======Infiltrator====== An infiltrator can break into places others wouldn't dream of, find what it's looking for, and get back out again while eluding or evading anyone who would try to stop him. An infiltrator is a master of stealth, breaking and entering, and second—story work. =====Bonus Proficiencies===== When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with the disguise kit and hacking tools. =====Sweep===== Starting at 3rd level, you know how to size up an area and get the lay of the land in a single sweep of your eyes that often isn't perceptible to those around you. You can use your bonus action granted by your Cunning Action to make the Search action. You also gain advantage on the check when looking for alarms, surveillance devices, escape routes and any expensive objects that can easily be concealed and carried away. =====Infiltration Adept===== At 9th level, you have a number of infiltration dice equal to your Dexterity modifier, which are d8s. You regain all of your expended infiltration dice when you finish a long or short rest. You can expend an infiltration dice and add it to the result for the following checks after you roll, but before the DM says whether the roll succeeds or fails. * Whenever you make a Dexterity (Stealth) check. * Whenever you make an attack roll while hiding. * Whenever you make a check using, disarming or repairing an electrical or mechanical device. =====Engineer===== At 13th level, you understand how machines and electrical devices work. You gain advantage on checks to use, disarm or repair an electrical or mechanical devices. Additionally, when you fail to deactivate a trap, explosive or alarm, you can use your reaction to avoid triggering the effect (activating the trap, detonate an explosive or trigger an alarm). You can use this feature once per short or long rest. =====Master Infiltrator===== At 17th level, your infiltration dice are now d10s, and you can expend up to two infiltration dices for each check instead of only one. Additionally, whenever you make a check using tools you are not proficient, you can add half your proficiency bonus to the check.