====== Bodell Pharmaceuticals ====== Pharmaceuticals and alchemical solutions, specializing in disease prevention and relief. =====Medical Equipment===== ^ Item ^ Cost ^ Description ^ | Violet Ray | $3786 | 10 lb, two-handed. One of the many wondrous crossover devices based on technology crossed with magic is the seemingly miraculous violet ray. Physicians claim it anything from headaches to heartburn, or nausea to deafness, all with an easy and painless treatment. The device is a glass vacuum with an insulated handle connected to a small Tesla coil. When powered, the glass tube fills with purple light and becomes warm to the touch. Pressing the tube to one’s body is said to increase blood flow, eliminate toxins, and have many other minor beneficial effects. A violet ray provides a +2 to Medicine checks to administer first aid, treat disease, treat poison, or treat wounds. Once per day per creature, you can apply the violet ray to an adjacent creature and attempt to counteract one condition that causes disadvantage on an ability check, providing a save against the original DC of +8 or the user's own save bonus, whichever is higher. If the condition was caused by an ongoing effect and you don’t remove that effect, the condition returns after 1 minute. Each use of this ability can only counteract a single condition. | | Hazmat Bodysuit | $200 | Useful for apothecaries and doctors, a hazmat bodysuit (hazardous materials suit) is a piece of personal protective equipment that consists of an impermeable whole-body garment worn as protection against the harmful presence of nuclear, biological, and radiation (NBC) contaminants. Such suits are often combined with self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) to ensure a supply of breathable air. Hazmat suits are mostly used by firefighters, Emergency Medical Technicians, Paramedics, researchers, personnel responding to toxic spills, specialists cleaning up contaminated facilities, and workers in toxic environments. A hazmat bodysuit provides the wearer with immunity against all diseases when coming into contact with a source. A hazmat bodysuit cannot be worn with any armor. Receiving any damage from piercing or slashing weapons destroys the suit (nullifying it's benefits). If damage is received from a bludgeoning weapon, make a Dex check vs. DC 10 + half damage received to determine if the suit has been compromised. All hazmat suits are equipped with full head gear that's designed to either filter air or pull air from a self-contained breathing apparatus. One noticeable effect that this has on the wearer is a significant reduction in peripheral vision. Due to the tunnel vision caused by the mask, you suffer disadvantage on all Perception checks made to notice or see things not occurring in your direct line of sight. Your AC is considered to be 10 + Dex Mod when wearing this outfit. | =====Pharmaceuticals===== ^ Item ^ Cost ^ Description ^ | Antidote Kit | $450 | 3 lb. This satchel holds dozens of bottles containing antidotes and curatives for poison. These meant to be used individually or mixed in combinations. This kit has ten uses. As an action, you can spend one use of the kit to treat one poison affecting a subject. If more than one poison affects the target, and you have not identified or differentiated the poisons, one poison is treated at random. Roll a Wisdom (Medicine) check against the saving throw DC of the poison. Success neutralizes that poison. Failure indicates that you cannot affect that poison with this poison kit. | | Antiparalytic | $80 | A clear liquid that smells of mint. A creature that drinks this vial gains advantage on saving throws against paralysis effects (including poisons that confer paralysis) for 1 hour. It confers no benefits to undead or constructs. | | Antipathogen | $60 | A chalky, foul-tasting tablet or dust that can be swallowed or can be mixed with food or drink. A creature that consumes this gains advantage on saving throws against diseases for 8 hours. It confers no benefits to undead or constructs. | | Antitoxin | $100 | A mixture of common antidotes and treated charcoal designed to counteract a wide variety of toxins. A creature that drinks this vial of liquid gains advantage on saving throws against poisons for 1 hour. It confers no benefits to undead or constructs. | | Alertness Draught | $4 | This viscous, sweet drink is often consumed before standing watch to promote wakefulness and vigilance. For the next 2 hours, the drinker has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and on any saving throws to resist falling sleep, even against magically-induced sleep. | | Beastbane | $10 | 1/2 lb. This paper package contains slowburning herbs and other noxious substances designed to produce a haze of thin smoke. Igniting this package creates a persistent area of foul scent that lasts for one hour. Adventurers in the wild typically ring their camps with these small fires to prevent animal or insect attacks; the fumes are particularly offensive to beasts, which must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw the first time they attempt to come within 20 feet of the burning substance. On a failed save, the beast cannot move into that radius. On a success, the beast is not affected by any beastbane for the rest of the day. A normal affected beast will be completely deterred and probably leave the area, but one with an Intelligence of 4 or higher can try to enter the affected area on each of its successive turns, re-attempting the saving throw each time until successful. A wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) negates the effect until the wind stops. Extinguishing the flaming package ends the effect until it is relit. | | Burn Balm | $20 | 1/2 lb. This potion’s blue liquid glimmers when agitated. By drinking this potion or applying it directly to a burn, you regain up to 10 hit points, but only hit points lost to fire damage. | | Clearwater Solution | $8 | These tiny, clear crystals come in a glass vial. One dose dissolves in a container of up to 10 gallons of liquid. After 1 minute, the solution removes any poison or disease that taints the liquid. This has no effect on liquids that are themselves poisons, or on creatures that have already been affected by a poison or disease. If dissolved into container holding more than 10 gallons, the substance has no effect. | | Insect Repellant (Salve) | $2 | 1/2 lb. This odorless salve is applied to the skin, comes with 20 applications, and protects a single Medium or Small size creature for 24 hours. It is waterproof and will not wash off short of thorough scrubbing. It repels normal insects for its stated duration but has no effect on giant insects or swarms of insects. | | Insect Repellent (Incense) | $0.20 | The block of incense burns for 8 hours when lit and affects a 20-foot radius for the duration. It repels normal insects for its stated duration but has no effect on giant insects or swarms of insects. | | Nature’s Draught | $16 | Consuming this musky brew affects the imbiber’s sweat glands, causing her scent to be less offensive to animals, even calming to them. For 8 hours after drinking nature’s draught, the imbiber has advantage on Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks. | | Plague Mask | $10 | 1 lb. This mask covers the nose and mouth with a filtering layer of medicinal herbs. These provide a pleasant aroma to mask the miasmic stench of plague. A plague mask also covers the eyes with a set of clear glass lenses. A plague mask gives advantage to all saving throws to resist diseases that are airborne or that enter the body through the mouth, nose, or eyes. It has no effect on diseases contracted through injuries or by contact with the skin. | | Potion of Healing | $100 | 1/2 lb. This potion’s red liquid glimmers when agitated. By drinking this potion, you regain 2d4+2 hit points. | | Ryath Root | $100 | 1/2 lb. This chalky orange root has fortifying powers when consumed fresh or in properly-preserved form. Ingesting a ryath root provides a creature with 2d4 temporary hit points. A creature that consumes more than one ryath root in a 24-hour period must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or suffer the poisoned condition for 1 hour. Unprocessed ryath root retains its potency for 10 days after being harvested. | | Wildroot | $50 | This pungent, curative liquid is made from the juices of a rare root. The liquid must be introduced to the subject’s bloodstream, poured on an open wound or injected with a sharp device or weapon of some sort. Once administered, the creature is alleviated of the poisoned condition. |