======Evo Manufacturing====== Glitzy, stylish goods with little additional benefit. =====Masterwork Weapons===== Masterwork weapons cost more than standard weapons of their ilk and are considered works of art. A masterwork weapon has 1 additional weapon property that the weapon does not normally possess: Melee weapons may add the alternate (one type), deadly, defensive, disarming, fine, high-critical, or tripping property. If it already has the thrown property, it may instead add accurate or aerodynamic. If it does not have the two-handed property, a melee weapon that normally inflicts 1d6 or more damage can instead be made versatile, increasing the normal damage die by one size or half size, as appropriate. (A 1d6 becomes a 1d8. A 1d8+1 becomes a 1d10+1. A 2d4 becomes a 2d5. And so on.) Ammunition or charging weapons may only add accurate, aerodynamic, deadly, fine, or high-critical. A masterwork weapon costs an extra 300 gp. ^ Item ^ Cost ^ Description ^ | SIMPLE RANGED WEAPONS | | Masterwork Light Crossbow | $650 | 1d8 piercing. 5 lb. Ammunition (80/320), accurate, loading, special, two-handed | | Masterwork Light Repeating Crossbow | $850 | 1d8 piercing. 7 lb. Ammunition (40/160), accurate, loading, special, two-handed | | Masterwork Shortbow | 25 gp | 1d6 piercing. 2 lb. Ammunition (80/320), two-handed, accurate | | MARTIAL MELEE WEAPONS | | Masterwork Battleaxe | $610 | 1d8 slashing. 4 lb. Versatile (1d10), high-critical | | Masterwork Flail | $620 gp | 1d8 bludgeoning. 2 lb. High-critical | | Masterwork Greataxe | $660 | 1d12 slashing. 7 lb. Heavy, two-handed, high-critical | | Masterwork Great Hammer | $650 | 1d12 bludgeoning. 7 lb. Heavy, two-handed | | Masterwork Bastard Sword | $650 | 2d4 slashing. 4 lb. Heavy, deadly, versatile (2d5) | | Masterwork Broadsword | $620 | 2d4 slashing. 4 lb. Heavy, high-critical | | Masterwork Claymore | $720 | 1d12 slashing. 7 lb. Deadly, heavy, two-handed, high-critical | | Masterwork Cutlass | $630 | 1d6+1 slashing. 3 lb. Defensive, heavy, high-critical | | Masterwork Greatsword | $700 | 2d6 slashing. 6 lb. Heavy, two-handed, high-critical | | Masterwork Longsword | $630 | 1d8 slashing. 3 lb. Versatile (1d10), high-critical | | Masterwork Rapier | $650 | 1d8 piercing, 2 lb. Finesse, high-critical | | Masterwork Saber | $650 | 1d6 slashing, 3 lb. Defensive, finesse, high-critical | | MARTIAL RANGED WEAPONS | | Masterwork Blade Driver Crossbow | $1200 | 1d4, 2d4, or 3d4 slashing. 19 lb. Ammunition (50/200), accurate, loading, special, two-handed | | Masterwork Hand Crossbow | $750 | 1d6 piercing. 3 lb. Ammunition (30/120), accurate, light, loading | | Masterwork Hand Repeating Crossbow | $1350 | 1d6 piercing. 4 lb. Ammunition (15/60), accurate, light, loading, special | | Masterwork Heavy Crossbow | $700 | 1d10 piercing. 18 lb. Ammunition (100/400), accurate, heavy, loading, two-handed | | Masterwork Longbow | $700 | 1d8 piercing, 2 lb., Ammunition (150/600), accurate, heavy, two-handed | =====Masterwork Tools===== Any artisan’s tools or miscellaneous tools can be purchased as a masterwork version for an additional cost of 150 gp. The only function of masterwork tools is to negate disadvantage imposed by the complexity of a subject, project, or product, if it could be offset by higher precision tools or by a wider-than-normal array of supplies. This effect applies at the DM’s discretion; not every situation that imposes disadvantage can be offset by masterwork tools. For example, as part of a forgery attempt, a character is trying to imitate a precise shade of ink used in military documents. The purpose of this ink, with its odd mixture of pigments, is to deter just this sort of forgery! Normally, the DM would impose disadvantage, but she decides that the wider array of inks available in the character’s masterwork forger’s kit is sufficient to offset the penalty. ^ Item ^ Cost ^ Weight ^ | Masterwork Alchemist's supplies | $400 | 8 lb. A collection of crucibles and glass vials, mortar and pestle, an alcohol-burning lamp, and other supplies. These come in a box with velvet-lined cut-outs designed to hold the delicate instruments safely in place. | | Masterwork Brewer's supplies | $340 | 9 lb. Measuring bowls, scales, hops bags made of muslin, spices, hoses, a funnel, and other equipment suitable for brewing alcoholic beverages. Depending on the type of beverage crafted, kegs, casks, pitchers or other liquid storage devices may also be required for practicing this trade. | | Masterwork Calligrapher's supplies | $320 | 5 lb. A set of fine pens, colorful inks, and fancy sheets of parchment. Also included are sealing waxes of various colors and qualities and an array of wax stamps. These supplies frequently include a specialized subset of tools used with more durable mediums, like the long-handled wood-burning styluses or fine paintbrushes used for sign-making. | | Masterwork Carpenter's tools | $316 | 6 lb. Mallets, nails, measuring cords, cutting templates or triangles, smoothing planes, and a small saw. Carpenter’s tools are used to shape wood on a large scale, crafting furniture, buildings, large agricultural tools, and the like. | | Masterwork Cartographer's tools | $330 | 6 lb. This satchel contains templates of maps and large, blank parchments suitable for map-making. It includes special inks and writing tools, particularly tools for drawing objects to scale relative to one another. Cartographer’s tools also include collapsible surveying rods, the measuring tools used to calculate overland distances and geographic features. | | Masterwork Cobbler's tools | $310 | 5 lb. These tools come in a box, the lid of which is reversible and supports a cobbler’s “last.” The tools include a mallet and nails, sturdy sewing needles and thread, rolls of soft leather, stamped pieces of hard leather, molding implements, and other devices that aid in the construction and repair of footwear. | | Masterwork Cook's utensils | $302 | 8 lb. Pans, knives, bottles of assorted seasonings, a journal of recipes, and tools used to produce food. | | Masterwork Glassblower's tools | $360 | 5 lb. This kit contains crimps and clamps, a pouring block, shears, and a blowpipe, items used to manipulate glass with a kiln or another source of high heat. It also contains rods of glass in various colors. | | Masterwork Jeweler's tools | $350 | 2 lb. This kit contains chisels, brushes, polish, and other tools used to prepare or enhance gemstones, plus small-scale metalworking tools used to shape precious metals into jewelry of various kinds. A small jeweler’s loupe is included for examining jewelry and gemstones. | | Masterwork Leatherworker's tools | $310 | 5 lb. This kit contains cutting and edging tools, grommet setters and punches, a mallet, needles and awls, and other miscellaneous tools used to craft processed leather into clothing and accessories. | | Masterwork Mason's tools | $320 | 8 lb. This satchel contains the tools used to craft masonry. In addition to the trowels and joint molders, used to apply mortar, the kit includes telescoping pole braces and measuring blocks used to measure and precisely align stone and brickwork of various kinds. | | Masterwork Painter's supplies | $320 | 5 lb. Small pots of paints in various colors, alchemical mixtures for paint thinning, a painter’s palette, and an array of paintbrushes. This set of tools typically includes brushes sized for the sort of work the painter intends, from artistic to functional. These include the small, intricate brushes used to put paint on canvas, or the larger type of brushes suitable to painting buildings or murals. | | Masterwork Potter's tools | $320 | 3 lb. These tools are used to craft and repair pottery. They include molds, knives, sponges, and styluses for decorating pottery, alchemical glues for repairing shattered pottery pieces, and the dyes and glazes for finishing or resurfacing them. | | Masterwork Sculptor's tools | $330 | 7 lb. This satchel contains chisels, mallets, files, and finishing polishes for sculpting statues out of minerals (typically stone or clay), or applying decorative engraving to the mineral surfaces of walls, doors, and other edifices. | | Masterwork Smith's tools | $340 | 8 lb. Hammers, dollies, and tongs of various kinds used to shape metal, as well as the crimps used for creating rivets or repairing links of chain. | | Masterwork Tattoo artist's tools | $330 | 2 lb. This set of tools includes a variety of needles and inks as well as ointments and various treatments used to create tattoos on the skin of animals and humanoids. | | Masterwork Tinker's tools | $400 | 10 lb. Various tools for used for crafting or repairing intricate machines. These look like smith’s tools or thieves’ tools, but in a tiny scale. The hammers, chisels, picks, and other implements are typically suitable for application to small projects like clockwork devices. Most tool sets also include an array of mundane materials to repair almost any simple object. | | Masterwork Weaver's tools | $302 | 5 lb. A small, collapsible loom and shuttle used for weaving, plus various dies and tools used to treat and store wool and other types of thread. These materials are suitable to the creation of clothbased of clothing. | | Masterwork Woodcarver's tools | $302 | 5 lb. A set of chisels, files, carving knives, small lathes, and other instruments for making fine impressions on wooden pieces. | | Masterwork Appraiser's tools | $316 | 5 lb. A satchel containing a multitiered scale with a set of weights, a jeweler’s loupe, vials of substances for identifying minerals through alchemical reactions, and a set of thick manuals to classify materials and index market values. | | Masterwork Disguise kit | $350 | 3 lb. A box containing cosmetics, hair dyes, and adhesive-mounted facial prosthetics used to create a variety of disguises. | | Masterwork Forgery kit | $330 | 5 lb. A forgery kit is a satchel that has many of the same components as calligrapher’s supplies, including a variety of pens and inks. It also boasts a variety of styluses used to impersonate signet marks in wax seals. | | Masterwork Fortune teller's kit | $312 | 4 lb. This kit comes in a box. It includes a crystal ball, fortune telling cards, and other tools of the trade. | | Masterwork Harvesting kit | $360 | 7 lb. This kit contains everything the average harvester needs to prepare and harvest a carcass for usable parts including a skinning knife, a bonesaw, 2 glass vials, pouches of salt, and tweezers. Proficiency with this kit lets you add your proficiency to any check made to harvest a creature. | | Masterwork Herbalism kit | $310 | 3 lb. This kit comes in a satchel compartmentalized for storing myriad herbs. It includes various tools for safely harvesting plants as well as the grinding tools, mixing tools, and additives needed to make potions, salves, and similar curative products. | | Masterwork Navigator's tools | $350 | 2 lb. This satchel holds sounding lines, a sand glass, an astrolabe or telescoping back staff, a ring dial, or similar instruments needed for navigation. It also contains a number of relevant sea charts. | | Masterwork Poisoner's kit | $400 | 2 lb. A poisoner’s kit blends some of the components of alchemist’s supplies and an herbalism kit, the tools needed to create poisons using alchemical and herbal techniques. It also includes tools for collecting poisons from live (or recently slain) monster specimens. | | Masterwork Surgeon's tools | $400 | 4 lb. This set of instruments includes the blades, saws, and sutures needed to remove shrapnel or stitch up wounds. Proficiency with these tools lets you add your proficiency bonus to any checks you make to stabilize a creature or perform other surgery. | | Masterwork Thieves' tools | $350 | 1 lb. A complex set of picks and tools used to disable locks and traps, rolled into a leather satchel. These tools resemble a highly specialized segment of tinker’s tools and can be disguised as such. | | Masterwork Engineering kit | $400 | 8 lb. This kit includes a soldering gun, wires, clips, wire cutters and various diagnostic tools. Proficiency with this kit lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability check you make to repair electrical devices and to disarm planted explosives. | | Masterwork Forensics kit | $400 | 8 lb. This kit includes bindle paper, sterile swabs, distilled water, evidence seals/tape, footwear casting materials, personal protective equipment, test tubes and various other tools for collecting evidence at crime scenes without contaminating it. Proficiency with this kit lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability check you make to investigate any area or body considered as a crime scene. | | Masterwork Hacking tools | $460 | 6 lb. This kit contains the hardware and software necessary to allow access into most computer systems and electronic devices such as automatic port scanning, banner grabbing, footprinting, SQL Injection, web application vulnerability search, DDoS tools and data sniffing. Proficiency with hacking tools lets you add your proficiency bonus to any Intelligence checks you make to connect to or make use of a computer system or electronic device. The kit fits snugly in a backpack or toolbox. You might need a computer, a smartphone or a tablet to use some elements of this kit. | | Masterwork Mechanic tools | $400 | 8 lb. This kit includes basic tools for repairing cars and motorcycles. | | Masterwork Spy kit | $500 | 12 lb This kit includes items such as camera detectors, sound amplifier, small cameras and microphones, noise generators, frequency and cell phone detectors and tracers. You might need a computer, a smartphone or a tablet to use some elements of this kit. |