for use in covert affairs. A letter can be encoded using the code key in one of the pair of books and decoded elsewhere using the other. Often such books are disguised as books of another sort, their code keys hidden among otherwise innocuous text. | | Lore Book | $60 | 5 lb. A book of lore contains a wealth of information upon a specific subject, helpfully indexed and often illustrated as well. A lore book is created in one of several forms: arcana, history, nature, or religion. Alternately, a lore book may pertain to a specific craft or trade. A character that spends 1 minute consulting a relevant lore book has advantage on any Intelligence check to recall lore of that type, made at the end of the consultation. This book does not apply its benefit if the DC for the check is higher than 15; higher DCs indicate information that is too rare or esoteric to be found in a reference book. | | Coin Grinder | $8 | 1/2 lb. This small device looks like a metal cylinder with two halves that can be twisted in opposite directions. The device is used to shave coins, up to ten at a time. It takes one minute to reduce the contained coin or coins to tiny particles. The resulting shavings or powder are suitable for a variety of magical components. For example, the creation of a dose of holy water requires 25 gp worth of silver powder. A character with 250 silver pieces and a coin grinder could convert the coins into suitable components in 25 minutes. | | Cord, Weapon | $4 | A weapon cord is a sturdy hempen cord or leather thong tied securely to the handle of a weapon. The cord is looped at the other end, such that it can be secured to the weapon wielder’s wrist using an action, provided the wielder’s other hand is free to secure it. Once secured, the weapon cannot be disarmed by normal means. If the user drops the weapon, it hangs from the wrist and can be re-gripped on the wielder’s turn, requiring no effort or action to do so. To put the weapon away, the weapon’s wielder must use a free hand to remove the loop from her wrist as an action. | | Hidden Blade | $40 | d4 piercing, negligible weight. This small, spring-loaded blade can be hidden in various objects. It is often hidden in stiff articles of clothing, like a leather bracer or the sole of a boot, but it can also be hidden at the end of a staff, at the bottom of a shield, or inside various innocuous tools. A hidden blade can be “drawn” as an action or a bonus action, causing the blade to spring into position attached to the object it was concealed in. This typically requires some complex adjustment of the containing item to reveal the blade. One classic example of a hidden blade is called a “toe spike.” This blade is concealed in the sole of a boot and “drawn” by pressing the heal sideways into the ground, causing the blade to appear, projecting from the toe of the boot. A hidden blade is an improvised weapon that closely resembles a small dagger. It inflicts 1d4 piercing damage in combat. The DM decides if a weapon proficiency bonus applies, depending on where the blade is attached; at the end of a pole, the weapon might closely resemble a spear, while a version that projects from a bracer might resemble a punching dagger. | | Crossbow, Blade Driver | $600 | 19 lb. Ammunition (50/200), loading, special, two-handed. The so-called “disk crossbow” resembles a crossbow except that it has no bow or string. Instead, the weapon bears a complex array of spinning gears. In the same turn, prior to making attacks, the wielder must use a bonus action to pump the stock shuttle, spinning up the centrifugal driver. When the weapon is fired, multiple sharpened disks are dropped from the three-chamber magazine onto the spinning driver, which flings the disks at high speed. Every attack with the weapon thus expends three crossbow disks. If your attack hits, at least one disk strikes the target and there is a chance that one or two additional disks hit as well. If your attack roll, after considering all modifiers, exceeds the target’s Armor Class by at least 2 points, a second disk hits. If the roll exceeds the target’s Armor Class by at least 4 points, a third disk hits. If one disk hits the target, the weapon’s damage is 1d4. If two hit, the weapon’s damage is 2d4. If three hit, the weapon’s damage is 3d4. If your unmodified attack roll is a 20 (a critical hit), at least 1 disk hits but you must still compare your attack roll to the target’s Armor Class to determine the weapon’s normal damage dice before doubling them. Regardless of the number of dice, each damage roll constitutes no more than a single attack that has hit; do not double or triple the effect of poisoned ammunition, class features, or other effects that accrue per strike. Blade driver crossbows have a built-on magazine that holds up to 30 crossbow disks. While the magazine contains any disks, the weapon is not affected by the loading property. Reloading up to 6 disks into the magazine requires an action. If fired with fewer than three disks remaining, the weapon’s damage is limited to 1d4 (for one disk loaded) or 2d4 (for two disks). | | Ascender | $8 | Negligible weight. A clasp on this small tool attaches to a harness while the other end is clipped to a rope. A locking set of gears within the device allow the rope to pass through it unhindered in one direction, but will clamp down on the rope, preventing its movement, if it moves the other direction. This allows a character to climb a rope without fear of falling or sliding back down the rope. It also allows the character to stop climbing a rope and use both hands for something else without falling. An ascender can be unlocked with an action or bonus action, allowing the rope to pass freely in either direction. | | Ashiaro | $6 | 1/2 lb. These wood-cut soles attach to the bottom of normal footwear. Each set is carved to leave a different set of tracks. The tracks can be that of an animal or of a larger or smaller humanoid, perhaps a child. When moving at half speed, a character wearing ashiaro can attempt a Dexterity (Deception) check to leave convincing tracks. (This is a non-standard pairing of an ability and a skill.) A Wisdom (Survival) check made to follow or identify the tracks recognizes the tracks as fake if it equals or exceeds the wearer’s check. | | Ball bearings (bag of 1,000) | $2 | 2 lb. Ball bearings are tiny metal balls spilled to create a distraction and a hazard in the affected area. As an action, you can spill the ball bearings from their pouch to cover a level, square area that is 10 feet on a side. A creature moving across the covered area must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. A creature moving through the area at half speed doesn’t need to make the save. | | Ball bearings (box of 10,000) | $22 | 21 lb. This wooden box has multiple compartments with sliding doors, and a complex internal mechanism. The contraption has two functions. Ball bearings can be distributed from it manually; each action used can pour bearings to fill a square area that is 10 feet on a side. The box holds enough balls to cover 10 such areas. Alternately, the contraption can be placed on a flat surface and deployed using a plunger. This requires a single action. Activation by the plunger opens a series of spouts, sending ball bearings flooding out in all directions. The ball bearings cover a 15-foot radius area around the square that contains the box. If the covered area is level, a creature moving across it must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. A creature moving through an affected area at half speed doesn’t need to make the save. | | Banner, flag, or pennant | $2 | 3 lb. A cloth square, rectangle, triangle, or similar shape, often used as a device for identity based on its color, shape, markings, or other adornments. These typically bear complex signs of heraldry, the lore of which can be identified with an Intelligence (History) check. | | Bedroll | $2 | 7 lb. Bedding suitable for one person to sleep on and small enough to be rolled up and tied into a cylindrical bundle. A bedroll might also take the form of a hammock or other bedding suitable for single person. | | Bell | $2 | Negligible weight. A bell is a metal cup, often with a handle or hook opposite the open end. When struck, the bell makes a resonating note. The typical configuration includes an internal striker attached to the interior such that the bell sounds whenever it is moved. | | Bell kit | $24 | 3 lb. A bell kit is a long, thin string to which is attached a series of tiny bells and several delicate tripods that hold the string about 6 inches off the ground. Each bell kit is about 20 feet long. A single kit can be strung across a hallway to provide a warning system or a series of kits can encircle a campsite to add a ring of security. Alternately, a bell kit can be strung over a pile of equipment to warn of tampering. Ideally, the kit is hidden among foliage or otherwise disguised. It takes one minute to put a bell kit in place. The resulting trap is triggered when someone crosses the line or interacts with something the bell kit covers, causing the bells to ring gently. The ringing can be easily heard up to 30 feet away. An intelligent creature may spot the trap with a Wisdom (Perception) check, the DC of which is 10, or 12 if the line is somehow concealed or camouflaged. Success allows the line to be easily bypassed. | | Blanket | $1 | 3 lb. A heavy blanket, usually made of wool, often added to a bedroll when sleeping in chilly outdoor climates. | | Block and tackle | $2 | 5 lb. A set of pulleys with a cable threaded through them and a hook to attach to objects. A block and tackle allows you to hoist up to four times the weight you can normally lift. | | Caltrops (bag of 20) | $2 | 2 lb. These large metal jacks have sharpened points designed to harm anyone that steps on them. When scattered over the ground, they create a significant hazard. As an action, you can spread a bag of caltrops to cover a square area that is 5 feet on a side. Any creature that enters the area must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or stop moving this turn and take 1 piercing damage. Taking this damage reduces the creature’s walking speed by 10 feet until the creature regains at least 1 hit point. A creature moving through the area at half speed doesn’t need to make the save. | | Caltrops (box of 200) | $22 | 21 lb. This wooden box has a hatch on one end and a complex internal mechanism. The contraption has two functions. Caltrops can be distributed from it manually; each action used to pour the sharpened jacks can cover a square area that is 5 feet on a side. The box holds enough caltrops to cover 10 such areas. Alternately, the contraption can be placed on the ground, pointed a specific direction, and deployed using a plunger. This requires a single action. Activation by the plunger flings open the spring-loaded contraption, spraying caltrops to land in a square area adjacent to the box, 15 feet on each side. Any creature that enters an affected area must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or stop moving this turn and take 1 piercing damage. Taking this damage reduces the creature’s walking speed by 10 feet until the creature regains at least 1 hit point. A creature moving through the area at half speed doesn’t need to make the save. | | Candle | $0.02 | Negligible weight. A wax taper with a wick that provides a small amount of light when lit. For 1 hour, a lit candle sheds bright light in a 5-foot radius and dim light for an additional 5 feet. | | Chain (10 ft) | $10 | 10 lb. A chain is a length of interconnected metal rings or ovals. It serves many of the same functions as a rope, but is much more durable. A chain has 10 hit points. It can be burst with a successful DC 20 Strength check. | | Chalk (1 pc) | $0.02 | Negligible weight. Chalk is a soft, porous rock, typically sold in the form of 3-inch rods. It readily marks rough surfaces with crumbly residue, leaving distinct lines. Chalk is normally white, but it can be purchased in other forms, its porous material infused with dye to allow for writing in specific colors. | | Climber's kit | $50 | 12 lb. A climber’s kit comes in a satchel that includes special pitons, boot tips, gloves, and a harness. You can use the climber’s kit as an action to anchor yourself; when you do, you can’t fall more than 25 feet from the point where you anchored yourself, and you can’t climb more than 25 feet away from that point without undoing the anchor. | | Clothes, Camouflage | $20 | 3 lb. Camouflage is the practice of manipulating the visual cues that allow the eye to perceive variations in the environment. These variations are the ones that signal the presence of something out-of-place. Discordant colors and shapes particularly draw the eye; camouflage seeks to mute these effects to maintain concealment. Camouflage clothing is designed to avoid detection, but it applies only in environments the clothing is patterned for. For example, forest-colored camouflage clothing has no benefit in snowy or desert environment. The following rule applies generally to camouflage methods. When a creature would suffer disadvantage on a Dexterity (Stealth) check because its appearance starkly contrasts its background, such as while hiding in a snowy field, the use of camouflage can negate this disadvantage. Likewise, if a creature attempting a Wisdom (Perception) check would gain advantage for the same reason, the advantage is negated by the camouflage. Effective camouflage operates to prevent game mechanics from penalizing someone or something for a failure to blend in. It is not intended to provide additional benefits to a hiding person for comparisons of Stealth vs. Perception, just negate penalties (and only penalties related to discordant background conditions). The exact application of this effect is left to the Dungeon Master’s discretion, particularly the question of whether the camouflage sufficiently matches the environment and covers enough of the hiding character to be effective. | | Clothes, Cold Weather | $8 | 6 lb. These clothes provide protection from harsh winter weather and cold environments. The wearer can typically operate unhindered in cold climes for longer and with less environmental detriments than could someone wearing lighter clothing. | | Clothes, Common | $1 | 3 lb. A set of common clothes includes simple garments like a tunic or shift, trousers, leggings, a cloak, a belt, simple shoes or boots, and various accessories. Common clothes have no fancy stitching or ornamentation. | | Clothes, Costume | $10 | 4 lb. A costume is a flamboyant set of clothes, typically used in acting productions to portray certain characters. Simple costumes can be interchangeable for various roles, but some costumes are so specific to a character that they cannot be used for any other role. If the role of the costume suits, it can also serve as a disguise when impersonating someone of a specific position like a member of the city watch. | | Clothes, Disguise | $20 | 2 lb. This set of loose clothing is made to be worn over other clothes as a generic disguise. It usually includes clothing that conceals the wearer’s features, like a low-brimmed hat or a hood. A disguise is typically reversible, with one side mimicking the clothing of a beggar and the other appearing to be the clothes of a person from a middling social class, like a modest merchant. To fool pursuers, the disguise can be torn away with a single action and either stowed in a pack or abandoned somewhere out of sight. | | Clothes, Fine | $30 | 6 lb. This set of clothing is crafted with exceptional quality and is probably well-tailored. Fine clothes can be simple and elegant or flashing and ornamental. Fine clothes are the type typically worn by the wealthy class: nobles, prosperous merchants, and important clergy. | | Clothes, Peasant | $0.10 | 1 lb. Cheap clothing that is barely sufficient to cover the needs of modesty. | | Clothes, Traveler's | $4 | 4 lb. Traveler’s clothes are like common clothes but made for traveling; cloaks are warmer and hooded, boots are higher and waterresistant, mittens or gloves are included. | | Crampons | $8 | 1 lb. These spiked metal frames are designed to be worn over the soles of shoes, one on each foot. They help the wearer navigate icy terrain without slipping. The toes of the crampons include longer spikes that can dig into ice walls to aid in climbing. Crampons give the wearer advantage on saving throws and ability checks to prevent falling on ice. They also allow the wearer to climb icy terrain features without applying penalties from the slipperiness of the surface; treat this Strength (Athletics) check as an attempt to climb a normal, non-icy surface. | | Crowbar | $4 | 5 lb. A crowbar is a short, sturdy bar with a flat wedge at each end. It is used to apply leverage when trying to pry things open. Using a crowbar grants advantage to Strength checks where the crowbar’s leverage can be applied. | | Diver's Kit | $10 | 4 lb. This kit contains diving flippers that attach to the feat, a glass-faced rubber diving mask, a snorkel, a short knife, and a diver’s can. A diver’s can is a metal tube about one foot long with an air-tight breathing nozzle and an internal plunger. The device holds enough air to provide a diver with a single lungful of air. As the diver’s period of breath-holding ends, prior to suffocation, the diver can use an action to manipulate the plunger and breath in the contained air. This allows the diver to begin holding her breath again for another number of minutes equal to 1 + her Constitution modifier (minimum of 30 seconds). The diving flippers each require one action to apply or remove to the feet. They allow the swimmer to move more quickly in water than an unaided swimmer; every 2 feet of movement in water requires only 1 extra foot of movement. | | Doka | $2 | 1 lb. These items come in various forms, from small tin pots (often called “hand lamps”) to the traditional bamboo tube, sealed at each end. A doka holds live coals, keeping them viable for up to 1 hour. The device is used for lighting fuses or candles. It can also provide heat to warm the hands and body in inclement weather. During the hour that the coals remain live, the bearer of this item gains the benefits of wearing cold weather gear for the purpose of resisting extreme cold. (See page 110 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide.) The device is particularly used to warm the hands prior to performing manual dexterity tasks to prevent coldness from inhibiting the action. | | Ear Trumpet | $4 | 1 lb. This small funnel-shaped device has a small end that fits into the ear and a larger, hollow end to press against a door or wall. The user of an ear trumpet gets advantage to any Wisdom (Perception) check to hear things on the other side of the door or wall, so long as the sources of those sounds are within 15 feet of the other side of the door or wall. | | Earplugs | $0.20 | Negligible weight. Earplugs do not completely block sound, but they can be useful to when attempting to sleep in the presence of disruptive noises. They are also used to resist certain sorts of magical attacks. You can use an action to insert or remove earplugs into your ears. While worn, you have the deafened condition, but sounds are not perfectly disrupted. You have advantage on any saving throw to resist attacks that require you to hear them. This includes any charm spells that require you to speak the same language as the caster. | | Falling sail | $170 | 15 lb. A falling sail consists of a body harness and large backpack containing various components to slow a fall. A silk dome-shaped sail deploys from the pack, remaining attached to the wearer by a series of high-strength cords. The sail fills and creates drag, allowing the wearer to fall through the air at a safe speed. A falling sail is activated with an action when the wearer is falling. The rush of air through the contraption is necessary for it to deploy; a falling sail cannot be activated prior to falling from a great height. A falling sail deploys at the start of the user’s turn following turn when it was activated (after the wearer has already free-fallen 500 feet). The deployed device reduces the wearer’s falling speed to 100 feet per round. The user suffers only 1d6 falling damage upon landing. It takes two actions to extricate oneself from the harness, cords, and canopy after landing. A falling sail may be reused after taking 1 hour to carefully repack it. | | Filtered mask | $16 | 1 lb. This layered mask covers the nose and mouth, providing protection against foul air. The wearer receives advantage on Constitution saves to resist inhaled poisons, dust of sneezing and choking, and similarly harmful particles in the air. | | Fire Kit | $0.08 | 1 lb. This primitive fire-starting kit includes tinder, a wooden block, and a grinding peg. A small bow is used to rapidly turn the grinding peg against the wooden block until the heat ignites tinder placed at its base. It takes 1 minute to light a fire using a fire kit. | | Fishing Tackle | $2 | 4 lb. This includes a wooden fishing rod, silken line, corkwood bobbers, steel fishhooks, lead line-sinkers, intricate flies and lures, and small net traps. | | Glassbreaker's Kit | $30 | 2 lb. A glass breaker’s kit is used to bypass glass barriers like windows. It includes tarpaper, a glass-cutting tool, and a rubber suction device to quietly remove an incised piece of glass. It takes 1 minute using a glass cutter to cut and remove a circle of glass large enough to reach an arm through. It takes 6 minutes to create a hole large enough to crawl through. (The glass cutter cannot cut glass more than 1 inch thick.) Another tool in the kit, tarpaper, is a roll of cloth that is sticky on one side and used to get through glass quickly and safely. It is a less subtle tool than the glass cutter. It takes one minute to apply tarpaper to an area up to the size of a large window. Thereafter, if the glass is shattered, the tarpaper clings to the glass shards keeping them from flying about and being a danger to nearby persons. | | Goggles | $4 | Negligible weight. Goggles come in multiple types, and for various purposes. They are typically employed for blocking wind from entering the wearer’s eyes. Goggles can also be made to negate the glare of sunlight, either using lenses of smoked glass or vertical slits that cover the eyes and block out excess light. Goggles remove disadvantage to Wisdom (Perception) checks related to sight if it was imposed by blowing winds or by bright light. This also helps characters with the Sunlight Sensitivity racial trait, negating the disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks, but not on attack rolls. | | Grappling hook | $4 | 4 lb. This device has four opposite, hooked prongs at the end of a short metal rod. At the other end of the rod is a loop large enough to tie a rope to. A grappling hook, when properly thrown, carries a rope to the top of a wall or other obstacle. It clings fast to the edge of the impediment, allowing a climber to navigate the obstacle. Securing a grappling hook requires an action and a Dexterity (Athletics) check against a DC of 5, + 2 for every 10 feet of distance the hook is thrown. (This is a non-standard pairing of an ability and a skill.) The maximum height the hook can be thrown is 20 feet, + 2 feet per point of the thrower’s Strength. (If using a lighter rope, like silk, the maximum height is 30 feet, + 3 feet per point of Strength.) Failing the check by 4 or less means the hook fails to catch and falls back immediately. Failure by 5 or more indicates that the hook holds initially but comes loose after 1d4 rounds of supporting weight. The DM rolls the Dexterity (Athletics) check in secret so the thrower does not know if the hook is secure or not; a wise climber, one who has enough time for caution, tests the rope for a bit to make sure the hook is secure. A caught grappling hook can be dislodged from below by flicking the rope. Each attempt requires an action and the same check that would be needed to catch the hook at that height. Success indicates that the grappling hook dislodges and falls. | | Grooming Kit | $1 | 1 lb. This small tin contains combs in various sizes, grooming wax, soaps, and various other tools for maintaining personal cleanliness and grooming. | | Hacksaw | $20 | 2 lb. This small saw is designed to cut through metal, particularly metal bars. This saw ignores the hardness of most objects its saws through. The saw progresses at a rate of 1 hp per round of sawing. | | Hammer | $2 | 3 lb. This mallet has a broad head, more suitable for utility than war. | | Hammer, muffled | $8 | 4 lb. The head of this hammer is covered by layers of hardened leather or rubberized cloth. The sound produced by using this tool carries only half the distance as a normal hammer. | | Hammer, sledge | $4 | 10 lb. This heavy hammer is used for demolition rather than construction, particularly for breaking down walls, doors, and other building materials softer than stone. A sledge can also break apart rocks. | | Harness | $6 | 2 lb. A series of straps that surround the wearer with various rings and loops suitable for attaching tools and rope. A character can be suspended comfortably and securely by a harness, allowing her to be hauled up a cliff by her compatriots or lowered into a well. With a bit of adjustment, a harness could instead be attached securely around an inanimate object of about the size of a Small or Medium character. A harness is included in a climber’s kit, but it can be purchased separately. | | Hourglass | $50 | 1 lb. An hourglass consists of a wooden frame around two vertically-aligned glass bulbs containing sand. The bulbs are connected by a glass tube that restricts the flow of sand such that it takes one hour for it to pass entirely from one bulb to the other. Marks along the bulb measure the height of the sand at various points, delineating when 1 minute, 10 minutes, and 30 minutes have passed since the glass was turned. | | Hunting Trap | $10 | 25 lb. When you set it, this trap forms a saw-toothed steel maw that snaps shut when a creature steps on a pressure plate in the center. Setting a trap requires an action. The trap is affixed by a heavy chain to an immobile object, such as a tree or a spike driven into the ground. A creature that steps on the plate must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or take 1d4 piercing damage and stop moving. Thereafter, until the creature breaks free of the trap, its movement is limited by the length of the chain (typically 3 feet long). A creature can use its action to make a DC 13 Strength check, freeing itself or another creature within its reach on a success. Each failed check deals 1 piercing damage to the trapped creature. | | Ink (one ounce bottle) | $20 | Negligible weight. Ink is a thin liquid that contains dyes. It is used in combination with an ink pen to write on paper, parchment, or similar materials. Ink is available in a variety of colors, but dark gray or light black is the most common. | | Ink, invisible (one ounce bottle) | $30 | Negligible weight. This ink is visible only for a minute or so when applied. Thereafter, it becomes invisible, leaving no visual or tactile trace of itself. The ink can later be revealed by a method that varies depending on its type. This might be the application of heat, as in holding the paper near a candle, or the application of a chemical wash. | | Ink Pen | $0.04 | Negligible weight. An ink pen is a type of stylus with a sharp tip. It is used to create fine lines and writing with ink of any sort. | | Ladder (10 foot) | $0.20 | 25 lb. | | Lamp | $1 | 1 lb. A lamp is a container that holds oil with a wick that is lit like a candle. The simplest versions appear no more complex than a clay bowl with a wick clamped to the lip. More complex lamps have multiple chambers to channel air, to fuel the wick, and to discharge smoke and heat. A lamp casts bright light in a 15-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. Once lit, it burns for 6 hours on a flask (1 pint) of oil. | | Lantern, bullseye | $20 | 2 lb. A lantern takes the basic form of a lamp, but with a protective enclosure and glass panels that protect the flame and magnify the light emitted. A set of internal mirrors focuses the light in one direction. A bullseye lantern casts bright light in a 60-foot cone and dim light for an additional 60 feet. Once lit, it burns for 6 hours on a flask (1 pint) of oil. | | Lantern, candle | $4 | 1 lb. This small lantern holds a candle within a protective enclosure of glass panels that protect the flame and magnify the light. A set of internal mirrors focuses the light in one direction. A candle lantern casts bright light in a 10-foot cone and dim light for an additional 10 feet. A candle placed within the mirrored holder, while lit, burns for 1 hour. | | Lantern, hooded | $10 | 2 lb. A lantern takes the basic form of a lamp, but with a protective enclosure and glass panels that protect the flame and sometimes magnify the light emitted. This lantern has a shuttering system that covers the glass panels to temporarily block the light. A hooded lantern casts bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. Once lit, it burns for 6 hours on a flask (1 pint) of oil. As an action, you can lower the hood, reducing the light to dim light in a 5-foot radius. | | Lantern, lighting rig | $90 | 10 lb. A lighting rig is a very large lantern, too heavy to carry affectively in one hand for any length of time. These devices are often hung from wagons, ships, and lamp poles in villages. This version has three collapsible legs that, when expanded, stabilize the lighting rig and hold it several feet off the ground. It takes one minute to set up the tripod legs or to break them down. A lighting rig casts bright light in a 60-foot radius and dim light for an additional 60 feet. A lighting rig can hold up to 4 pints of oil at a time. Once lit, it burns for 2 hours per pint of oil. | | Loadstone | $2 | Negligible weight. This oblong magnetite is a naturally magnetized stone, typically tied to a string. When hung suspended in the air, the loadstone turns to align with the magnetic poles. Due to inconsistencies in natural magnetization, a lodestone is not infallible. But it does give the user advantage on any Wisdom (Survival) check to determine which way is north. | | Lock, standard | $20 | 1 lb. This device comes in padlock form or is built into a door, case, or similar closure. A key is provided with the lock. Without the key, a creature can pick this lock with a successful DC 15 Dexterity (thieves’ tools) check. | | Lock, fine | $100 | 1 lb. This device comes in padlock form or is built into a door, case, or similar closure. It is a higher-quality version of a normal lock. Two keys are provided with the lock. Without the key, a creature can pick this lock with a successful DC 20 Dexterity (thieves’ tools) check. A fine lock has twice the hit points of a normal lock. | | Magnifying glass | $20 | Negligible weight. This lens allows a closer look at small objects. It is also useful as a substitute for flint and steel when starting fires. Lighting a fire with a magnifying glass requires light as bright as sunlight to focus, tinder to burn, and about 5 minutes for the fire to ignite. A magnifying glass grants advantage on any ability check made to appraise or inspect an item that is small or highly detailed. | | Manacles, standard | $4 | 6 lb. Two metal shackles that hold the wrists together, typically behind the back, to prevent the free use of the bound subject’s hands. These restraints can bind a Small or Medium creature. Escaping the manacles requires a successful DC 20 Dexterity check. Breaking them requires a successful DC 20 Strength check. Each set of manacles comes with one key. Without a key, a creature proficient with thieves’ tools can pick the manacles’ lock with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check. Manacles have 15 hit points. A double set of manacles includes shackles for the ankles, reducing the wearer’s movement speed to 5. The wrist shackles and ankle shackles are typically connected by a common chain. Double sets double the listed cost and weight. | | Manacles, fine | $100 | 4 lb. These shackles are a sturdier, better-crafted version of normal manacles. These restraints can bind a Small or Medium creature. Escaping fine manacles requires a successful DC 20 Dexterity check. Breaking them requires a successful DC 25 Strength check. Each set of fine manacles comes with two keys. Without a key, a creature proficient with thieves’ tools can pick the manacles’ lock with a successful DC 20 Dexterity check. Fine manacles have 30 hit points. A double set of fine manacles includes shackles for the ankles, reducing the wearer’s movement speed to 5. The wrist shackles and ankle shackles are typically connected by a common chain. Double sets double the listed cost and weight. | | Mantlet | $160 | 70 lb. A mantlet is a rolling piece of cover about the height of a Medium sized humanoid. It is designed to protect approaching troops from the missile fire of entrenched enemies. This “adventurer’s version” consists of two vertical shield planes attached with tied joints or hinges. The mantlet has small wheels at the bottom to help move it forward in its deployed form or pull it behind you in its folded form. When deployed, the two planes of the mantlet form stand perpendicular to one another, forming an “L” shape. Deploying a folded mantlet (or folding a deployed mantlet) requires two actions. Shifting a deployed mantlet costs 1 extra foot of movement per foot moved and counts as an interaction with the environment. A character behind a mantlet can claim three-quarters cover. The cover only applies to attacks coming from the other side of the device. When using a battle mat, mark two contiguous sides of the square you are in, forming a right angle. When attacked, choose any corner of your square except the corner where the two planes meet, or a corner that is shared with your attacker’s square. Draw a straight line from that corner to any corner of the attacker’s square, except a corner that is shared with your square. If that line passes through either of the marked mantlet lines, or touches a corner of one (not counting the corner from which this line originates), the mantlet provides you with cover. | | Map, area | $10 | Negligible weight. An area map usually applies to a region, like a small kingdom or a large barony. It might also apply to a similarly sized geographical area, like an island or a forest. In addition to naming various points of interest, an area map gives the user advantage on any Wisdom (Survival) checks to accurately navigate the area and avoid getting lost within it. | | Mess kit | $0.40 | 1 lb. A collection of cookware and eating utensils suitable for camping or eating with on the trial. These are usually packaged within a portable, lightweight container. | | Mirror, steel | $10 | 1/2 lb. This small, glass plate is backed with polished steel. Its surface is highly reflective, with little distortion. | | Oil (one pint flask) | $0.20 | 1 lb. Oil is a viscous, flammable liquid used to fuel lamps. It typically comes in a clay flask that holds 1 pint or a cask that holds 80 pints. As an action, you can splash oil from a flask onto a creature within 5 feet of you or throw it up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. Make a ranged attack against a target creature or object, treating the oil as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target is covered in oil. If the target takes any fire damage before the oil dries (after 1 minute), the target takes an additional 5 fire damage from the burning oil. | | Oil (eighty-pint cask) | $16 | 100 lb. You can also pour a flask of oil on the ground to cover a 5-foot-square area, provided that the surface is level. Alternately, you can unstop a cask of oil, causing oil to flow out onto the ground and, within two rounds, covering an area with a 20-foot radius around the cask. If lit, the oil burns for 2 rounds and deals 5 fire damage to any creature that enters the area or ends its turn in the area. A creature can take this damage only once per turn. | | Oil Can (pump) | $12 | 1 lb. This metal contraption includes a squeezable handle or plunger, a pumping tank, and a long, thin applicator. Pumping the device forces a measure of oil out of the applicator, typically to oil axles or similar devices. A primary use for adventurers is to silence the hinges of noisy doors. An oil can will hold up to 1 pint of oil. | | Paper (one sheet) | $0.04 | Negligible weight. Paper is a very thin, flat sheet or roll of processed wood pulp, often dyed white, used for writing on. Paper is thinner than parchment. | | Parchment (one sheet) | $0.02 | Negligible weight. Parchment is a thin, flat sheet or roll of animal skin, scraped and dried under tension, suitable for writing on. | | Perfume (vial) | $10 | Negligible weight. This collection of essential oils is formulated for its fragrant properties. Applying one-twentieth of the vial to a creature or object causes a pleasant scent to emanate from the affected area for 3 hours. Applying double that quantity makes the scent last for 4 hours, but the strength of the scent can become overpowering for some. Perfumes can be purchased in a variety of different scents. | | Periscope | $16 | 1 lb. This tube is bent at right angles at each end, the ends pointing in opposite directions. A set of mirrors inside the bends allow the user to look in one end and see out the other. A periscope allows the user to see around corners or obstacles without exposing herself. | | Pick, miner's | $4 | 10 lb. This miner’s tool is good for breaking stone and hard-packed dirt. | | Piton | $0.10 | 1/4 lb. Pitons are spikes with eyelets at the butt. They are hammered into cracks in walls, natural or otherwise, to create secure handholds or attach climbing ropes to. | | Pole, 10-foot | $0.10 | 7 lb. This 10-foot pole is used to test passage walls, ceilings, and floors for traps. Wary adventurers will tap these surfaces as they progress to find hollow areas or hidden pressure plates. | | Pole, collapsible 10-foot | $10 | 5 lb. This hollow steel pole is segmented along its 10-foot length. As an action, the pole can be broken down into a more portable form, about 2 feet long. Another action is required to extend the pole to its original length and lock its segments into place. | | Raiment repair kit | $4 | 1 lb. This pouch contains sewing needles, patches, scissors, and a variety of different threads. It is used to repair tears in cloth or leather clothes, or other items made of such materials, such as backpacks or boots. | | Rain catcher | $2 | 1 lb. A leather tarp that forms a basin when stretched over its collapsible wooden frame. This simple device is designed to catch and hold rain water. It has a plugged funnel at the bottom for filling waterskins and other containers. The device can catch 2 gallons of drinking water per inch of rainfall. The basin holds up to 8 gallons. | | Ram, portable | $8 | 35 lb. A portable ram is a weighty wooden log with a metal prow and handles on both sides. You can use a portable ram to break down doors. When doing so, you gain a +4 bonus on the Strength check. One other character can help you use the ram, giving you advantage on this check. | | Rations, one day | $1 | 1 lb. Sometimes called “iron rations,” these consist of dry foods suitable for extended travel, including jerky, dried fruit, hardtack, and nuts. | | Rations, compact, one day | $4 | 1/2 lb. These expensive rations are much like normal iron rations except that they are made with the lightest, most compact foodstuffs to reduce encumbrance. | | Robes | $2 | 4 lb. A loose-fitting sleeved garment that can be worn over other clothes or worn by itself. Robes can be decorative, religious (as vestments), or protective (as a smock). Artists sometimes wear robes to protect their clothing from artistic materials like paint. A robe can be worn over any other set of clothes, except for cold weather clothes or a disguise, both of which are too bulky. | | Robes, fine or silk | $100 | 3 lb. This robe is made of expensive material. It is typically worn for ceremonial purposes or as a sign of power or affluence. | | Rope, hemp (50 ft) | $2 | 10 lb. A rope is a twisted braid of strands. These are typically from a fibrous plant like hemp, or some non-plant alternative source, like silk. Rope, whether made of hemp or silk, has 2 hit points and can be burst with a DC 17 Strength check. The effectiveness of placing a knot in a rope can be determined with an Intelligence (Sleight of Hand) check. This is a non-standard pairing of ability and skill. The result becomes the DC to untie the knot using Intelligence (Sleight of Hand). The Dungeon Master will determine when it is possible or practical to get at a knot to untie it. Alternately, that DC can be used for an Acrobatics (Dexterity) check to slip out of bonds tied from rope. | | Rope, silk (50 ft) | $20 | 5 lb. A rope is a twisted braid of strands. These are typically from a fibrous plant like hemp, or some non-plant alternative source, like silk. Rope, whether made of hemp or silk, has 2 hit points and can be burst with a DC 17 Strength check. The effectiveness of placing a knot in a rope can be determined with an Intelligence (Sleight of Hand) check. This is a non-standard pairing of ability and skill. The result becomes the DC to untie the knot using Intelligence (Sleight of Hand). The Dungeon Master will determine when it is possible or practical to get at a knot to untie it. Alternately, that DC can be used for an Acrobatics (Dexterity) check to slip out of bonds tied from rope. | | Rope ladder, hemp (50 feet) | $6 | 24 lb. A rope ladder consists of two parallel ropes connected by a series of short rungs, giving it the overall appearance and functionality of a ladder. At least half of the rungs are rigid wood or metal, holding the two ropes apart at a set distance. A rope ladder can be ascended or descended at the same speed as someone climbing a rope, except that no Strength (Athletics) checks are required. A rope ladder has 4 hit points and can be burst with a DC 19 Strength check. | | Rope ladder, silk (50 feet) | $52 | 12 lb. A rope ladder consists of two parallel ropes connected by a series of short rungs, giving it the overall appearance and functionality of a ladder. At least half of the rungs are rigid wood or metal, holding the two ropes apart at a set distance. A rope ladder can be ascended or descended at the same speed as someone climbing a rope, except that no Strength (Athletics) checks are required. A rope ladder has 4 hit points and can be burst with a DC 19 Strength check. | | Saw | $6 | 5 lb. A hard-toothed blade with a handle designed for cutting wood using a repetitive “sawing” motion. A saw ignores the hardness of wood, cutting through it at a rate of 3 hit points for each action that the user takes to apply the saw. It has no effect on harder materials like metal. | | Scale, merchant's | $10 | 3 lb. This small balance is suitable for weighing objects or quantities of objects, up to five pounds. The scale comes with an assortment of weights to use in these calculations. | | Sealing wax | $0.10 | Negligible weight. This soft stick of wax melts at a low temperature. Scribes use it for sealing scrolls and other messages. Apothecaries use it to seal stoppers in flask and vials. The applications are many and varied. | | Sheath | $-- | Negligible weight. A sheath is a leather, wood, or metal covering for the blade of a weapon. It is designed to allow the weapon to be stored and carried with ease and safety. All weapons suitable for sheathes come with normal versions, included in their costs. Special sheaths normally add nothing to the combined weight of the weapon; they simply cost more based on their additional functionality. Not all weapons are suitable for sheathes; the DM will determine which weapons are appropriate to have them. | | Sheath, concealed | $8 | Negligible weight. In a boot, up a sleeve, or within a tunic, this sheath serves to conceal a small blade like a dagger. A weapon hidden in a concealed sheath will not be automatically noticed. Someone examining the wearer must succeed at a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check to spot the weapon. A person physically touching (searching) the wearer may substitute an Intelligence (Investigation) check. Physically searching applies advantage to the check. A concealed sheath holds a bladed weapon no more than 1 pound in weight, like a dagger, kukri, poison dagger, punch dagger, or stiletto. | | Sheath, false bottom | $24 | Negligible weight. The bottom of this rigid sheath unscrews or otherwise comes apart to reveal a segment of the sheath that is not taken up by the contained blade. This unused segment holds small objects or materials up to 1/2 pound in weight. Alternately, a false bottom can be crafted to contain a dagger, the blade drawn out of the bottom of the sheath and the removed portion of the sheath acting as the handle. The alternate “dagger” version adds 1 pound to the combined weight of the weapon and sheath. | | Sheath, poison | $20 | Negligible weight. This sheath is carefully designed to close over the shape of the contained weapon’s hilt, forming a tight seal as the weapon is inserted. If a dose of poison is applied to the weapon, and the weapon returned to the poison sheath, the seal prevents the poison from further drying out. Normal poisons dry out after one minute (10 rounds) of exposure to air. When tracking this time, only count rounds that the weapon has not been in the poison sheath for the whole round. (See the rules for injury poisons, described below in this Part.) Each poison sheath is designed for use with a specific weapon and crafted to match the unique contours of the blade and hilt. Another weapon, even of the exact same type, will not fit perfectly and so will not benefit from the poison sheath’s effects. | | Shikaro | $12 | 1 lb. A hand-cranked drill with a triangular head used to drill spy holes. The shape of the drill head means that holes drilled are larger on the driller’s side, but leave only a tiny pinhole on the far side of the barrier. This tool ignores the hardness of wood or material of similar toughness. The shikaro requires 1 round of drilling per hit point of the barrier drilled through, though it does not actually remove hit points from the object. When trying to make a spyhole subtly, the user of the shikaro must make a Dexterity (Deception) check. (This is a non-standard pairing of an ability and a skill.) The check result sets the DC for an Intelligence (Investigation) by anyone trying to find the spyhole. A person on the pinhole side who looks for it makes this check with disadvantage. | | Shovel | $4 | 5 lb. A shovel is a medium-hafted tool with a spade-shaped blade designed to dig in earth or other soft material. | | Signet ring | $10 | Negligible weight. A ring with a unique design used to imprint sealing wax. A signet ring is a very personal device. It is often used as a mark of authority, particularly when given to others to hold on behalf of the owner. | | Slate board | $0.10 | Negligible weight. A chalkboard made of slate. | | Snorkel | $0.10 | 1 lb. The user’s end of this breathing tube has a comfortable mouthpiece that can be gripped in the teeth. The device allows a user to breathe while submerged, so long as the other end of the tube protrudes out of the water. A rubberized cloth strap holds the snorkel tube in place against the user’s temple. | | Snow shoes or skis | $4 | 3 lb. Snow shoes are pairs of circular or oval frames containing sturdy netting. These attach to the soles of the user’s boots, allowing her to walk unhindered over snow. Skis are long thin planks, usually treated with wax or metal skids, that allow the wearer to slide easily over snow. Wearing either of these devices allows the user to ignore the effect of difficult terrain that would be applied because of deep snow. Wearing them in other terrain types imposes difficult terrain rules. | | Soap | $0.04 | Negligible weight. Soap is a small brick of oily solid cleanser used to remove dirt and grime. It can be used for other purposes such as oiling hinges or greasing a slope. | | Spikes, iron (10) | $2 | 5 lb. These metal spikes have a variety of purposes, from doubling as extra tent stakes to nailing parchment to a door. Iron spikes are most commonly used to spike doors; when hammered into the gap beneath a door, the resulting pressure and friction prevent the door from opening except under great pressure. A spiked door can be forced open with a Strength (Athletics) check against a DC of 20. | | Sprayer | $12 | 3 lb. This device has a pneumatic hand pump attached to a small drum. It is designed to spray liquids. The user can attack a target within 15 feet by spraying it with the sprayer. Because of the wide, predictable dispersion of liquid, this attack roll has advantage. If it hits, the target is affected by the liquid contained within as though it had been splashed by a flask of the substance. Sprayers can project oil, holy water, defoliant, and many other liquids. They cannot use corrosive or caustic substances like acid or alchemical fire, as these will destroy the sprayer’s delicate internal components. (Doses of contact poison are too small to be used effectively on this scale.) A sprayer’s drum can hold up to 4 pints (flasks) worth of liquid. Each attack uses a single pint. | | Spyglass | $200 | 1 lb. A cylindrical tube containing ground glass lenses designed to allow the user to see objects at a distance. Objects viewed through a spyglass are magnified to twice their size. | | Spyglass, compact | $120 | 1/2 lb. This device is half the size and length of a normal spyglass. Objects viewed through a compact spyglass are magnified to one and one-half times their size. | | Stretcher, folding | $12 | 5 lb. This stretcher breaks down into a bundle about 2 feet long. It takes 4 actions to assemble or break down the folding stretcher. When carried between two people, an assembled folding stretcher can support a weight of up to 350 pounds, distributing the load evenly between the two carriers. | | String or twine (50 ft) | $0.20 | 1 lb. String and twine are very thin versions of ropes. Ropes are indeed made up of the type of strands that constitute string or twine. String or twine has 1 hit point and can be burst with a DC 8 Strength check. | | Swim bladders | $6 | 1 lb. This simple vest has four air-tight bladders attached to it, two in front of the shoulders and two behind. While wearing swim bladders, a Small or Medium creature has advantage on any ability checks for swimming related staying at the surface of the water. Conversely, disadvantage applies if a Small or Medium wearer is purposefully trying to dive or operate below the surface. If unconscious and wearing swim bladders, a Small or Medium creature will float in calm waters rather than sinking. | | Tate | $70 | 35 lb. A tate is a heavy, free-standing bulwark. It consists of a flat wooden plane with a jointed leg allowing it to be set in a fixed position with the protective plane nearly vertical. A strap attached to the tate allows it to be slung over the back for carrying when it is not deployed. Placing a tate (or picking it up from a placed position) requires an action. Once placed, the user can claim half cover while behind it, or three-quarters cover while prone behind it. The cover from a tate only applies to attacks coming from a cone-shaped region expanding in the direction the device is placed against. When using a battle mat, mark one entire side of the square you are in (corner to corner) when you place the tate. If a straight line from either unmarked corner of your square to any corner of the attacker’s square touches a corner of, or passes through, the marked side, the tate provides you with cover. Alternately, draw a diagonal line through the square you are in (connecting opposite corners), with a little arrow indicating which direction the tate is facing (the side you are not on). If a straight line from the unmarked corner of your square that is behind the device to any corner of the attacker’s square touches a corner of, or passes through, the marked line, the tate provides you with cover. | | Tent, pavilion | $60 | 350 lb. A pavilion is a large, often circular shelter with room enough to stand in. Hanging curtains separate the interior into separate chambers, each large enough for a bed or a table. A pavilion can sleep up to 30 people in cramped quarters, but is typically used to house a small group of important people. This tent can be erected in 24 minutes by one person, in 12 minutes by two people, or in 6 minutes by three or more people. | | Tent, six-person | $10 | 100 lb. A shelter like the two-person tent, but this version sleeps six. This tent can be erected in 8 minutes by one person, in 4 minutes by two people, or in 2 minutes by three or more people. | | Tent, two-person | $4 | 20 lb. This canvas shelter is carried in a compact form. It consists of a lightweight frame of metal rods, several tent states, cords, and the tent itself. This tent can be erected in 4 minutes by one person, or in 2 minutes by two or more people. | | Tinderbox | $1 | 1 lb. A small box filled with highlyflammable tinder, flint, and a steel striker. These tools are used to quickly light fires, striking sparks off the flint to ignite the tinder. It takes one action to light something with a tinderbox. | | Torch | $0.02 | 1 lb. A torch is a wooden rod with a mass of rags, treated with tow or bitumen, wrapped around one end. A torch burns for 1 hour, providing bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. If you make a melee attack with a burning torch and hit, it deals 1 fire damage. | | Torch, signal | $0.20 | 1 lb. Like a torch, but crafted to burn with distinctly-colored light. A signal torch burns for 1 hour, providing bright light in a 15-foot radius and dim light for an additional 15 feet. The light burns as a specific color; this is useful for signaling great distances, but the colored light is not good for illumination. If you make a melee attack with a burning signal torch and hit, it deals 1 fire damage. | | Water clock | $200 | 100 lb. | | Water shoes | $8 | 4 lb. These circular flotation devices attach to the wearer’s feat. Using a pole for stability and propulsion, the wearer can cross very calm water at a very slow speed. Each foot of movement applied with water shoes costs the wearer 3 extra feet. | | Weaponblack | $2 | Negligible weight. This sticky, black substance is used to dull the sheen of metal blades and armor, camouflaging them for dark environments. Metal armaments can be blackened with this substance, preventing them from standing out against shadows or dark backgrounds. This can help a user’s camouflage attempts. (See camouflage clothes, above.) | | Whetstone | $0.02 | 1 lb. | | Whistle, animal | $4 | Negligible weight. This whistle produces a sound of such a high pitch that only certain creatures can hear it. Only creatures with the Keen Hearing trait (or the Keen Senses trait as it relates to hearing) can hear the whistle. Those who can hear the whistle can hear it up to 600 feet away. | | Whistle, signal | $0.10 | Negligible weight. A signal whistle is an instrument that produces a shrill sound from the user’s breath. The sound can easily be heard up to 300 feet away. | | Winch | $14 | 5 lb. This device consisting of a rotating drum around which a rope or chain can be wrapped. Turning a crank pulls the rope or chain allowing the user to more easily lift or haul anything attached. A winch is attached to one end of a rope or chain and is turned to incrementally shorten the effective length of the rope. A single action used to turn the winch draws in 10 feet of rope or chain. A winch allows the user to drag up to double the weight it normally can, so long as the winch is attached to a heavier object than its burden or is set into stone with four pitons. When used in combination with a block and tackle, the user can hoist up to eight times the weight it can normally lift. A winch can draw in a maximum of 200 feet of rope or 100 feet of chain. A large winch (double the cost and weight), can draw in twice those lengths. | =====Containers===== ^ Item ^ Cost ^ Description ^ | Backpack | $4 | 5 lb. A rectangular leather container with shoulder straps, worn on the back. Holds 1 cubic foot / 30 pounds of gear. | | Bandoleer | $4 | 2 lb. This leather strap is worn over one shoulder and crosses diagonally across the chest and back. It has small pouches or ties that can hold up to 6 tiny objects along its length. Contained objects must each weigh 1 pound or less. Bandoleers are excellent for holding small thrown weapons like darts and daggers. Any number of such weapons can be drawn from the bandoleer in a turn, counting only as a single interaction with the environment. Removing any other types of item from a bandoleer counts as normal, individual interactions with an object. Holds 6 distinct objects, each no larger than 10 inches long and weighing no more than 1 pound. | | Barrel | $6 | 70 lb. A cylindrical container made of wooden slats or staves. The whole container is bound in wood or metal hoops. Barrels are water-tight, capable of containing liquids. Holds 40 gallons of liquid, 5 cubic feet solid. | | Basket | $0.80 | 2 lb. A container available in various shapes, crafted of woven wood fibers or reeds. Holds 2 cubic feet / 40 pounds of gear. | | Bottle, glass | $4 | 2 lb. A container for liquids, often with a narrow neck and a water-tight stopper. Holds 1½ pints of liquid. | | Box | $2 | 1 lb. A square or rectangular container, typically made of wood. Holds 1 cubic foot, 20 pounds of gear. | | Box, map or scroll | $10 | 2 lb. A thin, rigid, rectangular container for storing stacks of paper or parchment. Holds 30 sheets of paper, 15 sheets of parchment, or 15 spell scrolls. | | Bucket | $0.10 | 2 lb. A spherical wooden container, open at one end and carried with a rope handle. This container is watertight (except for the open top), suitable for transporting liquids. Holds 3 gallons of liquid, 1/2 cubic foot solid. | | Case, crossbow bolt | $2 | 1 lb. A rigid rectangular container designed to be slung on a belt and carry crossbow bolts. Holds 20 crossbow bolts / 5 grappling or inking crossbow bolts. | | Case, map or scroll | $2 | 1 lb. A cylindrical container used to contain rolled-up papers or parchment. Holds 10 sheets of paper, 5 of sheets parchment, or 5 spell scrolls. | | Cask or keg | $4 | 12 lb. A smaller version of a barrel. Holds 8 gallons of liquid, 1 cubic foot solid. | | Chest | $10 | 25 lb. A secure, rectangular container, like a box but with thicker sides and durable hinges. A chest has a clasp with interlocking rings that allows a padlock to hold the lid closed. Holds 12 cubic feet / 300 pounds of gear. | Compartment, hidden | $10 | Negligible weight. Secret compartments can be built into many different objects, the heel of a boot, the side of a crate, the end of a pole, and more. A hidden compartment cannot be found without physically handling the object the compartment is a part of and succeeding at a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check. A hidden compartment’s carrying capacity depends entirely upon the object into which it is built. The shape varies as necessary, but the total weight contained cannot exceed one-tenth of the item’s own weight. The handle of a two-handed (or versatile) weapon is a particularly common place to build a hidden compartment. | | Crate | $4 | 40 lb. A very large box, typically used for shipping or for long-term storage. Holds 30 cubic feet / 750 pounds of gear. | | Flask or tankard | $0.04 | 1 lb. A clay container fitted with a tight cork stopper. A flask is delicate enough to be thrown as a missile weapon, shattering on impact and splashing out its contents. Holds 1 pint of liquid. | | Haversack | $10 | 7 lb. A large, rectangular leather container with shoulder straps, worn on the back. Between its greater size and its multiple compartments, the haversack carries more gear than a backpack. Holds 1½ cubic feet / 45 pounds of gear. | | Jug or pitcher | $0.04 | 4 lb. A container made of glass or clay, with a carrying handle and a pouring spout. Pitchers are open-topped, used for frequent pouring. Jugs have a stopper at the spout that keeps the container closed. Holds 1 gallon of liquid. | | Ketch | $4 | 3 lb. This large quiver has a slit running partway down the side. It is designed to carry javelins and is typically worn at the hip. The slit allows a contained javelin to be grabbed near its center balance point, such that when it is drawn, the weapon is immediately ready for use. Any number of javelins can be drawn from the ketch in a turn, counting only as a single interaction with the environment. This allows characters that can make multiple attacks with the Attack action to more easily throw multiple javelins. Holds 5 javelins or light spears. | | Lockbox | $20 | 2 lb. A square or rectangular container made of hardened metal with reinforced banding and hidden hinges, designed to resist brute-force tampering. Holds 1 cubic foot, 20 pounds of gear. | | Pot, iron | $4 | 10 lb. This metal container comes with a handle for carrying it or suspending it over a fire and a lid that rests atop the pot to aid in cooking. Holds 1 gallon of liquid. | | Pouch | $1 | 1 lb. A pouch is a small sack or shaped container typically made of leather and worn on a belt or a harness. Pouches come in a variety of forms and are designed for a variety of uses. Holds 1/5 cubic foot / 6 pounds of gear / 20 sling bullets or firearm loads / 30 crossbow disks / 50 blowgun needles. | | Powder horn. | | Holds 30 charges of gunpowder. | | Quiver | $2 | 1 lb. A quiver is a cylindrical container sized for carrying arrows. Holds 20 arrows / 5 grappling arrows. | | Rucksack | $18 | 9 lb. A large, rectangular leather container with shoulder straps, worn on the back. Between its greater size and its multiple compartments and side pouches, the rucksack carries more gear than a backpack or haversack. Holds 2 cubic feet / 60 pounds of gear. | | Sack | $0.02 | 1/2 lb. Sacks are typically made of burlap or canvas, the opening equipped with a drawstring or other fastening ties to secure it closed. A good sack is often equipped with a small loop near the top to allow it to be strung on a pack saddle, hooked over a saddle horn, or carried in one hand. Holds 1 cubic foot / 30 pounds of gear. | | Sack, large | $0.10 | 1 lb. A larger version of the standard sack. Holds 4 cubic feet / 90 pounds of gear. | | Saddlebags. | | Holds 2 cubic feet / 60 pounds of gear. | | Satchel | $2 | 3 lb. A thin, rectangular bag with a long shoulder strap worn diagonally across the torso such that the container hangs at or just below the waste to the side of the body. Holds 1/2 cubic foot / 15 pounds of gear. | Satchel, water resistant | $10 | 3 lb. This satchel is made of various water-resistant materials and treated to keep the contents dry. It is often used by letter carriers or similar couriers when they have important cargo to protect form the elements. A water-resistant satchel keeps its contents dry in any weather. It protects the contents for up to 1 full minute of submersion before water will penetrate the container. Holds 1/2 cubic foot / 15 pounds of gear. | | Tankard | $0.04 | 1 lb. A large mug, typically used for alcohol. Holds 1 pint of liquid. | | Vial | $2 | Negligible weight. A small glass or clay container. Vials come in various shapes. Holds 4 ounces of liquid. | | Waterskin (full) | $0.40 | 5 lb. A water-proof bladder or gourd with a stopper, typically used for carrying water. Holds 4 pints of liquid. | =====Ammunition===== | Arrow, Alchemical | $40 for 10 | 1/2 lb. The forward end of the shaft is a blunt glass tube delicate enough to break on impact, dispersing its liquid contents onto the target. Any liquid that is affective on contact can be placed into an alchemical arrow, including acid, alchemical solvent, alchemist’s fire, defoliant, holy water, and all sorts of contact poisons. When fired from a bow, an alchemical arrow halves the weapon’s normal and long range increments and changes its damage to 1d4 bludgeoning. In addition to damage, a successful ranged attack applies the contained liquid, as though it had been splashed onto the target. | | Arrow, Barbed | $20 for 20 | 1 lb. This piece of ammunition has wicked barbs that make it hard to remove from the target. This applies the cruel weapon property to attacks made with it. | | Arrow, Fire | $10 for 10 | 1/2 lb. This arrowhead has a small, bulbous cage just behind the tip. The cage holds flammable, fibrous material soaked in an accelerant, like the material used for torches. An archer may spend a bonus action to nock this arrow and dip the point into an active fire source prior to shooting. A lit fire arrow adds 1 fire damage to the bow’s attack. The arrow might also light highly flammable materials that it touches, like thatched roofs, dry crops, and the like. | | Arrow, Flight | $4 for 20 | 1 lb. This arrow is crafted of materials carefully selected for their aerodynamic properties. With lighter heads and superior fletching, flight arrows are tremendously accurate missiles. When using this ammunition, both the bow’s range increments are increased by a distance equal to the weapon’s normal range increment. When firing a flight arrow, apply a –1 penalty to the damage roll. | | Arrow, Frog Crotch | $10 for 10 | 1/2 lb. The head of this arrow forms a razor-sharp crescent, points facing forward, theoretically allowing the archer to cut ropes from a distance. Targeting a rope is a difficult shot; apply disadvantage to the attack roll unless made within 10 feet. | | Arrow, Grappling | $4 | 1 1/2 lb. The head of this heavy arrow has four opposite claws that form a grappling hook. This arrow allows the user to substitute her attack roll in the place of the normal check for trying to place a grappling hook. Halve the distance of the bow’s range increments when firing if the grappling arrow is trailing a silk rope. Reduce it to one-quarter if trailing a hempen rope. If used as a weapon, the grappling arrow reduces the bow’s damage to 1d4 bludgeoning. | | Arrow, Screaming | $20 for 10 | 1/2 lb. The head of this arrow makes a screaming noise in flight. The sounds this arrow emits in flight can be easily heard within 100 feet of any point along the arrow’s path. | | Arrow, Sheaf | $2 for 20 | 1 lb. This is the most common type of arrow used in combat, a sturdy shaft of reliable length, topped by a heavy broadhead or bodkin point. | | Arrow, Smoke | $30 for 10 | 1/2 lb. A thin wrap of an alchemical material encases the shaft of this arrow behind the head. This arrow can be lit with an active fire source as a bonus action, causing the material to smoke vigorously. The arrow trails smoke as it flies, and creates a 5-foot cube of smoke wherever it hits. The smoke dissipates in 1d4 rounds, or until dispersed by a wind of at least 10 mph. Smoke arrows are each crafted to emit a specific color of smoke, useful for signaling. | | Blowgun Needle, Hooked | $30 for 50 | This blowgun needle has several small hooks behind the tip that make it hard to remove from the target. This applies the cruel weapon property to attacks made with it. | | Blowgun Needle, Steel | $2 for 50 | This is a lightweight needle, about six inches in length, used as blowgun ammunition. A puff of downy feather attached to one end allows the projectile to be fired from a blowgun with a firm blast of lung power. Steel needles are often used to deliver toxins, being dipped in a vial of poison or other substance just before firing. | | Crossbow Bolt, Broad Tip | $2 for 20 | 1 1/2 lb. This is the most common type of bolt used in combat, a short shaft with a razor-sharp broadhead at the tip. | | Crossbow Bolt, Disk | $10 for 30 | 1 1/2 lb. These aerodynamic disks are the only ammunition usable with a disk crossbow. They cannot be used with any other weapon. A pouch can hold 30 disk crossbow bolts; disks will not fit in a crossbow bolt case. | | Crossbow Bolt, Grappling | $4 | 1 1/2 lb. The head of this heavy bolt has four opposite claws that form a grappling hook. This bolt allows the user to substitute her attack roll in the place of the normal check for trying to place a grappling hook. Halve the distance of the crossbow’s range increments when firing if the grappling arrow is trailing a silk rope. Reduce it to one-quarter if trailing a hempen rope. If used as a weapon, the grappling crossbow bolt reduces the crossbow’s damage to 1d4 bludgeoning. | | Crossbow Bolt, Inking | $2 | 1/2 lb. This heavy crossbow bolt bears a large, spongy head soaked in bright ink. The bolt is typically carried inside a wax coating that covers the head to preserve the ink prior to use. The wax coating on the head of this bolt can be removed as a bonus action during loading, making it ready to fire. Anything the missile hits is splattered with the bright ink. Such bolts are often used by spotters in battle to mark certain targets. By prearranged agreement, this focuses the attention of allied ranged units like archers and war wizards. A crossbow firing an inking crossbow bolt reduces its base damage to 1 bludgeoning. | | Crossbow Bolt, Notch-Tip | $20 for 20 | 1 1/2 lb. The long, thin head of this piece of ammunition has a pair of notches on opposite sides, about two below the head. These weaken the shaft, allowing the tip to break off inside the target. This bolt applies the cruel weapon property to attacks made with it. | | Crossbow Bolt, Stabilized | $4 for 20 | 1 1/2 lb. This bolt is crafted with a target tip and some small fletching. When using this ammunition, both the crossbow’s range increments are increased by a distance equal to the weapon’s normal range increment. When firing a stabilized crossbow bolt, apply a –1 penalty to the damage roll. Because of their shape, stabilized crossbow bolts cannot be loaded into a repeating crossbow magazine. | | Sling Bullet, Dimpled | $10 for 20 | 1 1/2 lb. These bullets are carefully molded for symmetry and drilled with dimples around the circumference to improve flight characteristics. When using this ammunition, both the sling’s range increments are increased by a distance equal to half the weapon’s normal range increment. | | Sling Bullet, Leaden | $0.08 for 20 | 1 1/2 lb. This is the most common type of sling bullet, a simple lump or sphere of molded lead. | | Sling Bullet, Razor Glass | $20 for 20 | 1 1/2 lb. This piece of ammunition is designed to shatter into sharp slivers that imbed themselves in the target. This applies the cruel weapon property to attacks made with it. | | Sling Bullet, Stink Pot | $30 for 10 | A stink pot is a clay sphere, larger than a normal sling bullet, designed to shatter on impact. Any liquid that is affective on contact can be placed into a stink pot, including acid, alchemical solvent, alchemist’s fire, defoliant, holy water, and all sorts of contact poisons. When fired from a sling, a stink pot halves the weapon’s normal and long range increments and changes its damage to 1d2 bludgeoning. In addition to damage, a successful ranged attack applies the contained liquid to the target, as though it had been delivered via its normal means. | | Sling Bullet, Stone | $-- | 1 1/2 lb. In a pinch, a slinger can make use of appropriately-sized stones in the place of bullets. Stones cost nothing to collect but are less effective; they apply a –1 penalty to the weapon’s damage roll. |